AGRIS Customer Documentation

Troubleshooting Tool: Alternate AGRIS Error Log view using Notepad++

There may be cases where a deep dive into the AGRIS Error Log is required. Notepad++ provides advanced functionality to format/filter data and help with this process in ways the standard or summary error log reports in AGRIS cannot. The screenshots in the following sections demonstrate some of this functionality.

RECOMMENDATION:  To avoid making permanent changes to DATASETS\Errorlog.AGR, it is advisable to make a copy of Errorlog.AGR and run these commands against the copy. 


I. Condense individual errors to a single line (one error per line starting with date/time stamp):

  1. Ctrl + H to open the Find/Replace window

  2. Find:  \r\n\

  3. Replace:   (leave blank)

  4. Click Replace All

    1. Result: This will remove all CR LF

  5. Find:  ]\u002A

  6. Replace:  ]\u002A\r\n

  7. Click Replace All

    1. Result:  This will reformat the results with one error per line starting with date/time stamp in chronological order. Screen will initially appear blank and it will be necessary to scroll left to see results.

  8. Close the Find/Replace window. 

NOTE:  This can be time-consuming with large files (single-thread).  It is recommended to run error log report for the timeframe in question and then perform the find/replace operations via Notepad++ on that report.

NOTE:  A macro can be recorded to save these 2 find/replace operations and run them back-to-back. 

  1. Macro > Start Recording

  2. Complete steps 1-8

  3. Macro > Stop Recording

  4. Macro > Save Current Recorded Macro

  5. Provide a name for the Macro and click OK

When opening an error log in the future, go to Macro and select the previously recorded macro to execute it:


Error log before performing these steps:


Error log after performing these steps:

II. Remove all lines containing specific text:

  1. Complete Section I (Condense individual errors to a single line)

  2. Open the Mark (Find) window by clicking Ctrl + M

  3. Enter the desired text in ‘Find what’ field

  4. Check the box that says Bookmark line

  5. Click Mark All

  6. Close the Mark/Find window

  7. Click Search > Bookmark > Remove Bookmarked Lines

NOTE:  This can be especially helpful if looking for specific 214* errors since the error number filter in AGRIS only allows 4 characters. 


After (all lines referencing ‘PSQL #161’ have been removed) :


III. Only show lines containing certain text:

  1. Complete Section I (Condense individual errors to a single line)

  2. Open the Mark (Find) window by clicking Ctrl + M

  3. Enter the desired text in ‘Find what’ field 

  4. Check the box that says Bookmark line

  5. Click Mark All

  6. Close the Mark/Find window

  7. Click Search > Bookmark > Remove Non-Bookmarked Lines


After (only lines referencing ‘BASIC #5554’ remain):


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