AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to Sell Gift Certificates in AGRIS

How to setup and sell gift certificates in AGRIS. Reports can be run to determine how many gift certificates have been sold, are outstanding, and have been redeemed via inventory activity reports.


  1. Setup the gift certificates in their own Product Category.

    1. INV > Setup Information > Inventory Setup Options > 3. Add/Edit Product Categories

  2. Create a service item in the product category above for the gift certificate.

    1. INV > Inventory > Item Maintenance > 1. Add New Inventory Items

  3. Setup the SL code in SJI > System Accounts > Accounts Receivable for the new product category.

  4. When a gift certificate is sold, invoice the item out like any other item.

  5. When a gift certificate is received against purchases, invoice using the same item created in step 2 and enter a negative quantity while lowering the invoice by that amount.


Run an inventory activity report filtered by the gift certificate item number to see totals.

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