CINCH R18.3 Grain Software System Manual

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH R18.3 Grain Software System Manual

CINCH Grain Software
System Manual
Version 18.3 M2
December 2019
What's in this Manual?
Symbols and Conversions
Additional Resources
Part 1: Setup & Cards
Chapter 1: Company Setup
Web Client
General Setup
Region & Branch Maintenance
Site Empty Maintenance
Branch Check Numbers
Document Number Maintenance
Defining a Non-CINCH Company in Dynamics GP
Chapter 2: Inventory Setup
Grade Maintenance
Board of Trade Maintenance
Additional Item Information
Chapter 3: Discounts/Premiums Setup
Discount/Premium Types
Setting up Discount/Premiums
Chapter 4: Program Charges Setup
Chapter 5: Customer/Vendor Setup
Farm & Field Setup
Vehicle & Driver Setup
Customer/Vendor Setup
Freight Setup
Split Billing Setup
Direct Ship Account Entry
Email Documents Setup
Text Ticket Setup
Chapter 6: Interface Setup
Scale Maintenance
Grain Tester Maintenance
Chapter 7: Purchases Setup
Purchase Contract Setups
Purchase/Inbound User Setup
Chapter 8: DRC Setup
Chapter 9: Sales/Outbound Setup
Setting up a Flow Meter
Setting up Outbound User Options
Credit Limit Setup
Payment Terms Setup
Setting up Sales Contract Report Definition
Setting up Sales Contract Price Defaults
Part 2: File Maintenance
Chapter 10: Table Utility
Chapter 11: Number Void/Recovery
Part 3: Utilities


This information is current as of December 2019. Refer to the ReadMe/What's New documents accompanying updates for the most updated information about CINCH Grain.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:
What's in this Manual?
Symbols and Conversions
Additional Resources

What's in this Manual?

This manual introduces the user to CINCH Grain and presents important information on how to setup the system wide information, as well as how to maintain system information. It is divided into the following parts.
Part 1: Setup & Cards. Explains how to set up various features of CINCH Grain. Example: Grades, discounts, branches.
Part 2: File Maintenance. This part shows the user how to use file maintenance options needed for updating or retrieving voided data.
Part 3: Utilities. This part shows the user how to use CINCH Grain system routines.

Symbols and Conversions

This manual uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific types of information stand out.



The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts, and suggestions.

The warning symbol indicates situations the user should be especially aware of when completing tasks. Typically, this includes cautions about performing steps in their proper order, or important reminders about how other information in the software may be affected.

The conventions table explains how we refer to chapter, sections, acronyms, and other information in the document.



Creating a batch

Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.

File >> Print

The (>>) symbol indicates selections to make from a menu. In this example, from the File menu, choose Print.


Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.

For Information on common button functionality (Save, Clear, Delete, Notes, etc.), please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics™ GP System User's Guide Manual, Page 30-36.

Additional Resources

To access the online documentation, choose Help >> Contents, then select the type of information you're looking for.
Use the following tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics™ GP & CINCH Grain. Many of the documentation resources are provided in online format, either as an online help file or as an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

To learn about Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

_To find information about a window that's not displayed, choose Help >> Index, type the name of the window and choose Display._Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Orientation Training (Help >> Orientation Training) to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, an overview of accounting, how to move around in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and how to perform basic procedures in each module.

To complete day-to-day tasks

Use the online help for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Help >> About This Item, or press F1) to view context sensitive assistance about windows, fields, alert messages, and procedures. The user also can choose the help icon button in each window. Use the online manual (Help >> Printable Manuals) to view the printed manuals online in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format or see other documentation information (Help >> Documentation Online) for more resources.

Part 1:Setup & Cards

This part of the documentation describes what the user needs to do to set up the CINCH Grain system wide information. These tasks generally need to be completed only once, but the user can refer to these instructions at other times to modify or view existing entries. This information includes the following topics.
Chapter 1: Company Setup. This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the companies running CINCH Grain, including regions, branches, and advancing money options.
Chapter 2: Inventory Setup. This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the inventory items within each company running CINCH Grain, including additional item information, discounts, and grades.
Chapter 3: Discounts/Premium Setup. This chapter gives examples of discounts and premiums and shows the user how to setup discount details and schedules that will be used for both purchase and sales contracts.
Chapter 4: Program Charges. This chapter will show the user how to setup program charges, which can be used for charges and premiums that need to be calculated and reported based upon factors that do not exist in the Microsoft Dynamics GP tax schedule. Some examples of these include drying charges, storage charges, storage premiums, and price later handling charges.
Chapter 5: Customer/Vendor Setup. This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the customers/vendors within each company running CINCH Grain, including farms, fields, vehicles, drivers and freight setups plus split details and additional customer/vendor defaults.
Chapter 6: Interface Setup. This chapter allows the user to setup the electronic scale and electronic grain tester interfaces. These interfaces provide information that will be useful during inbound and/or outbound scale ticket entry.
Chapter 7: Purchases Setup. This chapter explains how to setup the system to enter purchase contracts and inbound scale tickets more efficiently. It allows the user to select default information that will be useful during purchase contract/inbound scale ticket entry.
Chapter 8: DRC Setup. This chapter explains how to setup the system to integrate with Cultura Technologies DRC program (The online Decision Rules for Contracts Pricing Tool). It shows the user how to setup DRC Contractor information, setup the frequency to retrieve prices from DRC, schedule jobs and tie Microsoft Dynamics GP customers to DRC Accounts.
Chapter 9: Sales/Outbound Setup. This chapter shows the user how to setup the flow meter that will be used to electronically read the meter information and outbound user options. The user will also have the ability to setup pre-defined Sales Contract Price charges that can be added to an item when creating a sales contract.

