Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Grain.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Inbound Scale Ticket Entry
The Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window has been enhanced to allow the user to edit/change an item on a saved yet unposted ticket, if the ticket has no grade factors entered. Once grades have been entered, the item field will be locked upon saving. (CIN-4564)

  1. Open Inbound Scale Ticket Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>>Inbound Scale Ticket Entry)
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  1. The Item field on a saved ticket will be locked if the ticket has Grade Factors. It will be unlocked if all Grade Factors are empty. Changing an item on a previously saved ticket will delete all owner, detail, and grade records.

Changes to Load Generator
The Load Generator window has been updated to use the Item Quantities by Site lookup window when looking up a Site. This provides the user a Site lookup window with quantity information make the decision process on which site to use more efficient. (CIN-4335)

  1. Open Load Order Lookup

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Generator or Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Entry>>Generate Loads button)
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  1. Site Lookup opens the Item Quantities by Site window.

Changes to Load Order Entry
The Load Order Entry window has been updated to use the Item Quantities by Site lookup window when looking up a Site. This provides the user a Site lookup window with quantity information make the decision process on which site to use more efficient. (CIN-4335)

  1. Open Load Order Lookup

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales\Outbound>>Load Order Entry)
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  1. Site Lookup opens the Item Quantities by Site window.

Changes to Settlement Entry
Settlement Entry's Insert All button has been enhanced to Insert All or Insert All Deferred on a Deferred Settlement. (CIN-4904)

  1. Open Settlement Entry

(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Settlements >> Settlement Entry)
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  1. The Insert All button has been enhanced to check if the Deferred checkbox is marked. If marked, the system will display popup message asking if the user would like to insert only deferred assemblies or all assemblies? Selecting the Deferred button will insert deferred assemblies only. Selecting the All button will insert all available assemblies.

Changes to Program Detail Maintenance
Validations have been added to the Minimum Amount and Maximum Amount fields to ensure that a minimum value is less then the maximum value and the maximum value is greater than the minimum value. (CIN-4655)

  1. Open Program Detail Maintenance

(Cards>>CINCH Grain>>Program Detail Maintenance)
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  1. Minimum Amount must be less than the Maximum Amount.
  2. Maximum Amount must be greater than the Minimum Amount.

Changes to Ticket Assembly Move
Various updates have been made to The Priced Quantity field, added in the last release. (CIN-4758)

  1. Open Ticket Assembly Move

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Ticket Assembly Move)
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  1. Move Qty & To Net Qty scrolling window fields have been locked until the line is selected or a To Assembly is entered on the line. If a To Assembly is entered on the line and the user enters a Move Qty or a To Net Qty the system will automatically select the line.

Changes to Transfer Freight Entry
Transfer Freight Entry, accessed via Bulk Transfer Entry and Branch Transfer Entry, has been updated to accurately calculate freight based on the Use Weight/Grades from field within with Bulk Transfer Entry or the Total Shipped Quantity (Origination/Gross Qty) from Branch Transfer Entry. (CIN-4489)
Note: Transfer Freight Entry will no longer look to the Freight Setup's Calc Freight by Destination checkbox when calculating freight.

  1. Open Transfer Freight Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Entry>>Freight or
Transactions>>CINCH Sales>>Branch Transfer Entry>>Freight)
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  1. The Transfer Number is display only and will default from the Bulk Transfer Entry window.
  2. Select a Shipping Company/Vendor ID to create or add a freight record. Depending on what was selected for the Default Freight Source in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor ID will be the default drop down selection but can be changed.
  3. Freight Allocation, select either Add to Item Cost or Expense the Cost.


NEW Grain Sample Lookup – Sorts & Filters
Grain Sample Lookup has been updated with new sort and filter options. Information displayed in this window comes via the EMI Equipment Interface. (CIN-4160)

  1. Open Grain Sample Lookup
  • Transactions>> CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>>Inbound Scale Ticket Entry>>Grade Factors Lookup
  • Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Outbound/Sales>> Grain Shipping Entry>>Grade Factors Lookup
  • Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Outbound/Sales>>Bulk Shipping Entry>>Grade Factors Lookup
  • Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Entry>>Grade Factors Lookup


  1. Filter by:
    1. Sample ID
      1. Starts With
      2. Contains
    2. Date Sent
  2. Sort by:
    1. System ID
    2. Ticket Number
    3. Date Sent
  3. Second Filter by:
    1. All Results
    2. My Tester – All, narrows samples by:
      1. Purchase/Inbound User Setup's Tester 1 & 2 if opened via Inbound Scale Ticket Entry or Bulk Transfer Entry.
      2. Sales/Outbound User Setup's Tester 1 & 2 if opened via Grain Shipping Entry or Bulk Shipping Entry.
    3. My Tester – Unassigned, narrows samples further than the My Tester – All by only displaying samples that are unassigned to tickets.

NEW Load Order Lookup – Field & Filter
A new field and filter option has been added to the Load Order Lookup window. These enhancements help the user filter Load Orders either by All Loads, Open Loads, or On Shipments. (CIN-4164)

  1. Open Load Order Lookup

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Order Entry>>Load Number Lookup)
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  1. All Loads, Open Loads, or On Shipments Radio Buttons
    1. All Loads – displays all open loads and loads assigned to unposted shipments.
    2. Open Loads – displays only open loads.
    3. On Shipments – displays only loads assigned to unposted shipments.


The JIRA number for the removal of the original report "Scale Tickets by Number - Summary (IRGNScaleTicketListbyNmbr)" in CINCH/Intellego 18.52 is CIN-5168.

NEW Shipment Invoice Return Entry - Option
A new option called Keep Historical Load on Rebuilt Shipment has been added to the Shipment Invoice Return Entry window. (CIN-4573)

  1. Open Shipment Invoice Return Entry window.

(Transactions > CINCH Grain > Sales/Outbound > Shipment Invoice Return Entry)
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  1. Keep Historical Load on Rebuilt Shipment checkbox
    1. Checked – selected shipments, with load numbers, that are returned without selecting the Re-Open Load checkbox will be re-billed, a new shipment created, with the same load number attached. The load number will reside in history but can still be re-opened via Grain/Bulk Shipment Invoicing by selecting the expansion button next to the Load.
    2. Unchecked – selected shipments, with load numbers, that are returned without selecting the Re-Open Load checkbox will be re-billed, a new shipment created, with out a load and the original load will NOT be re-opened.

Note: If Keep Historical Load on Rebuilt Shipment, Select and Re-Open Load checkboxes are all marked, the system will act as if the Keep Historical Load on Rebuilt Shipment is unmarked. The re-billed shipment will be created without a load and the load will be re-opened ready to be assigned to a new shipment.