Document Tracking for Name/Address Info must also be turned on.
CFT Integration Service Setup
Server = CUL-GNO-QA02
Client = CUL-GNO-QA01
Explaining the service.
The AGRIS CFT Integration Service is a true Windows Service that is also a Web Server for communicating between AGRIS Clients and the Service via ReST API calls.
Within this Service we can support multiple integrations which can all be configured differently.
We have the concept of starting an individual integration process (which is a thread/task within the Windows Service)
These tasks can run simultaneously and will follow the Interval settings in the CFT Integration Setup for each Extract
Assumptions Assumptions:
AGRIS is installed
AGRIS.ini - Datapath must be set to use UNC paths (drive letters are not supported)
Enable Extended options
Review security settings
Turn on Document Tracking for Name ID and Hedge Transactions
Configure Configure Server First
Logon to server with Admin rights
Verify AGRIS runs then logout
Open the Services Window
Right click on Cultura AGRIS CFT Integration Service
Change the startup type to Automatic (delayed start). This will allow the service to start automatically after a reboot. It also give other dependent services a chance to start before starting itself.
Click the Log On tab
If this is a standalone installation then Local System Account should work fine
If a client / server installation then choose this account and enter domain\username and password for a Services Type account. The main point here is that when the service starts it will need full access rights to the datasets path where the data is located. This path is specified in the CFT Integration Configuration.
Click the apply button
Click the general tab and click Start
You should see Service Status Running
CFT RJO Integration Configuration
Create a new Web Service Integration
Launch AGRIS
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->AGRIS Web Service ConfigConfiguration
Add a new integration (RJO)
Turn On Each Web Service Message
Configure each message (XML Name Id Extract and Hedge Transaction Extract)
Here is Name and Address Extract
Id Extract Configuration
Set the Status to Active
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
The only Name/Address information that will automatically be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Name Id, Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone Number, Active Status.
If you want the customer’s Email address to also be sent to Hrvyst Hedge, set Contact Detail = “Y”.
Set up the Extract Filters
Filters can be designated by Commodity, by Name Id Type, and by Location. It is important to set up the Name Id Type filter so that only the Grain Customer information is sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Select the line above for Name Id Types, and then check each Name Id Type that would be able to have contracts created for in Hrvyst Hedge.
You can optionally filter the Hedge Transactions by Location and by Commodity as well.
Monitor the RJO Integration
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Process/Monitor Web Servcie Service Integration
Choose the Integration Number for RJO
Notice the status - integration not found - when you click the start/stop it will add the integration and start the integration.