Entering Tickets Unit Train

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Entering Tickets Unit Train


Use this job aid to enter tickets for a unit train. In AGRIS you have the ability to quickly enter multiple tickets as a group for processing. This is especially useful when handling a train.

To enter tickets for a Unit Train:

  1. From the Toolbar, click GRN for Commodity Management.

  2. From the Commodity menu, select Shipments.

  3. From the Shipments menu, select Ticket Entry.

  4. In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the accounting location for the ticket, or type the accounting location for the ticket.

  5. In the Ship Date box, the current processing date displays, and can be changed if necessary.

  6. In the Ticket Type first box, type I for Inbound or O for Outbound.

  7. In the Ticket Type second box, type R for Regular or D for Direct Haul. A regular ticket represents a receipt from or shipment from a client that affects the total stock on the daily position. A Direct ticket does not affect total stock on the daily position since the commodity is delivered directly to a terminal or 3rd party, without passing through your site. However, it is reflected in Co. Owned Paid as a decrease and Unpaid as an increase.

  8. In the Ticket Type, third box - Mode, which is for transportation type.  The transportation type is designated in set up, for example,  T for Truck, R for Rail, B for Barge, or V for Vessel.

  9. In the Ticket Type fourth box for Status, leave blank to use weight and grade setup feature, type F for Final/OK to Settle, E for Estimate, or type I for In-transit to override the default setup. Access to this field may be controlled by security settings. If you can't access this field, it is due to security setup.

  10. Click Next.

  11. In the Ticket Number box, click OK to accept the defaulted ticket number, type over the defaulted ticket number and click OK, or press Del to use the next control number and click OK. The ticket number is attached to transactions for tracking purposes.

  12. In the Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select a name id, or type the name id number.

  13. In the Vehicle Id box, type the vehicle id number.

  14. In the Shipment Id box, an automatically assigned shipment id number displays, this number can be changed, if necessary. Note: the format of the shipment id is automatically assigned with the first digit of an I or O, a three letter or digit location code, and then the actual ticket number.

  15. To enter multiple loads for a unit train, click the Multiple Loads button.

  16. In the Total Number of Loads Box, enter the total number of tickets you are going to create.

  17. In the Number of Loads per Sub-Shipment, enter the total number.

  18. Click OK.

  19. In the Commodity box, click Lookup and select the commodity, or type the commodity code.

  20. Click Next.

  21. In the Gross Weight box, type the total weight of the Ticket. You can also enter the total bushels in this box followed by a period and the system will convert it as shown in the above screen shot. Note: Gross Weight is the sum of the tare weight plus the net weight of the commodity. The Gross Weight box can be used to specify gross weight when used in conjunction with the Tare Weight box and the Net Weight box or it can be used to specify the total number of units of measure of the commodity.

  22. In the Tare Weight box, type the weight of the vehicle or container.

  23. In the Net Weight box, type the weight of the Ticket.

  24. In the Weight base box, a typical value for inbound tickets is F (Final), which enables you to settle off of this ticket. Other options that can be available are O (Orignal), which can be settled off of, or E (Estimate), which means you can't settle because you are going to verify weights and grades which is common for outbound tickets. In this example we are using an Outbound ticket type.

  25. Click Next.

  26. In the displayed boxes (Moisture, Test Weight., Damage), type the applicable information.  Note: The displayed boxes are set up on the Commodity set up screen along with min/max parameters.

  27. In the Grade Base field, we are leaving it as E for estimate because this is an Inbound/Outbound ticket and we will be entering actual off of the origin/destination weights/grades.

  28. In the Sample No. box, enter or leave blank.

  29. Click Next.

  30. At this point you will need to select how you want to proceed. This will be determined by the unique nature of you business. You may choose to place these tickets on hold until you are ready to put the grain up for sale, or may have a contract ready and will choose to apply the tickets to a contract. Refer to other job aids as necessary to meet your business requirements.

  31. The screen will display how many tickets were created, and the Ticket Number that was used to start all of the multiple tickets.

Learn more about Shipments feature:

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