Chapter 1:Company Setup

This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the companies running CINCH Grain, including regions, branches, and advancing money options. The chapter is divided into the following sections:

General Setup. This section shows the user how to set defaults, posting and branch/region account modifications, dispositions, delivery periods, and reason codes. It also allows the user to identify market zones and setup how the long/short report will look.
Region & Branch Maintenance. This section shows how to support multiple regions and multiple branches within each region and to transfer inventory from one branch to another.
Document Number Maintenance. This section shows how to provide a unique sequential audit trail control for all the transactions that will be generated.

  • Defining a Non-CINCH Company in Dynamics GP. This section shows how to disable CINCH functionality for a Dynamics GP company. This allows a non-CINCH company to be easily used in a Dynamics GP installation that also has CINCH installed.D2HML|C1H Manual

Grain Setup & Cards


This section describes Multicurrency.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Multicurrency Overview
Multicurrency within Cinch

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Multicurrency Overview

Multicurrency OverviewD2HML|C1H Manual

Currency records track information about how the currency will be used in Microsoft Dynamics GP, as well as how it appears in windows and on reports. Refer to Microsoft Dynamics GP System Setup Manual on setting up multicurrency.
The Currency list button on windows changes the currency view allowing multicurrency transactions to be viewed in the originating or the functional currency. The button will only display on Cinch windows if Cinch Multicurrency is enabled.
Shortcut buttons to view currencies are:

  • View Functional Currency = CTRL + U

  • View Originating Currency = CTRL + O

  • View Reporting Currency = CTRL + R

Multicurrency within Cinch
  • With the addition of the Multicurrency, it is required that the Functional Currency on GP's Multicurrency Setup window be defined (Tools>Setup> Financial>Multicurrency).

    • GP's Multicurrency Setup window is used to specify functional and reporting currencies for each company.

      • Functional currency is the primary currency the company uses for maintaining accounting records.

      • Reporting currency is used to convert functional currency amount to another currency on inquiries and reports.

  • To enable Cinch multicurrency, mark the Enable Multi-Currency checkbox within the General Setup window (Tools>Setup>Cinch> General Setup). This will activate both the Currency ID field and Multicurrency List Icon within Cinch windows.

    • Enabled

      • Currency ID will default from the Customer Maintenance Options, but is editable. If the customer does not have a currency defined, user will be required to select one.

      • Multicurrency List Icon will allow the user to toggle between functional and originating currencies.

    • Disabled

      • Currency ID will default to the Functional currency defined in Multicurrency Setup.

      • Multicurrency List Icon will not display.

  • Posting Setup

    • Mark Include Multicurrency Info checkbox within GP's Posting Setup window. Posting journals printed as part of the posting process will include both originating and functional values; reprinted posting journals won't include multicurrency information.

  • Exchange Rate

    • The Exchange Rate is captured when a transaction is created.

    • When a transaction is processed that generates a GL transaction, the system will capture and lock the cost and exchange rate based on the transaction date (example scale ticket posting).

    • Further processing of a transaction (example processing a settlement) will capture and lock the cost and exchange rate based on the transaction date and a realized gain/loss will be calculated between the transaction costs due to the exchange rate.

  • Ticket Owner Spot Price

    • Within the Ticket Owner for a Split Scale Ticket, Spot Price will inherit the currency from the ticket. If user needs to spot a split partner in a different currency the contract will have to be manually created then applied.

  • When Multi Currency is enabled, Freight Matching records will only be created if the Vendor ID associated to a Shipping Method has a default Currency ID defined.

  • Commodity Trading

    • The Currency ID will default from the selected Broker and the Exchange Rate is captured when a transaction is created.

    • Trades will capture matching exchange rate based on the Matching Date to calculate the functional values for the General Ledger transactions.

    • Long Short Reconcile and Long Short Reconcile Inquiry will display originating values.

    • Item Long Short Inquiry will display functional values.

    • Long Short Inquiry, Detail inquiries will display functional values.

  • Mark to Market

    • Mark to Market Reports have not changed.

      • The following information has been added to the temp table, IRGNMarkMarketLINETEMP, which will allow a multicurrency user to create or modify a report:

        • IROrigContractPrice – The originating value of the contract at the time it was entered.

        • IRNewContractPrice – The new functional value of the contract at the time the Price Schedule was entered.

        • Currency ID – The Currency ID on the Contract.

        • Currency Index – The Currency Index on the Contract.

        • Exchange Rate – The new Exchange Rate at the time the Price Schedule was entered.

        • IRCtrExchangeRate – The Exchange Rate at the time the Contract was entered.

        • Prices that are calculated and stored in the table are based on the Weight UOM from the item.

  • Cinch Reports have been updated as follows:

    • Values will be displayed in the originating value entered on the transactions.

    • Reports that subtotal a value will be subtotaled by Currency ID.

    • If reports do not subtotal a value the Currency ID will be displayed on the transaction line in order to distinguish between currencies.

    • To bring multiple currencies to a common value, all totals except the Currency Totals will be displayed in Functional Currency.

    • The following reports currently have not been updated with multi-currency information.


Report Option - Sort

Technical Name


Bookings Volume Line Detail - Date



Bookings Volume Detail – Item



Bookings Volume Detail – Product



Bookings Volume Summary - Product



Order Volume Detail – Product



Order Volume Summary – Product



Sales Volume by Manufacturer Detail



Sales Volume by Manufacturer Summary



Sales Volume Detail – Product



Sales Volume Summary – Product


Sales Management

Sales RCA Adjustment – Detail



Sales RCA Adjustment - Summary


Areas Multicurrency is not Included

Below are areas of Cinch were multicurrency is currently not included.

