This opens the following screen.
1st field is a description field. You can enter anything in this field, maybe am indication of what the special scale is.
Next is Calculation Type, choices are listed.
Next enter the Lowest Grade that you feel you will receive grain at. This can even be where there is no discount. If you don't you will get a message when applying tickets of "No Discount Table Found".
Next field is the Discount Rate. What is the discount at the Lowest Grade that you entered? 0.00 is accepted as a rate.
Next is the Discount Increment. How much does the discount increase/decrease from the base you entered in Discount Rate?
Next is Grade Increment. At what grade level does the next increase/decrease start from the base grade entered in Lowest Grade. Does it increment every .1, .25, .5 or 1%, etc?
Then enter the Ending Grade where the prior fields stop at. Where does the grade or discount increment change?
To ensure that DP contracts & new Delivery Sheets created get the correct Storage or DP table attached to them you will want to set this table as your Default. Go to GRN > Commodity Tables > Discount Tables > #5 Default Discount Tables enter the Commodity & Location Code. You will see a grid of all the application types.
For DP, determine if you use little dp, where you apply to dp type, or if you use big DP, where you apply to a DP Contract. Highlight the appropriate application & hit Enter or Select at the bottom of the screen. You will find the Storage and/or DP table field on the bottom right hand side of the page. You can select the magnifying glass to ensure selecting the correct table needed as the default. Highlight the correct table & hit Select. Then select Ok on the next page to Save your selection. It will ask "Do you Want These Changes To Affect All Locations?", if your tables should be unique by Location you will want to select No.Document written by Arlena Bannon