Select the line above for Name Id Types, and then check each Name Id Type that should be able to have contracts created for them in Hrvyst Hedge. It is important that all growers that use MyGrower should be included in these Name Id Types as well.
You can optionally filter the Hedge Transactions that will be sent to Hrvyst Hedge by Location and by Commodity as well. If you don’t set up any filters, then transactions from all locations and all commodities will be sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Monitor the RJO Integration
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Process/Monitor Web Service Integration
Choose the Integration Number for RJO
Notice the status - integration not found - when “Integration 0001 not found”.
When you click the start/stop button, it will add the integration to the service and start the integration.
You can also click on the Details button above to see the actual xml messages that have been submitted in and out of the systemAGRIS Web Service, for complete visibility of all messages that have been logged.