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During this webinar, we cover:

How to produce your W-2 Reporting


2023 items to note:

  • 10 Limit - if filing more than 10 W-2 forms, then the information must be filed electronically, along with printing out forms for employees.

  • W-2’s forms are filed with SSA (Social Security Administration).
    To file electronically, obtain a PIN from the SSA. This can be obtained by going to the web site at

  • January 31st, forms must be given/postmarked to employee and filed with the SSA.

  • AGRIS V23.0 SU3 released January 2023 - will contain a new form .
    However, if you are on at least 21.3, then you do not need to upgrade to the latest AGRIS version just to report W-4. The W-2 Form has not changed.
    There have been defect fixes in 22.3 that pertain to the form if printing multiple states per employee. If you need this fix, you must upgrade.

  • So that you buy the right forms for you printer, the number of returns per 8.5-inch x 11-inch page is as follows: W-2 - 2 forms per page - 33 lines per form (5.5-inches tall)

Basic How to Print W-2 Forms

The user can print all W-2s or to print a single W-2 if they need to correct one or replace a lost one. 

  • PAY > Print W-2 Forms > Print Single or Multiple 

When printing all W-2s the following screen will appear:

  • Fill in the tax year.
    Fill in the State(s) Tax Code.
    Note that this is not a range, but an option to print State 1 and State 2.  It will not print the 5-states that are in between these two states. If you have 4 states to print for an employee, you will have to print w2 information twice since there are only two state code lines on the form.

  • Answer Y/N to Combined Local Tax Codes. 
    Answering yes adds an employee’s year to date total records from multiple local tax codes within the same state to output a single W-2 form. 
    This option allows manual edits to Year-to-date totals to be combined with check totals
    If answering Yes, leave the Local Tax Code field blank to include employees with any local tax code. 
    If answering No, then select the Local Tax Code to print on the W-2 form

  • Enter the administrative location code in the Location Code input field to limit the selection of employees to a single location per their Employee setup. Leave this input field blank to include employees with any administrative location code.

  • The control number is for the users benefit and is not used by the IRS.  This optional sequential number may be printed in Box d of the W-2 form for you to track which printing run this is.

  • The selection of employees may be restricted to a range of name ID types.
    Enter values in the Beginning and Ending Name ID Type range selection input fields.
    Leave these input fields blank to include employees with any name ID type.

  • W-2 Forms Ordered by:

    • D – Name ID Description

    • F – Federal ID Number

    • N – Name ID Number

  • Answer the question “Mask Federal ID?”
    this will replace the tax id with X’s except for the last 4-digits.

  • Click Ok to continue to the printer options.

  • Load your forms into the printer.

  • Select printer to print.

Basic Instructions for creating W-2 Electronic File

This option creates a file that can be uploaded to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Web site at and then selecting the Business Services Online option.

 To create the electronic file:

  • PAY > Print W-2 Forms > W-2 Electronic Reporting. 

  • Enter the path to where you want the system to put the file. 
    Again, make a unique folder and the name of the file is W2REPORT. 

  • Click OK

  • Then Click OK again as AGRIS verifies the File location path

  • Enter the Tax Year for which you are creating the file

  • Enter your Personal ID Number (PIN).  This is the number that you received from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

  • Enter the type of file being created. Original or Resubmitted

  • Enter the type of employment.  This is based on the type of form you file with the IRS to report withholdings.  This is usually a R (Regular (all other, form 941).

  • Enter the kind of employer.  This will be N – None Apply.

  • The Establishment Number is not required – for your tracking.

  • Enter the company name

  • The State Tax Code can be left blank (depends on it your state requires separate reporting)

  • Add all the contact information
    Name, Phone number, extension, email, fax.
    this is information for who the IRS contacts for questions.

  • If necessary, enter the State Total Record Format
    Use the Search Function to see if your state is in the list.

  • Electronic Report Results
    If the Registered Name for Federal ID in name/address or the SSN is wrong, AGRIS will warn you when you are creating the W2REPORT file

    These fields in name/address are located on the contact information of the name id record & the general Information screen.

  • Note that the system will warn you that there is a possible issue, but it will still create the W2REPORT file (no extension)

  • Recommend making a copy of the W2REPORT file and adding to the name the year.  If you must do a corrected W2REPORT, we will need the original.
    Every time you run this option it OVERWRITES the existing W2REPORT file.

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