  1. Option Price Schedule Entry (Transactions>Cinch Grain>Commodity Trading>Option Price Schedules)

  2. Assign Shipments – (Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales\Outbound>Assign Shipments)

  3. RCA Functionality

  4. RFD Markup Maintenance – (Cards>Cinch Sales>RFD Markup Maintenance)

  5. Uninvoiced Shipments – (Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales\Outbound>Uninvoiced Shipments)

  6. Credit Limit Inquiry – (Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Credit Limit Warning)

  7. Credit Limit Override Inquiry – (Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Credit Limit Override Inquiry)

  8. Customer Balance Inquiry – (Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Customer Balance)

  9. Bookings Inquiry List – (Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Booking Inquiry)

  10. Item Long Short Inquiry, currency portion displays functional values.

  11. Purchase Load Inquiry – (Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Purchase Load Inquiry)

  12. Shipment Invoicing, by design will not support multicurrency.

Web Client

This section describes Dynamics GP's Web Client.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Web Client Overview
Web Client Known Issues
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Web Client Overview

Web Client OverviewD2HML|C1H Manual

Cinch supports Dynamics GP's Web Client 2015.
Web Client uses the navigation panes to access windows, since Manufacturing and Cinch Seed do not have navigation panes the user will need to add each window to Quick Links on the Home Tab.
Keyboard short cut for Lookup within the web client is Alt Ctl L.

Web Client Known Issues

Below are known issues when using Web Client with CINCH.

  1. The keyboard short cut for Lookups within scrolling windows can clear the window instead of opening the lookup window.

  2. The Export to Microsoft Excel feature is not supported within Cinch.

General Setup

General Setup

This section shows the user how to set defaults, posting and branch/region account modifications, dispositions, delivery periods, and reason codes. It also allows the user to identify market zones and setup how the long/short report will look.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Selecting General Setup Options
Selecting User Posting Modifications

Adding a Market Zone
Setting up Bulk Transfer Defaults

Adding a Disposition
Adding a Delivery Period
Adding a Reason Code
Long Short Report Setup

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Selecting General Setup Options
  1. Open the General Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>General Setup)

The use of most defaults is optional. If the user decides not to use these functions the General Setup window will need to be opened and closed in order for the system to recognize that the user opted not to select defaults.

  1. Defaults

In the Basis field, select the default basis (Over/Under) to use from the drop down list. This default will appear on the Item Daily Price window.
In the Ticket Cost field, select how the system will attach a cost to a ticket assigned to a price later or a basis contract when posting.

  • Market – the system will take the item's market price from the Item Daily Price window. The date of the ticket will be matched with the date of the price record assuming that date's unit cost.

  • Standard – the system will take the item's standard cost from the Item Maintenance window.

  • Current – the system will take the item's current cost from the Item Maintenance window.

  • Choose the Excel Export Path, defines the path the Excel Export file will be saved:

    • Dictionary when selected will export file will be saved to the Dynamics, Data folder. When not defined this is the default path.

    • User Temp when selected the export file will be saved to the users Local Temp folder.

  • Choose the Ticket Gross Cost Posting checkbox to select a different posting account for each discount detail within the Discount Detail Maintenance window. When marked the gross amount of the inventory is posted at the time the ticket is posted and the net discounts are posted later with the settlement.

 Select the Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply checkbox to allow tickets to be applied to different branches then they were originally entered for.
 In the Cross Customer Purch Contract field, choose one of the following options:

  • Allowed – All: The user will be able to apply tickets to any customer regardless of who the customer on the contract is.

  • Allowed Related: In Purchase Contract Entry, the user will be able to access the Contract Partner Entry window and select 'allowed' Partners for the specific contract. The tickets can then be assigned to these partners only.

  • Not Allowed: The user will not be able to apply tickets to anyone other than the customer on the contract.

  • In the Cross Customer Sales Contract field, choose one of the following options:

    • Allowed – All: Allows the application of contracts to documents without a customer restriction. System will warn the user when the customer on the document does not match the primary customer on the contract, but will allow it.

    • Allowed Related: Allows the application of contracts to documents only for the primary customer and those listed on the sales contract as related partners. System will NOT warn user when the customer on the document does not match the primary customer on the contract.

    • Not Allowed: The default value, does not allow the application of sales contracts to documents where the customer on the document is not the same as the primary customer on the contract.

      • When selected Contract Partner Entry will not be enabled. If selected after Contract Partners have been added to a Sales Contract, partner contract information will be displayed but will not be allowed to apply to a sales transaction.

  • Enable Multi-Currency checkbox when marked will enable multicurrency within the Cinch windows.

  • Use Cross Branch GB checkbox, if selected Grain Bank assemblies will be available to be consumed across branches. If not selected Grain Bank assemblies will be available to be consumed only from the transaction branch.

 Mark the Enable Branch Security checkbox to enable the branch security that may be setup in the Branch Access window.
If Enable Branch Security is marked, all of the "VCR" buttons will be disabled and hidden. The user will also not be able to select the "All Branches" option in lookups, inquiries and reporting.

  • In the Branch Segment field and the Region segment field, enter the account segment to be used to make account numbers specific to a branch or region.

