Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note:If you are upgrading from AGRIS Version 9.4.6.x or earlier, please contact Cultura Technologies, LLC Greenstone Technical Support (800-366-2474). Conversions from V9.4.6.x or earlier are not supported in this upgrade.


    1. From a client machine, browse out to the UNC path of the Agrisdist folder
    2. Please refer to Appendix A for help on determining your Agrisdist UNC path.
    3. Perform at least the first dataset conversions on the server.


    • Consult the System Requirements document before continuing to install AGRIS.
    • Verify that all computers meet or exceed the minimum system requirements.
    • Where this document refers to "Pervasive® PSQL™", be sure that you are using a supported version of Pervasive® PSQL™ for this version of AGRIS.

Technical Support

Cultura Technologies, LLC Greenstone provides support to all subscribing users of the AGRIS System Version 17.4.0. You can contact our Technical Assistance Center in the following ways:
Phone:  (800) 366-2474
Mail:  3820 Mansell Road, Suite 375. Alpharetta, GA 30022
Knowledge Base


Print this checklist to assist you in installing AGRIS 17.4.0.

Step #SectionStep


Sec 2.2

Verify your workstations and servers meet or exceed the system requirements and check their compatibility with current hardware requirements.


Sec 2.3

Install any outstanding Windows Service Packs (if necessary).


Install a supported version of Pervasive® PSQL™ Server on the database server(s) using the instructions available at


Install a supported version of Pervasive® PSQL™ Client on any AGRIS client workstations, including Citrix or Terminal Servers using the instructions available at


Sec 2.5

Set up a padmin user account.


Sec 2.7

Create a COM+ Services user account.


Sec 2.8

Set up network COM+ access on the AGRIS Server.


Sec 2.10

Set up the AGRIS directory structure and permissions.


Sec 2.14

IMPORTANT! Back up your datasets.


Stop the Pervasive® PSQL™ services on the AGRIS server.


Sec 3

Manually install AGRIS 17.4.0 Server on the database server.


Sec 4

Manually install AGRIS 17.4.0 Server on any Citrix Servers/Terminal Servers.


Sec 5

Manually install AGRIS 17.4.0 Client on all your workstations.


Sec 2.17

Download and manually install the latest AGRIS Service Pack on the database server and on any Citrix Servers/Terminal Servers.


Sec 1.9

Use the Auto-Update feature to apply the latest service pack to all client workstations.


Launch AGRIS from a client workstation to create the datasets folder and first database.


Sec 10

Update the licenses file and the extended options


Sec 7

Install any standalone units that use oneWeigh.


Sec 2.16

If necessary, set up Auto Blender configurations to include AGRIS User information.


Pervasive® PSQL™

Complete all actionable items in AGRIS 17.4.0 Network Installation

AGRIS 17.4.0 Server



Install the Pervasive Client Engine in accordance with the instructions available at 
Install the AGRIS Version 17.4.0 Server in accordance with the instructions contained in section Server Installation.
Install the AGRIS Version 17.4.0 Client in accordance with the instructions contained in section Client Installation.

Standalone Installation


  • Anchor
    If you did not create a network share in section 2.10:
    • Insert the AGRIS 17.4.0 CD into the CD ROM. Use the Windows Start\Run utility to browse to setup.exe on the CD.


    • The initial launch of AGRIS creates an empty database, if one is not present in the data path.
    • Three messages appear when a database is created.
      • The name message indicates how the database is stored internally.
        • Naming convention: A[dataset number] + [date stamp] + [time stamp]
      • The second message verifies that the database is created.
      • The third message verifies the database connection.
    • The new dataset appears in the Available Datasets menu. Select the dataset and the AGRIS System menu appears.
    • Proceed to the Licensing Setup section.

Converting Datasets


Note:If you are upgrading from AGRIS Version 9.4.6.x or earlier, please contact Cultura Technologies, LLC Greenstone Technical Support (800-366-2474). Conversions from V9.4.6.x or earlier are not supported in this upgrade.


