Versions Compared


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When Applying Tickets, after selecting the Application Type, does this message pop up? “THIS DISCOUNT GRADE FACTOR WAS NOT FOUND”:


  1. No Discount Table was built for the Discount Code that has a Quality Factor listed on the ticket.

  2. No Default Discount Table has been entered. There may be a Discount Table, but the Table has not been entered as the Table to use, in Default Discount Tables.

  3. The Discount Table may be built, but the Factor is outside of the parameters built in the Table.

Solutions for this issue are easy. Here are a few tips:

Review Commodity Code setup to see all the Discount Factors listed on the Commodity Code.

  1. Navigate to: GRN > Commodity Tables > Commodity Codes > View/Edit A Commodity > view pages 2,3 & 4 where all the Discount Factors are listed.



Even if the Factor is something not being Discounted or Premium given, a Table still needs to be entered for a Zero Rate. This will eliminate the popup of No Table Found.

Review Default Discount Tables to ensure every Factor for every Application Type used has a Discount Table assigned.

  1. Navigate to: GRN > Commodity Tables > Discount Tables > Default Discount Tables > enter a Commodity Code & Location Code.



Note that some Factors appear to not have a Table assigned, the Table code is “Blank”. Discount Table Codes can be “Blank”, that is an acceptable Table Code. If unsure, drill into the line & hit the Magnifying Glass to see the available Tables that can be assigned. For instance, TW for Open Storage appears to not have a Table, but when drilling into the details, a “Blank” Table does exist for this Factor.


The Discount Factor listed on the Ticket is outside of the Grade parameters built on the Table.

  1. Note the original print screen, the Dockage Dollars Factor was 3.4.

  2. View the screen, it shows that it’s using Table 1 Effective Date 1/1/17, for Commodity 02.

  3. Navigate to: GRN > Commodity Tables > Discount Tables > View Edit Discount Tables > Enter Discount Code – DO > find the appropriate Table from the list given > highlight & Select > Ok to the 2nd page > highlight Display All Grades & Select.
