AGRIS Customer Documentation

BASIC #13 Type mismatch

When copying or creating a dataset it is possible to recieve a Basic #13 Type mismatch error.  This is usually because Pervasive was reinstalled or upgraded without reinstalling or upgrading AGRIS. This causes some DLL files that AGRIS depends on to not function correctly.
The best way to correct this problem is to Download and Install the latest SP available for your version of AGRIS.

If you already have the latest SP for AGRIS installed you will have to force the system to reinstall the existing SP. To do this modify the C:\AGRIS\PACKAGES\SYS\VERSION.INI file on each of the workstations receiving the error, and change the last number in the version line to a lesser number.

For example: Version=42.0.107 would be changed to Version=42.0.106

Once this change has been made and saved, launch AGRIS on the workstation and it will prompt you with the question "Update now?". Click YES and wait for the update to complete.

Now you should be able to launch AGRIS again and create or copy a dataset without error.


  • Worked with a customer today that reported Basic 13 errors on multiple computers. A short time later, they encountered a Basic 7 ('out of memory') error that indicated the database server would need to be rebooted. Customers experiencing out of memory conditions should update to AGRIS 950.25 or higher along with Pervasive 10.30 Update 18 or 11.10 Update3 depending on the PSQL license key that has been purchased.

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