CINCH Grain account modification system functions like Microsoft Dynamics GP site account modification system. Microsoft Dynamics GP site account modification works with site IDs and allows the user to track currency amounts for a specific site. CINCH Grain works with branch and region IDs, which allows the user to track currency amounts for a specific branch and/or region
The CINCH Grain system will not allow the user to select the same account segment ID for a branch and region but it will allow the user to select the same account segment ID attached to a site. If this happens, the segment ID attached to the site will take precedence over the segment ID attached to either the branch or region. For example, both the branch segment ID and the site segment ID are setup to modify segment 3. Enter a transaction that will affect Inventory. The default account number in use is 001-1300-00. The branch account segment is 10 and the site account segment is 30. The system would first modify the account using the branch resulting in Account 001-1300-10. It would then, modify the account using the site resulting in a new account 001-1300-30
 In the Salesperson Seg field, enter the account segment to be used to make account numbers specific to a salesperson.

  • In the Cust/Vendor Seg field, enter the account segment the system will use to modify accounts based on the GP Customer or Vendor.

    • The account segment modification will take place in the following order:

      • Branch

      • Region

      • Location

      • Salesperson

      • Customer/Vendor

  • In the DPR Decimal field, select the number of decimal places to be displayed in the Daily Position Report window.

  • Discount, then Shrink or Shrink, then Discount determines if dollar discounts are to be calculated on gross or net quantity. This setting will only affect inbound discount calculations.

    • Discount, then Shrink – (the default setting) when this option is selected dollar discounts will be calculated on gross quantity, prior to any quantity discounts.

    • Shrink, then Discount – when this option is selected dollar discounts will be calculated on net quantity, after any quantity discounts.

      • In addition, the Discount Schedule Maintenance needs to be set as follows for the Grade Factors that are setup for Shrink.



      • Gross/Net must be set to Net and Adj Net checkbox must be selected.

  • GB Overage Min represents the minimum amount a Grain Bank Overage must be before it will be logged in either the DPR or Grain Bank Overage.

  • Mark the checkboxes to Disable Vehicle and/or Driver Validation if desired. If these are marked, the user will be able to enter any information in the Vehicle and Driver fields of any entry windows.

  1. Load Setup

Next Load Number - Enter a starting load number, this works in conjunction with a Load Prefix. The number will default in the Load Order Entry or Load Generator window when a prefix is used for the first time.
SOP Order Type - Enter or select a SOP Order Type.
For more information on setting up SOP Order Types, please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing Manual.
 Enter the default Load Prefix and Suffix.
 Enter or select the Default Site that the loads will be going out of.

  • Enter or select the Purchase Load Batch that will be used during the Purchase Loads process to create purchase invoice records in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  • Require Ship To checkbox when selected, the system will require the Ship To field be populated when creating Load Orders from either Load Order Entry or Load Generator.

  • Skip days of the week checkboxes:

    • There is a checkbox for each day of the week, when selected that day(s) of the week will be skipped when generating loads.

    • From Load Generator the system calculates the next scheduled ship date if the ship date falls on a day of the week marked to skip, the system will increment to the next day available day to ship.

  1. Inbound Setup

 Enter a user defined field title in the User Def Prompt 1 & 2 fields to be displayed in the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window. These additional fields can be used to capture any information that might not have a field already provided for it.
 The Purchase Source Document field will be grayed until the Enable Unit Account field is checked. Once the Enable Unit Account checkbox is checked this field will be unlocked and the user will be able to select a Sales Source Document.
The user must select or create a new source document to record the sales transactions. The user will not be allowed to select one that already existed in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  • Select a Post Qty to Unit Account setting to determine the time at which the system will create the Journal Entry in the GL for the Purchasing Unit Account. The available selections are:

  • Ticket Post – the following will take place when Ticket Post is selected:

  • When the ticket is posted, the system will write a Debit to the Unit Account using the Net Qty from the Ticket Detail.

  • When a Settlement is posted, the system will check to see if an IV Adjustment is being written for the Qty variance and if this is the case, an adjustment to the Unit Account will also be created.

  • Settlement Post – When a Settlement is posted, the system will write a Debit to the Unit Account using the Net Qty from the Settlement.

  • Enter or select an Underfill Ship Method to be used as the default Shipping Method when completing a Purchase Contract Underfill transaction.

  • Select the Enable Unit Account checkbox to post purchase quantities to Microsoft Dynamics GP unit accounts.

    • A Purchase will create a Debit to the Unit Account.

    • A Purchase Return will create a Credit to the Unit Account.

  • Suppress Empty Customer Summary Records checkbox:

    • Unchecked, the Grain Summary Report will include customers that have had activity, even if the balance is zero.

    • Checked, the Grain Summary Report will not include customers that have had activity but the balance is zero.

  • Allow Advance Greater Than 100 Percent:

    • Unchecked, the Advance Setup window will not allow a Maximum Percent greater than 100.

    • Checked, the Advance Setup window will allow a Maximum Percent greater than 100.

  1. Outbound Setup

 Enter a user defined field title in the User Def Prompt 1 & 2 fields to be displayed in the Outbound Scale Ticket Entry window. These additional fields can be used to capture any information that might not have a field already provided for it.

  • The Sales Source Document field will be grayed until the Enable Unit Account field is checked. Once the Enable Unit Account checkbox is checked this field will be unlocked and the user will be able to select a Sales Source Document.

The user must select or create a new source document to record the sales transactions. The user will not be allowed to select one that already existed in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
 Enter a percentage into the Preliminary Invoice Percent field to specify the percentage of an invoice amount that is billed to the customer on a Preliminary Invoice.

  • Enter or select a Comment ID that will appear on Preliminary and Final Invoices.

Special consideration needs to be taken when setting up the comment of Comment ID. The comment will be parsed into four 50 character strings that will display on the invoice. The system will look for "%1" in the comment and replace it with the correct amount for the invoice being created.

