Deducting an AR Balance from AP Voucher

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Deducting an AR Balance from AP Voucher

How to deduct an outstanding accounts receivable balance from an accounts payable voucher


Situation: an unpaid AR invoice is on the customer’s account and you will be writing them an AP check. How can that AR invoice amount be deducted from the AP check about to be written?


  1. Transfer the AR invoice from AR to AP

    1. ACR > Account Processing > Transfer Balances

    2. Select the Name ID

    3. Choose 1. Transfer Unpaid Invoice from AR to AP

      1. image-20241122-143022.png

    4. Select the invoice to transfer. This will create a credit memo in Accounts Payable

      1. image-20241122-143053.png

  2. Apply the credit memo in AP to the outstanding voucher

    1. ACP > Vouchers / Credit Memos > Apply Credit Memos

    2. Select the Name ID

    3. Select the credit memo

    4. Choose 1. Apply Amount to Selected Vouchers

    5. Select the voucher to apply to

    6. Apply the full amount of the credit memo to the voucher

  3. Issue disbursement as normal on the remaining balance of the voucher


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