This chapter contains miscellaneous enhancements made to support sending text messages for Inbound Scale Tickets.
This chapter contains the following sections:
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| _Toc396743605 |
| _Toc396743605 |
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| SMSProviderSetup |
| SMSProviderSetup |
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| _Toc419708898 |
| _Toc419708898 |
SMS Provider SetupSMS Provider Setup has been created to define the SMS Text Message Service account information. The system will use a SMS Text Message Service to send Text Messages to the growers.
- Open SMS Provider Setup
(Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>SMS Provider)
- SMS Provider = Clickatell
- The user will be required to setup an account with the selected SMS Text Message Service provider and pay fees directly to that provider.
- User Name, Password, SMS App ID and SMS From Number will be provided by the service partner.
- If grower responds to the text message, the message will be sent to the provider.
- Save button when selected will save the entered information.
- Cancel button when selected closes the window without saving changes.
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| _Toc396743606 |
| _Toc396743606 |
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| SMSMessageSetup |
| SMSMessageSetup |
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| _Toc419708899 |
| _Toc419708899 |
SMS Message SetupSMS Message Setup has been created to allow the setup of the data to include when texting the Inbound Scale Ticket and when the ticket should be texted.
- Open SMS Message Setup
(Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>SMS Message)
- Header Message, is the message that will be included in the header of text message.
- Frequency of Automatic Text Messages
- Send on Scale Ticket Print checkbox, when marked, will send a text message every time the user prints the scale ticket.
- Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox, when marked, will send a text message upon saving the scale ticket if gross weight and grade exist.
- A Grade must be selected. Grade drop down list works in conjunction with the Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox. Grades default from Grade Factor Maintenance.
- The system will keep track of the text messages that were sent, if history exist and the ticket is changed a new text message will not be sent when the Save button is selected. User will have to use the SMS Text Message Icon to send the updated information.
- Scrolling Window displays the available data to include in the text message.
- Field, lists the available data that can be included in the text message.
- Prompt, allows the user to provide a prompt to proceed the value.
- Example: Ticket Date, if just the date is enough, user would leave the prompt empty, if they would like to proceed the date with the word "Date" then they'd enter a prompt of "Date". The message might look like "Date: 01/15/2014" instead of just "01/15/2014".
- Seq, allows the user to specify the order the field data will display in the text message.
- Use checkbox, allows user to select which values will be included in the text message.
- If Grade Information will be included in the message, only grades with a grade value will be included.
- Footer Message, is the message that will be included in the footer of the text message.
- OK button when selected saves and closes the window.
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| _Toc396743607 |
| _Toc396743607 |
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| SMSGrowerSetup |
| SMSGrowerSetup |
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| _Toc419708900 |
| _Toc419708900 |
SMS Grower SetupThe SMS Grower Setup window has been created to provide the ability for users to setup which growers will receive an inbound scale ticket text.
- Open SMS Grower Setup
(Cards>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>SMS Grower Setup)
- Owner ID, is the GP Vendor ID that the cell numbers will be associated to.
- Owner Name will default from the selected Vendor ID.
- Name is the user defined name for the Cell Number.
- Cell Number is the number the text message will be sent to.
- Send Test SMS button, when selected, will send a test text message to the cell number. The message will include the Header Message from the SMS Message Setup window and SMS TEST.
- Save button when selected will save the information.
- Delete button when selected will delete the selected Owner ID and cell numbers.
- Cancel button when selected will close the window without saving changes.
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| _Toc396743608 |
| _Toc396743608 |
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| ChangestoInboundScaleTicketEntry |
| ChangestoInboundScaleTicketEntry |
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| _Toc419708901 |
| _Toc419708901 |
Changes to Inbound Scale Ticket EntryInbound Scale Ticket Entry has been modified with the ability to send scale ticket information in a text message.
- Open Inbound Scale Ticket Entry
(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Scale Tickets>Scale Ticket Entry)
- Text messages can be sent on demand via the Send SMS Text Message Icon.
- Text messages will be sent to ticket owner(s) that are setup within SMS Grower Setup and that have valid cell number(s).
- User will not receive any indication that the message was sent, instead a smart list can be created on IRGNSMSActivity to track the message activity.
- Text message will automatically be sent when the user selects Save and/or Print depending on the SMS Message Setup and if the ticket owners are setup within SMS Grower Setup with valid cell number(s).
- If the SMS Message Setup, Send on Scale Ticket Print checkbox is marked a text message will be sent every time the user prints the scale ticket.
- If the SMS Message Setup, Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox is marked a text message will be sent if it has a gross weight and the required grade exist upon saving the Scale Ticket.
- The system will keep track of the text messages that were sent, if history exist and the ticket is changed a new text message will not be sent when the Save button is selected. User will have to use the SMS Text Message Icon to send the updated information
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| _Toc396743609 |
| _Toc396743609 |
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| ChangestoInboundScaleInquiry |
| ChangestoInboundScaleInquiry |
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| _Toc419708902 |
| _Toc419708902 |
Changes to Inbound Scale InquiryInbound Scale Inquiry has been modified with the ability to send scale ticket information in a text message.
- Open Inbound Scale Inquiry
(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Ticket Inquiry)
- Send SMS Text Message Icon has been added to the window to allow the user to send a text message to the cell numbers setup for the selected scale tickets owner(s).
- A text message will be sent to the ticket owner(s) setup within SMS Grower Setup that have a valid cell number.