  • Enter or select an Underfill Ship Method to be used as the default Shipping Method when completing a Sales Contract Underfill transaction.

  • Select Default Commission Pricing setting to be used as the default when creating a Sales Contract Entry.

  • Select the Enable Unit Account checkbox to post sales net quantities to Microsoft Dynamics GP unit accounts.

  • A Sale will create a Debit to the Unit Account.

  • A Sales Return will create a Credit to the Unit Account.

  • Create Spot Contract checkbox when marked a Spot Contract will be created for a single shipment when a Bulk Shipment is posted, providing it meets the following:

    • The shipment and load do not have a Contract assigned.

    • The shipment has a Load Number assigned.

    • The load has a Price associated with it.

  • Disable Sales Contract Auto Close checkbox, when selected, will disable the system from automatically closing of Sales Contracts. Sales Contracts will have to be manually closed when the checkbox is marked.

  • In the Company Registration ID field, enter the 4 character EPA number assigned to the company.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Advance to open the Advance Setup window. This window allows the user to setup advances based on contract type.

 Choose the Contract Type that the Default and Maximum Advance Percentages are for.
 In the Default Percent field, enter a percentage to advance to customers based on the contracts the customer has set up. This percent will default in the Advances Entry window when the particular contract type is selected, but can be changed if necessary.
A grower must have a contract in order to receive an advance.
 In the Maximum Percent field, enter a maximum percent to advance to customers based on the contracts the customer has set up.

  • A percent greater than 100 is allowed if the General Setup, Allow Advance Greater Than 100 Percent checkbox is checked. The system will prompt to ensure that the value entered was not mistakenly entered.

 In the Advances Account field, enter or select the account number to use for all advances. If an account is entered that has not already been created, the system will ask you if you wish to create it.
 Check the Delivered Grain Only check box to disallow advances on undelivered grain.

  • Include Program Checkbox

    • If Include Program Charges checkbox is selected, the Net Dollars Due and Delivered Value on Advance Entry is the net of all discounts and premiums, Net Amount versus Gross Amount.

    • If Include Program Charges checkbox is not selected, the Net Dollars Due and Delivered Value on Advance Entry is based on Gross Amount.

  • In the Voucher Print Option field, select the desired printing option for Advance Vouchers.

  • Ask - user will be prompted to print the Advance Voucher when the advance is saved, or when the Advance is posted creating a check on the fly.

  • Auto Print - system will automatically print the Advance Voucher when the advance is saved, or when the Advance is posted creating a check on the fly.

  • Manual - user may print the Advance Voucher by manually selecting the Printer button in the Advance Entry window.

Select the OK button to close the Advance Setup window and return to the General Setup window

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Freight to open the Freight Setup window. This window allows the user to setup default freight information.

 Mark the Apply Freight to Inventory Receipts checkbox to allow the system to add the cost of freight to the cost of the inventory item.
 Mark the Require Shipment Number checkbox to prevent freight matching records to be created when a load order is saved.

  • Mark the Apply Freight to Purchase Load checkbox to include the freight cost on the purchase load to the cost used on the sales invoice.

  • Mark the Calc Freight by Destination checkbox to recalculate freight destination quantity is entered on Shipment Invoicing, Bulk or Grain. If unchecked (default setting) freight will calculated based on origination quantity.

  • In the Default Freight Variance Account field, enter an account that the system will use to offset the payable amount when a price variance occurs. Normally a freight variance account will be setup within the shipping method, however, if it is not the system will use this account when posting freight variances.

 In the Freight Amount Account field, enter an account that the system will use for the freight payable amount.
 In the Freight Adjustment Account field, enter an account the system will use for any freight adjustment amount.
 In the Fuel Surcharge Account field, enter an account that the system will use for fuel surcharge amounts.
 In the Freight Misc Account field, enter an account the system will use for miscellaneous freight amounts.
 In the Add Missing Override Password field, enter a password. This field allows companies to secure the missing freight functionality in the Freight Charge Matching Entry window for freight that is to be paid by the customer. If a contract indicates that the customer is to pay the freight, the user cannot add the freight to the freight matching without using the password.

  • If the user will be invoicing freight charges out to the customer from Grain Shipment or Bulk Shipment Invoicing, a Default Freight Item can be entered. This item will appear on both windows in the Sales Freight Item field on the header.

  • Select the Default Freight Source of Shipping Company or Vendor ID. This will default in for the lookup on all of the Freight Entry windows.

  • GL Freight In Price Adjustment checkbox:

    • When marked, the Freight In Price Per Unit field on the Sales Contract Entry window will be enabled. Allowing the system to determine the Freight In Price Amount. This amount will be used to and create the separate GL distribution for the freight amount.

    • When unmarked, the Freight In Price Per Unit field on the Sales Contract Entry window will be disabled. Meaning, the system will not create a separate GL distribution for freight.

  • GL Account to Use is the GL account that will be used for the Freight In Price GL distribution.

    • Field will be enabled when GL Freight In Price Adjustment checkbox is marked.

    • Account is required if GL Freight In Price Adjustment is checked.

    • Account Description will default from the selected Account.

  • Retain on Post checkboxes:

    • When any of the Retain on Post settings are checked, the values will be retained on the Freight Charge Matching Entry window when Post button is selected and the window is refreshed. The selected settings will remain populated until they are changed or the window is closed.

    • If the Retain on Post settings are not checked (default setting for all), the values will not be retained on the Freight Charge Matching Entry window when Post button is selected and the window is refreshed.

Select the OK button to close the Freight Setup window and return to the General Setup window.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>User Defined Prompts to open the User Defined window.

