AGRIS Customer Documentation

How To Renumber Datasets (Only for systems using PSQL)

When cleaning up your system at year end, you may want to get rid of some of the copies you made throughout the year. This will leave gaps in your dataset sequence. If you add in a new dataset, it will try to fill in the gaps. So, sometimes it is necessary to renumber your datasets. This needs to be done on the server and with everyone out of AGRIS.


Go through Windows File Explorer go to your APPS\AGRIS\DATASETS\ path

Right click on the folder and select rename. Rename the numbered folder you wish to renumber to the 3 digit number you wish for it to be (Any number 001 through 999 that isn't already used).

If while renumbering the folders you receive the following message, you may have to stop the SYS Dashboard services, renumber and then start the services again.


Once the folders are renumbered, then in the APPS\AGRIS\DATASETS\ folder delete the DATASETS.AGR file.



After deleting the file launch AGRIS again and it will create a new DATASETS.AGR file and you will find the dataset in the list at the new number. Your dataset names will remain intact in AGRIS.


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