AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to Remove the Trailing Space on Data Fields on Spreadsheets - Char160

How to Remove the Trailing Space on Data Fields on Spreadsheets - Char160

Deleting the Space after Text Fields in Spreadsheet Cells 

There is a trailing space that will print in any data field that is text based, when AGRIS prints a report to a spreadsheet with headers.
This trailing space is a non-printable ASCII character 160. You do not see it on your spreadsheet but you do see the effects of it.

 Notice the space after the cell that is highlighted.  This space represents a non-printable ASCII char 160
To show you what it looks like:

All AGRIS reports sent to a spreadsheet will have this Char160 character.
In normal spreadsheet entry, this causes no problem. But if you are taking these spreadsheets to a database, you will want to remove the character.
Insert a column to the right of the data that has the trailing space
    =SUBSTITUTE(CellNumber like C1,CHAR(160),””)
This formula substitutes the Char(160) symbol, which you don’t actually see with a blank.
Then copy the formula cell back of the original cell, pasting values only.
Sometimes you will see a funny character, like the (‘a) from above.
This is caused by saving the spreadsheet as a CSV (MSDOS)
Creator: AMueller

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