The AGRIS 18.3.0 release has added:
AGS-2957: Group tickets from hold with tickets remarks during application process
Want to make it easier to identify and select loads to apply to contracts?
This improvement displays ticket remarks in the grid and allows you to sort the grid by remark columns.
This new feature will allow you to:
- Select up to 5 "searchable" ticket remark fields to display on ticket selection grid in "Group Apply From Hold" option.
- Pull any of the 5 fields into viewable area of the ticket selection grid and sort the grid by any of the 5 fields.
Navigation to Use: GRN > Setup Information > Ticket Information > Screen #2 or 3
- Ticket Search column allows user to specify up to 5 remark fields with a Y or N setup. Y designates this remark to be used as a filter in the Ticket Search (existing functionality) and to be displayed as a grid column when applying tickets from hold.
Navigation to Use: GRN > Shipments > Apply Tickets From Hold, Group All Tickets Together, Enter Commodity/Customer, Enter Grade Factor Ranges/Options, Enter Filter Criteria
- Selected ticket remark fields, maximum of 5, will be available to display as additional columns on the Ticket Selection grid.
- Headings on the grid will be the user-defined name of each remark field.
- Column will include the remarks from each of the tickets in the grid.
- User will be able to click on the column heading and sort the grid by remark value.
- User will be able to scroll the grid to the right in order to view the ticket remark fields.
- User will be able to re-order the columns on the grid.