AGRIS Customer Documentation
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Agent, Dataset, & Security Setup
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AGRIS - How to Guides
AGRIS Mobile Apps Customer Documentation
What's New?
Versions 24
Versions 23
Versions 22
Versions 21
21.3.0 (20-DEC-2021)
21.2.0 (11-OCT-2021)
21.1.0 (30-April-2021)
AGRIS 21.1.0 Product Announcement
ACP - Accounts Payable (21.1.0)
ACR - Accounts Receivable (21.1.0)
AGY - AgroGuide (21.1.0)
CFT - Communications (21.1.0)
GRN - Commodity (21.1.0)
INV - Inventory (21.1.0)
LDG - General Ledger (21.1.0)
ONE - oneWeigh (21.1.0)
PAT - Patronage (21.1.0)
PAY - Payroll (21.1.0)
SYS - System Support (21.1.0)
Reports - Added ability to set and filter on favorite reports (AGS-12451)
Spooled Reports - Ability to select multiple reports and then print just those selected reports. (AGS-14760)
Technical Info (AGRIS 21.1.0)
Versions 20
Versions 19
Versions 18
Versions 17
Versions 10
AGRIS™ Product Suite Product Lifecycle
AGRIS Sales Review
AGRIS Sales Application
AGRIS Warehouse Application
AGRIS Quick Tips
AGRIS Webinars
AGRIS - Historical Documents and Help Archive
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AGRIS Customer Documentation
Spooled Reports - Ability to select multiple reports and then print just those selected reports. (AGS-14760)