  • Item Based User Defined Prompts allow the user to identify eight different user defined fields for each item. (Two checkbox fields, two string fields, two currency fields, and two date fields.) These fields can be defaulted via the Item User Defined Entry window off of Item Extensions Maintenance or when entering a counter sale, invoice, order or return.

  • Customer Based User Defined Prompts allow the user to identify eight different user defined fields for each customer. (Two checkbox fields, two string fields, two currency fields, and two date fields.) These fields can be defaulted via the Customer User Defined Entry from Customer Extensions Maintenance or when entering a counter sale, invoice, order or return.

  • Sales Contracts User Defined Prompts contains four List prompts and four String prompts that display on Sales Contracts. List values can be entered by clicking on the field name and existing values can be view by clicking the expansion button.

  • Purch Contracts User Defined Prompts contains the Wts to Govern List and Grade to Govern List prompts, four List prompts and four String prompts that display on Purchase Contracts. List values can be entered by clicking on the field name and existing values can be view by clicking the expansion button. The defined values will default when entering a Purchase Contract but can be changed.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Purchase Contract Type Numbering to open the Purchase Contract Number Setup window. This window allows the user to set up which Purchase Contract types will use a common numbering system, and which Purchase Contract types will use unique numbers.

  • Highlight the Purchase Contract Type and click the corresponding Insert button to move the type to the Common Numbered Types list or to the Unique Numbered Types list.

  • Common Numbered Types – The types in this list will correspond to the module named "Purchase Contracts" in the Next Number Maintenance window.

  • Unique Numbered Types – the types in this list will each correspond to their individual module name in the Next Number Maintenance window.

It is recommended that the Unique Numbered Types do not have contract numbers that overlap.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Contract Wash to open the Contract Wash Setup window.

  • User Defined 1 & 2 Prompts will set the prompts on the Contract Wash screens.

  • Show Detail checkbox, if selected the scrolling window details will be expanded when the contract wash window is opened. If the checkbox is not selected the scrolling window details will not be expanded when the contract wash window is opened.

  • Require Customer Vendor Link checkbox, if selected the Customer/Vendor link is required to be setup for the contracts being washed. If the checkbox is not selected user will be warned that a Customer/Vendor link does not exist but the contracts can still be washed.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Item Validate Quantity to open the Item Validate Qty Setup window.


    • Items listed will require the Gross Qty to be entered in the Purchasing>Receivings Transaction Entry.

    • Enter or select Item Number, Description will default for the selected item.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Weights To Govern to open the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.


    • Enter the Weights to Govern ID.

    • Enter the Weights to Govern Description.

    • Enter the Drop Down List Position, a numeric value.

      • This value indicates the order the ID will be listed in the dropdown list.

      • If the position value is used more than once, the duplicated values will be sorted alphabetically.

    • Select Origination/Destination from the drop down.

    • Inactive checkbox will inactivate the ID and it will no longer appear in the dropdown list.

    • Save button when selected will save the information for the selected ID.

    • Clear button when selected will clear the window without saving any changes.

    • Delete button when selected will delete the selected ID.

      • ID's are not allowed to be deleted if associated to transactions.

  1. Choose Additional Setup>>Grades To Govern to open the Grades to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.


    • Enter the Grades to Govern ID.

    • Enter the Grade to Govern Description.

    • Enter the Drop Down List Position, the numeric value.

      • This value indicates the order the ID will be listed in the dropdown list.

      • If the position value is used more than once, the duplicated values will be sorted alphabetically.

    • Select Origination/Destination from the drop down.

    • Inactive checkbox will inactive the ID and will no longer appear in the dropdown list,

    • Save button when selected will save the information for the selected ID.

    • Clear button when selected will clear the window without saving any changes.

    • Delete button when selected will delete the selected ID.

      • ID's are not allowed to be deleted if associated to transactions.

  1. Choose the OK button to save information entered to the General Setup window.

User Extensions Setup

The User Extensions Setup window is used to provide posting permissions for various Grain and Manufacturing windows.

Selecting User Posting Modifications
  1. Open the User Extensions Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> User >> Additional >> User Extensions)

  1. Select the All Users checkbox to indicate that the options checked below are the same for all users in the system. If the checkbox is left blank, the options checked below will only be for the User ID displayed.

  2. Select the Enable Transactional Branch checkbox to allow branch drill down to select a different transactional branch. If the checkbox is not selected branch drill down is not enabled.

  3. Select from the following Inbound Permissions in various Inbound Grain windows.

Allow Weight Change Ticket Entry
Allow Post In Advance Entry
Allow Post in Settlement Entry
Allow Post in Contract Entry
Allow Post in Contract Price Entry

  • Allow Supplemental. Enter a dollar value in the textbox for the maximum amount of supplemental transaction that the user can enter.

  • Allow Lienholder Maintenance

Allow Ticket Batch Post

  • Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications.

    • When checkbox is marked, user will not be allowed to make changes to the Grade Factors that were obtained electronically or imported in the Inbound Ticket windows.

    • When checkbox is not marked, user will be allowed to make changes to the Grade Factors regardless if they were obtained electronically or imported. By default this checkbox will default to unmarked.

Allow Advance Batch Post
Allow Settlement Batch Post
Allow Contract Batch Post
Allow Contract Price Batch Post
Allow Ticket Auto-Apply

  • Post Settlements Through AP

    • When marked a payables batch will be created and be posted through Accounts Payable when a Settlement or Settlement Batch is processed.

      • In order to create a Check on the Fly from Settlement Entry or Batch Entry the Post Settlements Through AP checkbox must be marked.

    • When not marked a payables batch will be created but not posted when the settlement or settlement batch is processed.

