AGRIS Customer Documentation
Sales Tax on Storage and DP
Question: So have you ran across Sales Tax on Storage and DP charges? If so, how would I set that up? I see where you can put Sales Tax on Discount Codes, but not the Storage and DP.
These are the steps to set SC and DP to be taxable and the setup of the Discount Codes and Tables for Sales Taxes. One to the states that charges Sales Tax on these type of Service Items is Iowa.
Set the Discount for SC to be Taxable
Setup a Discount Code for Sales Tax
Add a Discount Table(s) for the Sales Tax
Update the Default Discount Tables to include the Discount Code(s) for Sales Tax.
Map the Discount Codes for the Taxes in SJI System Accounts.
Set the Discount Code SC to be Taxable.
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Codes
Enter the Discount Code for Storage Charge and click on OK.
Set one of the four fields for Include in Calculation of Taxable Amounts to a Y = Yes.
Setup a Discount Code(s) for Sales Tax
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Codes
Enter a new discount code for the Storage Tax and then click on OK.
Enter a description for the new code and on the Discount/Premium Type choose the 1-4 field that matches the field you marked Y on the SC Discount Code.
Add a Discount Table(s) for the Sales Tax
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Tables
Select 1) Add New Discount Tables
Enter the Discount Code for Sales Tax and click on OK.
Enter the Commodity Code and click on OK. (If the Discount Code is set to be by Commodity Code)
Enter a Discount Table, an Effective Date, a Description of the Tax Table and then click on OK.
Enter a Discount Rate and a Rate Type. In my example I used a rate of 6% and a Rate Type of 0=Percent of Taxable #1.
If there are more than one taxes then repeat the process used above. For my example I also setup a Discount Code, LT, for Local Option Tax.
Update the Default Discount Tables to include the Discount Code(s) for Sales Tax.
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Tables
Select 5) Default Discount Tables
Select your Commodity Code and Location and then click on OK.
Select the application types that have Storage Charges. (Open Storage, Grain Bank and Warehouse Receipt)
Add the discount codes for State and Local Option Tax under Additional Charges at Settle Time. Also enter the discount tables for these taxes.
Select the Application Types that Storage can be applied to so that taxes will be calculated on storage charges if bushels are applied to either an Existing Contract or a Spot Contract.
Map the Discount Codes for the Taxes in SJI System Accounts.
SJI-System Accounts-Commodity Settlements
Enter P in the Purchase/Sale and then click on OK.
Enter the Transaction Code for Sales Tax and then click on OK.
Enter the Account Code for Sales Tax and then click on OK.
Storage Charge Report
The Tax will now appear as a separate line on the Storage Charge Report.
Apply From Storage
Here is an example of bushels being applied to a Spot Contract in Apply From Storage. In this example the ST and LT were not setup as defaults at time of Settlement on the application type for Inbound Spot.
Settlement without the needed defaults at Settlement for ST and LT.
Results after setting the needed defaults for Spot In.
Printing Invoices for Storage Charges.
There are known issues when printing a Storage Charge Invoice Form using the AGRIS text based forms. (AGS-8340) As you see in the example below, the text based forms do not present the charges properly.
There are no Graphic Storage Charge Invoice Forms but the Graphic form does display the charges properly.
If the Invoice Form needs to be reprinted please know that the Invoice appearance will be different. Here is what Dan had to say on the topic. The reprint of "discount settlement" forms is the same situation as reprinting "advance settlement" forms. A Storage Charge settlement is a "discount settlement". All of the same information is no longer available (or could have changed) from the time of the original print and the "reprint". The answer to have it reprint exactly as it was originally is to reprint from Spooled Forms or reprint from AttachToo.
Below is an example of the issue encountered when using the Text based Storage Charge Invoice Forms?
Below is an example of the Invoice Form when using the Graphic Invoice Form.
Below is an example of what transpires when trying to reprint a Storage Charge Invoice.
Sales Tax on the Sale of Bagged Corn.
Scenario posed in a Support Call by a customer without the Inventory Management System. They are subject to a 4% Sales Tax on the Value of the Grain for any Bagged Corn Sales. (North Carolina) All of their Bagged Corn Sales were handled as Spot Sales.
These are the steps we came up with to accommodate Sales Tax on their Bagged Corn Sales.
Setup the Corn Commodity Code to be Taxable.
Setup a Discount Code for Sales Tax.
Setup Discount Table(s) for the Sales Tax.
Update the Default Discount Tables for Spot Out for Sales Tax.
Map the Discount Codes for the Taxes in SJI System Accounts
Set the CN Commodity Code to be Taxable.
GRN-Commodity Tables-Commodity Codes
Select 2) View/Edit A Commodity Code
Enter Commodity Code for Corn and then Click on OK.
Set one of the four fields for Taxable to a Y = Yes.
Setup a Discount Code for Sales Tax.
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Codes
Enter a new discount code for the Storage Tax and then click on OK.
Enter a description for the new code and on the Include In Calculation of Taxable Accounts choose the 1-4 field that matches the field you marked Y on the CN Commodity Code.
Add a Discount Table(s) for the Sales Tax
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Tables
Select 1) Add New Discount Tables
Enter the Discount Code for Sales Tax and click on OK.
Enter the Commodity Code and click on OK. (If the Discount Code is set to be by Commodity Code)
Enter a Discount Table, an Effective Date, a Description of the Tax Table and then click on OK.
Enter a Discount Rate and a Rate Type. In my example I used a rate of 4% and a Rate Type of 0=Percent of Value.
If there are more than one taxes then repeat the process used above. In my example I also setup an N = No Table.
Update the Default Discount Tables to include the Discount Code(s) for Sales Tax.
GRN-Commodity Tables-Discount Tables
Select 5) Default Discount Tables
Select your Commodity Code and Location and then click on OK.
Select the Spot Out application type since all of their Bag Sales are treated as Spot Sales.
Add the discount codes for State Tax under Additional Charges at Settle Time. I did not set a default discount table as not all Spot Sales will be taxable.
Map the Discount Code for the Tax in SJI System Accounts.
SJI-System Accounts-Commodity Settlements
Enter S in the Purchase/Sale and then click on OK.
Enter the Transaction Code for Sales Tax and then click on OK.
Enter the Account Code for Sales Tax and then click on OK.
Example of the screens during the Final Settlement of a Spot Sale.
Since no Discount Table was defaulted the following screen will appear. Click on OK
Click on Cancel.
Click on the ellipse to see the available Tax Tables.
Select the appropriate table from the list.
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