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AGRIS Contract eSign
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About |
eSign for AGRIS |
Who is |
eSign for and what benefits does it provide to them? |
- Your Warehouse team who load or deliver items from your warehouses. It reduces time they spend writing things on paper and reduces delays capturing that information into the system.
- Your operations and warehouse Manager(s) who want to reduce paper work and have accurate inventory quantities.
- Your credit manager who needs to prevent items from getting to customers who do not comply with your credit policies.
What is the AGRIS Warehouse App?
- It is a mobile application that allows workers in your warehouses to capture shipment information as it happens and assign barcodes to items.
- For shipments, the app allows warehouse warehouse workers to:
- Select a customer
- Check the customer's credit limit
- Select items via a description or scan the barcode
- Enter quantities
- Check restricted use product licensing on the Ship To Name
- Capture the driver's / customer's signature
- Post the shipment into AGRIS
- Email the Delivery Ticket to the counter party
How can you get the AGRIS Warehouse App?
How can you get eSign?
What are the Minimum Requirements for using eSign?
How much does the AGRIS Warehouse App cost?
- There is no charge for the app. Each user of the app consumes an AGRIS concurrent user license.
Where can you get more information about the AGRIS Warehouse App?
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