A firewall is recommended for any organization using high-speed internet access to help prevent unauthorized inbound connections (intrusions) from the internet into a local network. There are 2 types of firewalls: hardware and software. A software firewall is an application that runs on an individual computer while a hardware firewall is a physical device, such as a router, that provides firewall capabilities. Cultura Technologies Greenstone recommends the use of a hardware firewall to secure the network. No special configuration should be required to allow access to AGRIS when using a hardware firewall as AGRIS does not run across the internet (remote locations access AGRIS via Citrix/Terminal Server so those ports do need to be open).
Some organizations may also wish to utilize a software firewall, such as Windows Firewall, in addition to a hardware firewall. Here is a listing of the primary ports that must be opened on a software firewall in order to allow access to AGRIS:
Primary Ports:
Pervasive: 1583 and 3351 (TCP)
DNS: 53 (UDP, TCP)
COM+ (a.k.a. Enterprise Services): 135 (TCP) + random ports between 1024-65534 (TCP)*
Additional ports that may be required depending upon the system configuration:
Terminal Services: 3389 (TCP)
Citrix: 1494 (TCP)
FTP: 21 (TCP)


Start all conversions on the Database server.

The Database Conversion utility creates a log entry for the conversion of each package in the dataset.
When reviewing the conversion log (convert.log) following a dataset conversion, you may see old dates in the log entries. This occurs when you have converted a dataset for an earlier upgrade. The log appends any new conversion entries to the end of the existing log, which can result in the same file appearing in the conversion log multiple times, with different conversion dates.

On workstations where both AGRIS 17.4.0 and Fuel Connect™ are installed, you must stop the Fuel Connect service before upgrading AGRIS.
To stop Fuel Connect, click Start >> (All) Programs >> AGRIS Fuel Connect >> Stop Fuel Connect Server.
Press any key to close the window once these services are stopped.

When transferring data between datasets using either the DTR process or Imports, ensure that both datasets are already converted to AGRIS 17.4.0 before starting the transfer process.

When validating datasets prior to conversion, a File not Found or Package not Found entry may appear in the error log. While this does not prevent the conversion process from running, you may need to rebuild some dataset files following the conversion. If necessary, call the Technical Assistance Center (800-366-2474) for further assistance.

If you receive an Auto Blender Log cannot create session message, it indicates that an invalid login attempt occurred for an auto blender.
When a login attempt fails, the remaining auto blenders will fail to log on as indicated by the Trapped error 91 log entry. To correct, assign a valid AGRIS user to all Auto Blender controls. If necessary, call the Technical Assistance Center (800-366-2474) for further assistance.

AgroGuide Data Scrub: This conversion automatically corrects any Farm, Field, or Crop Zone codes that end with characters other than 0-9, a-z or A-Z.
NOTE: If you've already upgraded to AGRIS 17.4.0, this correction has already been performed on your data.
A report (Report ID: URLDataScrub) appears in the Report Spooler and indicates if any corrections were made (described as "New Code").
This conversion does NOT correct any Name IDs (i.e. Clients) ending with characters other than 0-9, a-z, or A-Z, but displays any Name IDs ending with an invalid character.
Cultura Technologies, LLC Greenstone recommends that you correct any invalid characters at your earliest convenience, as these codes may impact integrations with other systems, including AgLogic.
Use the Change Name ID utility in AGRIS to change these Name ID codes.


3820 Mansell Road, Suite 375 ♦ Alpharetta, GA 30022 ♦ 
© 2011 - 2017 Cultura Technologies, LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.  Products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.  This bulletin contains proprietary and confidential information owned by Cultura Technologies, LLC and which is subject to laws, regulations, and treaties and the provisions of your Cultura Technologies, LLC license agreement. Any copying, dissemination, or use of this bulletin or its contents without prior written consent from Cultura Technologies, LLC is expressly prohibited.