- Customers want their employees to be able to create Delivery Tickets without having a Security Override. They want the Security only to be required when generating an Inventory Item Invoice and they want only Managers to be able to override.
- Customers can now control the ability to override credit limits for invoicing and delivery tickets independently.
Navigation - Setup:
Inventory Setup: INV > Setup Information > Invoicing Setup Options > Select 1) General Information
- The name of the existing option "Allow Invoicing And Delivery Tickets Over Credit Limit ?" has changee to "Allow Invoices Over Credit Limit With No Additional Prompt ?".
- A new option has been added called "Allow Delivery Tickets Over Credit Limit With No Additional Prompt ?".
- The possible values are "Y" and "N".
- The new option value will default from existing option value. Existing option value of "A" will result in a value of "N".
Navigation - Usage:
Delivery Ticket Entry: INV > Delivery Tickets > Delivery Ticket Entry
- The user will be able to enter delivery tickets that exceed the credit limit regardless of their security settings.
- Maximize accuracy of equity (stock credit) balances by minimizing the potential for error when "correcting" stock credit balances.
- After saying Y to Correct Stock Credit Balances, users must also type the word "CONFIRM" into a confirmation dialog to proceed. The corrections are also logged in the Transaction Audit.
Navigation - Usage:
Patronage - Account Balance Inquiry: PAT > Account Balance Inquiry > Select Patron Name ID
- Click "Correct" on the Account Balance Inquiry screen.
- Change "Correct Stock Credits ?" to "Y" and click OK.
- To continue, the user must now type "CONFIRM" in the new dialog box.
- If the user continues with the correction, there will be log entries made in the Patronage Transaction Audit table for adjustments to stock balances, stock credits, and equity corrections.
- There will be two entries for each adjustment, the first taking the balance to zero and the second setting the current balance.
- The transaction type for these entries will be "0=Correct".
- The audit type for these entries will be "C=Correction".
Reporting: PAT > Report Manager > Transaction Audit Reports
- The new transaction type "0" and audit type "C" may be used when generating reports.
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