No Social Security numbers or Tax IDs will be sent to RJO in the AGRIS/Hrvyst Hedge integration. However, the CFT Service module within your local network (explained in the next section below) will extract the Name/Address information from the AGRIS database in order to send to the hosted Greenstone Data Hub for further processing. To suppress the Social Security Number/Federal Tax ID within the interim data transformation modules, leave the security option shown below set to “No Access”. The security credentials of the user that starts the CFT service will be used for the data communication process. We suggest there should be a specific User ID set up for the RJO integration. For this User ID, set the Social Security/Federal ID security option to “No Access”. Log into AGRIS with this User ID when the CFT service is initially started (see the section below for “Monitor the RJO Integration”).
Commodity setup
Before configuring Harvyst, it is very important to configure each commodity for every location that you plan to use in Harvyst.
For each commodity, you plan to work with the Default board, Default month and Near-by month must be configured. This is very important to ensure the hedge position is updated correctly.
Ensure you have set that up in your standard processes to roll the nearby month as nessasary.
CFT Integration Service Setup