AGRIS Work Path [Quick Tip]

AGRIS Customer Documentation

AGRIS Work Path [Quick Tip]

The AGRIS Work Path can be used to designate where you wish for temporary AGRIS files to be created when running AGRIS processes. Keeping this path local to the computer you are running AGRIS from can make various processes and reports in AGRIS complete faster.  

To determine how your AGRIS Work Path is currently set:

  1. From a computer that has AGRIS installed, launch AGRIS and go to Help > About AGRIS and click Yes to “Print System Information?”

  1. Print to Printer 4 to Preview the System Information


If the path matches the *CURRENT DATA PATH, you do not have a Work Path set. If a path is set, it is most likely already a local path (e.g., c:\apps\agris\temp)

To set your AGRIS Work Path:

  1. Using Windows File Explorer navigate to the *CURRENT INI PATH as found in the System Information report printed previously (typically c:\apps\agris)

  1. Open the AGRIS.INI file and scroll to the end and find the [Paths] section

  1. Under the [Paths] section where it shows Work Path= change it to Work Path=c:\apps\agris\temp

  1. Close the file and save the changes

  2. Exit AGRIS and start it again for the change to take affect

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