FYI: New login required to file W-2 electronic report to
Verify your login early. The wait time for a new ID is 15-days.

During this webinar, we will cover:

How to Produce Your W-2 Reporting


How to Handle Changing Tax Tables for 2024

click this link

How to Edit YTD Totals for Yearend, for Last-Minute Adjustments

click this link

2023 Items to Note

10 Limit

If filing more than 10 W-2 forms, then the information must be filed electronically, along with printing out forms for employees.

W-2’s forms are filed with SSA (Social Security Administration).

To file electronically, obtain a PIN from the SSA. This can be obtained by going to the web site at

Due Date

January 31st forms must be given/postmarked to employee and filed with the SSA.

AGRIS V23.0 SU3 released January 2024

AGRIS V23.0 SU3 will contain a new form.

Correct forms for you printer

The number of returns per 8.5-inch x 11-inch page is as follows: W-2 - 2 forms per page - 33 lines per form (5.5-inches tall)

Basic How to Print W-2 Forms

The user can print all W-2s or to print a single W-2 if they need to correct one or replace a lost one. 

When printing all W-2s the following screen will appear, fill out all applicable files and options:

Note that this is not a range, but an option to print State 1 and State 2.  It will not print the 5-states that are in between these two states. If you have 4 states to print for an employee, you will have to print w2 information twice since there are only two state code lines on the form.

Basic Instructions for Creating W-2 Electronic File

This option creates a file that can be uploaded to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Web site at and then selecting the Business Services Online option.

 To create the electronic file:

This is information for who the IRS contacts for questions.

Use the Search Function to see if your state is in the list.

WARNING Message - If the Registered Name for Federal ID in name/address or the SSN is wrong, AGRIS will warn you when you are creating the W2REPORT file.

These fields in name/address are located on the contact information of the name id record & the general Information screen.

Note that the system will warn you that there is a possible issue, but it will still create the W2REPORT file (no extension).

Recommend making a copy of the W2REPORT file and adding to the name the year.  If you must do a corrected W2REPORT, we will need the original.
Every time you run this option it OVERWRITES the existing W2REPORT file.