The AGRIS 18.1.0 release has added:
Purpose and Summary
Need to :
- Improve ability to make more changes to maps in less time?
- Reduce time spent waiting for the "Refreshing AgroGuide Maps" process to complete?
AgroGuide land maintenance and mapping has been enhanced to improve client tree and map refresh time. This improvement is called "Targeted Refresh".
In previous versions, the entire client tree and map view refreshed after every land management and mapping action. With 18.1.0, only the recently maintained farm, field, or crop zone refreshes in the client tree and map.
Targeted Refresh Actions
By default, Targeted Refresh is turned on. However, AgroGuide provides the option to turn off Targeted Refresh either at the AgroGuide system or user preference level.
Targeted Refresh does not apply applies to all maintenance actions. In some instances, maintenance actions require a complete client tree and map refresh. These actions are identified below.these maintenance actions:
- Add Farm, Field, or Crop Zone (using tree land management buttons)
- Mapping - Field, Crop Zone, and Attachment actions
- Edit Farm, Field, or Crop Zone properties (using tree land management buttons) 1
- Exception: Changing crop color requires user to click Refresh Client button to update crop color on map
Complete Refresh Actions
In some instances, maintenance actions require a complete client tree and map refresh. Actions requiring a complete refresh include:
- Selecting new client
- Release Blend
- Formulation
- Land Transfer
- Purge Field History
- Copy Crop Zones
- Setup - Display Reported or GIS area in tree
- Farm, Field, or Crop Zone delete
New AgroGuide Refresh Client button
Also new to AgroGuide is a "Refresh Client" button positioned above the client tree and to the right of the crop year input fields. The Refresh Client button allows the user to refresh, on demand, the entire client tree and map. The button also indicates when land entities or maps are added or edited by turning green. The button will remain green until the next complete client tree and map refresh.
Disabling AgroGuide
Targeted Refresh Client
AgroGuide provides the option to turn off Targeted Refresh either at the data or user preference levels.
Disabling Targeted Refresh at the Dataset Level
Navigation to System Setting: AgroGuide → Setup → Mapping Setup → Projection Manager → Miscellaneous
Check the "Refresh client after every action" to disable Targeted Refresh at the dataset level.
Disabling Targeted Refresh at the User Level
Navigation to User Preference Setting: AgroGuide → Select Client → Click Map Tab → Click Gear Icon → Map Display PreferencesPreferences → Miscellaneous
Check the "Refresh client after every action" to disable Targeted Refresh at the user level.
Disabling Targeted Refresh will result in Refreshing Client Tree / Maps with every action.