  • Check form setting will override the GP Payables default form. And will default on the Print Payables Checks – Check Format and Print Payables Transaction Check – Check Format windows. The drop down list consists of:

    • Blank, the default value, the GP Payable Maintenance default will be used.

    • No Stub

    • Stub on Top

    • Stub on Bottom

    • Stub Top/Bottom – Text

    • Stub Top/Bottom – Graphical

    • Stub/Stub/Check

    • 3 per Page/No Stub

    • User-Defined Check 1

    • User-Defined Check 2

  1. Select from the following Outbound Permissions in various Outbound Grain windows.

Allow Post in Shipment Entry
 Allow Post in Sales Contract Entry
 Allow Weight Change in Load Shipping Entry
Allow Shipment Batch Post
Allow Sales Contract Batch Post
For information on Manufacturing Permissions, please refer to the CINCH Process Manufacturing Manual.

  1. Select from the Bulk Transfer Permissions for the Bulk Transfer Entry window.

Allow Post in Bulk Transfer Entry
Allow Weight Change in Bulk Transfer Entry
Allow Bulk Transfer Batch Post

  1. Enter the users default Futures Ticker X-Ref to be used from Price Schedule Entry for the DTN integration.

  2. Enter the users default Options Ticker X-Ref to be used from Options Price Schedule Entry for the DTN integration.

  3. Choose the User Branches button to open the User Branch Access window. For more information on this window see the Region & Branch Maintenance section of this chapter.

  4. Choose the Save button to save changes.

User Preferences

The User Preferences window is used to define user specific settings.

Selecting User Preferences
  1. Open the User Preferences window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> User Preferences)

  1. Window Command Display option, Cinch supports the Action, Pane, Action Pane Strip and the Menu Bar options.

Limited User

Setting up a Limited User
  1. Open the User Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>System>>User)

  1. User Type, Limited when selected provides access to:

    • Dynamics GP inquiry and report windows only. Refer to Microsoft Dynamics GP Manuals for more information.

    • Any Cinch window that the user has security rights to.

Market Zone Entry

The Market Zone Entry window is used to create Market Zones, which can be used for reporting and scheduling purposes.

Adding a Market Zone
  1. Open the Market Zone Entry window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Market Zones)

Market Zones can be used to identify geographical areas that have the same freight rate.

  1. Enter the name of the Market Zone to create.

  2. Mark the Inactive checkbox to make the Market Zone inactive. If a Market Zone is inactive, the user will not be able to select it on transaction screens.

  3. Enter a Short Description for the Market Zone.

  4. Enter a Description for the Market Zone.

  5. Mark the Select checkbox(s) of the sites to assign to this Market Zone.

A Site can only be assigned to one Market Zone. If the user tries to select a site that is already assigned to another Market Zone, they will receive a warning

  1. Choose Save to save the Market Zone.

Bulk Transfer Setup

The Bulk Transfer Setup window is used to setup default and user defined information for the Bulk Transfer Entry window.  The user are required to enter the Clearing and Cost Adjustment Accounts before completing any Bulk Transfer transactions.

Setting up Bulk Transfer Defaults
  1. Open the Bulk Transfer Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Bulk Transfer Setup)

The Bulk Transfer Setup window requires the user to select a clearing and cost adjustment account before completing a Bulk Transfer

  1. Select to Use Weights/Grades From the Origination or Destination Site. This will be the default in Bulk Transfer Entry and can be changed later.

  2. Allow Separate Posting checkbox:

    • When checkbox is marked, user will be allowed to do separate posting of the origin and destination quantities for individual transaction posting. Batch posting will continue to be a single step posting.

      • Origination to In Transit

      • In Transit to Destination

    • When checkbox is NOT marked, the posting of the Bulk Transfer is posted in one step.

      • Origination to Destination

  3. To record user defined information for bulk transfer transactions, enter the User Def Prompts 1 & 2 for both the Header and Detail.

  4. Select a Clearing Account that will be used during the Bulk Transfer Entry process. This is required before the user can enter Bulk Transfer Entry.

  5. Select a Cost Adjustment Account that will be used during the Bulk Transfer Entry process. This is required before the user can enter Bulk Transfer Entry.

  6. Choose OK to change the setup information.

Bulk Transfer User Setup

Bulk Transfer User Setup has been created to allow Bulk Transfer setup information to be defined for individual users.

Setting up Bulk Transfer User Defaults
  1. Open the Bulk Transfer User Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>Bulk Transfer User Setup)

  1. Enter or select the user for which defaults will apply.

  2. All Users checkbox, when marked any user that isn't set up with an individual setup will default to this All Users settings.

  3. Select the In-Transit Site. This will be used by the system behind the scenes when completing a bulk transfer.

  4. If using electronic scale, select a scale in the Scale 1 field.

  5. If using an additional electronic scale, select a scale in the Scale 2 field.

  6. Allow Zero Weight Save, when marked the user will be able to save a Bulk Transfer that only has a Gross or Tare weight entered.

  7. Single Weight Entry, when marked grays out the Tare field on the Bulk Transfer Entry window and the Gross Weight becomes the Net Weight.

    • Allow Zero Weight Save will be auto selected, if it has not already been selected, when Single Weight Entry is selected.

  8. Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox;

    • When marked the Gross Qty on the Bulk Transfer Entry window will be editable. User will be allowed to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

      • Allow Zero Weight Save and Single Weight Entry will both be auto selected, if they have not already been selected, when Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is selected.

    • When not marked the Gross Qty field will not be editable on the Bulk Transfer Entry window.

  9. Choose Save to save the setup information.

  10. Choose Clear to clear the window without saving any changes.

  11. Choose Delete to delete all setup information for the user.

Disposition Maintenance

The Disposition Maintenance window is used to create contract disposition types.

