Error Message: Basic 2147217865 Selecting specific dataset(s)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Error Message: Basic 2147217865 Selecting specific dataset(s)

Basic #-2147217865 (AeData:clsAeData:AeSQLExecute)
[Pervasive][ODBC Client Interface][LNA][Pervasive][ODBC Engine Interface]Unable to open table:
SysSupport:bSysMenu:Main, SysSupport:bSysMenu:RunSelection, AeData:clsAeData:AeSQLExecute


The reference to the name of the database in Pervasive is not functioning correctly.


NOTE:  Be sure to shut down any other service that may be access files in the dataset before continuing with the steps below.  For example, if iView is still active, it may cause problems when trying to delete the database reference in the steps below.


For Pervasive.SQL V8:

  1. Have all users exit from the affected dataset.

  2. On the database server, click

Start - Programs - Pervasive.SQL V8 - Control Center

  1. In the Control Center, click on the plus next to

Pervasive.SQL Engines - (Database_Server_Name)

  1. Right-Click on

Configuration - Maintain Named Database

  1. Find any 'Registered DB Names' that refer to the datasets that are having problems and delete them. (i.e. If dataset 001 exhibits the above behavior, find and delete any named databases that begin with A001. The first 3 numbers of the sequence tie back to the number of the dataset as it appears in V9.)

-----a. To delete the Named Database, right-click the green database icon > click Delete

  1. Click

Apply - OK

  1. Close the Pervasive Control Center

For Pervasive PSQL V10:

  1. Have all users exit from the affected dataset.

  2. On the database server, click

Start - Programs - Pervasive - PSQL V10 - Control Center and Documentation

  1. On the left-hand side of Control Center, click on the plus (+) next to the database server name.  (This is the object that appears directly under 'Engines')

  2. Click on the plus (+) next to


  1. Find the database references that point to the datasets returning the error and delete them

-----a.  For example, if dataset 001 exhibits the above behavior, find and delete any named databases that begin with A001. The first 3 numbers of the sequence tie back to the number of the dataset as it appears in V9.
-----b. To delete the Named Database, right-click on the reference and select Delete and then click Yes
-----c.  Repeat step B for all of the database references that point to the dataset returning the error

  1. Close the Pervasive Control Center


AGRIS will recreate the named database association automatically when the dataset is accessed via AGRIS. The dataset should no longer exhibit the error behavior. (If error is received on the APPLY - OK step then stop both Pervasive engines and restart)


  • If deleting the database name from Pervasive Control Center is not doing the trick, it is most likely the DDF files in the dataset in question did not get updated during the conversion process. Check the date/time of the DDF files in the numbered dataset folder you are receiving the error in and compare them to the date/time of the DDF files located in the AGRIS\DDF folder. If the files in the AGRIS\DDF folder are newer, get all the users out of AGRIS and any other programs that may be using Pervasive and stop the Pervasive services on the server. Then copy the AGRIS\DDF\*.DDF files into the numbered dataset folder having issues and replace the existing DDF's. Then reboot the server. Once the server is rebooted you should be able to sign into the dataset again without issue.

  • I most recently encountered this same error referencing the table U29_TRAN_LOG after a customer had upgraded to The DDF files in the numbered dataset having the issue were old. I replaced them with the DDF files found in the AGRIS\DDF folder and restarted and that corrected the issue.

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