AGRIS Customer Documentation

Invalid Entry - Invalid File Size for System.AGR

While attempting to update AGRIS licenses or extended options, the following message may be encountered:

Invalid Entry
Invalid file size for file F:\AGRIS\DATASETS\SYSTEM.AGR
File size must be 40K

In one such incident, the System.AGR file was found to be over 500MB in size.  The source of the issue is a conflict between the license file and the existing license/package-related files on the machine where the license is being applied.  The solution is to reset AGRIS back to a 'blank slate' in terms of licensing and then apply the licenses and extended options from scratch.  This will NOT impact any actual data, rather just the pieces of AGRIS that tie back to licensing.  

  1. Rename \AGRIS\Datasets\System.AGR

  2. Rename \AGRIS\Datasets\Packages.AGR

  3. Rename \AGRIS\Datasets\U26eolic.AGR

  4. Rename \AGRIS\Datasets\U36licen.AGR

  5. Rename any package subfolders that have been depreciated and are no longer supported.  For AGRIS instances V9.5.0 and higher, this includes:

    • Rename the \AGRIS\Packages\FMB folder

    • Rename the \AGRIS\Packages\CPR folder

    • Rename the \AGRIS\Packages\POS folder

  6. Exit and Restart AGRIS

  7. Apply the AGRIS V9 license

  8. Apply the extended options

  9. Exit and Restart AGRIS

  10. Check the system to ensure AGRIS is now running as expected

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