The AGRIS 18.3.0 release has added:
AGS-2957: Group tickets from hold with tickets remarks during application process
Want to make it easier to identify and select loads to apply to contracts?
- Select up to 5 "searchable" ticket remark fields to display on ticket selection grid in "Group Apply From Hold" option.
- Pull any of the 5 fields into viewable area of the ticket selection grid and sort the grid by any of the 5 fields.
Navigation to Use: GRN > Setup Information > Ticket Information > Screen #2 or 3
- Ticket Search column allows user to specify Specify up to 5 remark fields with a Y or N setup on the Ticket Search column. Y designates this remark to be used as a filter in the Ticket Search (existing functionality) and to be displayed as a grid column when applying tickets from hold.
Navigation to Use: GRN > Shipments > Apply Tickets From Hold, Group All Tickets Together, Enter Commodity/Customer, Enter Grade Factor Ranges/Options, Enter Filter Criteria
- Selected ticket remark fields, maximum of 5, will be available to display as additional columns on the Ticket Selection grid.
- Headings on the grid will be are the user-defined name of each remark field.
- Column will include includes the remarks from each of the tickets in the grid.
- User will be able to click Click on the column heading and sort the grid by remark value.
- User will be able to scroll Scroll the grid to the right in order to view the ticket remark fields.
- User will be able to reRe-order the columns on the grid.