Navigate to Maintenance>Import Maintenace>Insert, to add new import
Name the import RJO Hrvyst Hedge (note as discussed in step 6 it must be RJO Hrvyst Hedge)
Contract Header details
Contract Signed status - Force to “N”
Contract Delivery Terms - Set to “Delivered”
Transporation mode - Set to “T” if this is the expected contract type for all contracts.
Contract Schedule details - custom field configuration.
Determine what transaction code should be used to identify that the contract originated in RJO Hrvyst
Configure any remaining schedule configuration for “ALL” contract schedule required fields that would be the same for all contracts.
Contract schedule details - standard field configuration
Board name
Delivery Terms
Transport mode
Import Maintenance screen Import Path & File Names should be left as defaulted in.
9. Import the reports/widgets to manage the Hrvyst Interface