The AGRIS 18.4.0 release has added:
AGS-4651: Payments / Prepayments: "Back" button is now labeled "Continue"
In response to customer feedback, AGRIS has an updated Apply Payments screen to provide a more consistent and intuitive user experience.
Navigation to Use: ACR > Payments/Prepayments > Payments/Prepayments
- Enter a new payment for a customer with outstanding invoices.
- Select "Payment On Account" for the Payment Type.
- Enter the amount and proceed to the "Apply Option" screen and select "Apply Amount To Selected Invoices."
- Enter the invoice search criteria and continue to the "Select Invoice(s)To Be Applied" screen.
- The "Continue" button behaves the same way that the "Back" button did previously. It returns to the previous "Apply Option" screen retaining the application selections.
- The "Cancel" button clears all applications, as if the user clicked "Clear All", and then returns to the previous "Apply Option" screen. It essentially restarts the process.