Validate Minimum and Maximum price allowed during entry (Overview)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Validate Minimum and Maximum price allowed during entry (Overview)

Item Specific Prepay and Booking price to validate from Minimum and Maximum price allowed (AGR-15724)

If you need to ensure that Bookings and Prepay pricing is enforced within a specific selling range, here are the steps to do it!


  1. You are familiar with how to add the minimum and maximum sales price from the Item Maintenance - Edit item feature.

  2. You have the proper security levels to enable the validation (Inventory>Invoicing Setup Options) security rights.

  3. You have the ability to enter bookings and prepays.


When you enable this feature the following will be enabled:

  1. The minimum and maximum pricing will be validated at the time the prepay/booking is entered based on the item setup for the location in the inventory system.

  2. The user will receive an alert when the price is outside of the defined price range.

  3. The alert will inform the user that the price is outside the range and will potentially allow the user to see and/or override the values based on the security settings.

Special business rules to consider:

  1. Quantity only prepays and bookings will be exempt from these rules as zero price is allowed. No checking or alert will be done for quantity only prepays.

  2. Only item specific prepays and bookings will be impacted. This functionality will not be enabled for other types of prepays or bookings.

  3. Payment and Booking import are out of scope for this project. No changes will be made.



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