Select the Name ID Extract and the following screen for the Name Id Extract Configuration displays
For Name Id Extract:
Set the Status to Active
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
Set the Last Date/Time (to start sending new changes as of that date/time). If you provide a file to RJO to bulk-load the initial set of Name IDs into Hrvyst Hedge, then this should be the date/time that you created the file out of AGRIS.
The only Name/Address information that will automatically be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Name Id, Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone Number, Active Status.
If you want the customer’s Email address to also be sent to Hrvyst Hedge, set Contact Detail = “Y”.
For all other detail options, leave them set to “N”.
Select OK to save your settings.
For Hedge Transaction Extract:
Set the Status to Active
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
Set the Last Date/Time (to start sending new changes as of that date/time). If you want to send Hedge Transactions that will occur starting now, then set the starting date/time to be right now. If you leave this date/time to be sometime in the past, then all hedge transactions from that date forward will be sent to Hrvyst Hedge.
The Hedge Transactions that will be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Spot Contract applications, Cancel Contract transactions (under-fills), and over-filled contracts when they become priced.
Select OK to save your settings.