Adding a Disposition
  1. Open the Disposition Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Dispositions)

  1. In the Disposition field, enter a disposition ID, which will be used to identify the type of grain it will be labeled as at the elevator/plant. Typically, this will mirror the disposition type chosen from the drop down list described in Step #4 (Grain Bank, Purchase, etc.).

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the Disposition.

  3. Choose from the following Disposition Types:

Grain Bank
 Sale

  1. Mark the Consignment Inventory checkbox to let the system know that scale receipts with this disposition type should be posted to Microsoft Dynamics GP Inventory. This will be used primarily for CINCH Manufacturing purposes.

  2. Post to Inventory allows lot tracked storage grain to be added to inventory and used in process manufacturing. Unlike Consignment inventory an assembly does not need to be selected within process manufacturing. The checkbox, is only enabled when the Disposition Type equals Storage.




          1. Checked:

            1. Ticket posting processes will post inventoried storage tickets to inventory with a zero cost. And the DPR, Storage will be increased for the ticket quantity.

            2. Tickets with a Disposition Type Storage, Post to Inventory CANNOT be applied to an Assembly with a Disposition Type Storage, Standard (Do not Post to Inventory) and vice versa. A warning will be displayed.

            3. Tickets once posted to a disposition other than storage, post to inventory and then removed CANNOT then be applied to an inventory storage disposition assembly and vice versa – tickets will simply not display within the available scrolling window of the Assembly Apply Entry window.

            4. The consumption of an inventoried storage item, in Process Manufacturing, with lots are available without restrictions. The DPR adjustment will occur as normal.

            5. The following will take place when moving/transferring inventoried storage:

              1. When moving/transferring to a contract (existing or spot), a general ledger transaction is created with Source Document (TMPC) to update the inventory cost. This transaction will debit inventory and credit accrued purchases. The distribution reference is Ticket Move Adjustment. The batch name created for these transactions is GRN + User ID + Month + Day. The DPR's inventoried Storage is moves to company owned.

              2. Tickets with a Disposition Type Storage, Post to Inventory CANNOT be moved/transferred to an Assembly with a Disposition Type Storage, Standard (Do not Post to Inventory) and vice versa. A warning will be displayed

            6. Deleting an inventoried storage ticket, in Document Utility, will be treated like a purchase ticket. An IV transaction will be created that will back out the received quantity from the inventory module.

          2. Unchecked, the system will not post storage tickets to inventory.

  3. Choose Save to save the information entered for this disposition.

Delivery Period Maintenance

The Delivery Period Maintenance window is used to create pre-defined delivery periods that can then be selected for contracts, etc.

Adding a Delivery Period
  1. Open the Delivery Period Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Delivery Periods)

Use the Delivery Period Maintenance window to predefine the delivery periods when the commodity would be delivered. These periods will be used for both purchase and sales contracts.

  1. In the Delivery Period field, enter an ID for the delivery period.

  2. Mark the Inactive checkbox to make the delivery period inactive. If this is chosen, the period will not display in any delivery lookup windows and the user will not be allowed to manually enter it.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the delivery period ID.

  4. In the Start Date field, enter the beginning date for the delivery period.

  5. In the End Date field, enter the ending date for the delivery period.

  6. Tickers button when selected opens Delivery Period Ticket Entry.


    • Enter the Item or Product.

    • Item/Product Lookup is a dropdown list:

      • Item when selected opens the Items lookup.

      • Product when selected opens the Product Lookup.

    • Product checkbox will default marked when a Product is selected.

    • Enter a Ticker.

      • There is no validation on the ticker when a product is selected. The validation will occur when the item associated to the product is selected on the contract.

    • Ticker Lookup opens the Board Ticker Lookup.

    • User Defined String 1 & 2 allows the user to enter comments about the Delivery Period Ticker,

    • Save when selected will save the Item/Product Tickers.

      • When the Item is setup or is associated to a product that is setup Ticker will default on the Purchase Contract and Sales Contract when the Delivery Period is selected,

  1. Choose Save to save the information entered for this delivery period.

Reason Code Maintenance

Adding a Reason Code
  1. Open the Reason Code Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Reason Codes)

Reason codes are required if choosing an owner other than the original contract holder in Assembly Entry or Assembly Apply and have chosen to allow related or allowed – all cross customer ticket apply in the General Setup window. It is also required if the user chooses to delete/reverse a document number from the Document Utility window.

  1. Enter an ID for the reason code.

  2. Enter up to two descriptions for the reason code.

  3. Choose Save to save the reason code.

Long Short Report Setup

The Long/Short Report Setup window is used to enter the default information to show up on the long/short reports.

Long Short Report Setup
  1. Open the Long Short Report Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>> Long/Short)

The Long Short Report Setup window is used to define what to display on the long short reports.

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.

    • The report ID will be used for both the Long Short Report and Long Short Inquiry windows.

  2. Enter a Report Description.

  3. In the By field, choose one of the following options:

Commodity:Will display each commodity separately.
Group: Will display commodities rolled up by the group they are assigned to in the Item Extensions Maintenance window.

  1. Choose the Include options; Unposted Contracts, Include Basis, Company Owned, Include Options, and/or Use Delta.

  2. Select a Branch Level. The available options are: Current Branch, My Branches, and All Branches.

  3. Select a Region From and a Region To range or mark the All Regions checkbox.

  4. Select a Branch From and a Branch To range or mark the All Branches checkbox.

  5. Select a Salesperson From and a Salesperson To range or mark the All Salespersons checkbox.

  6. Select a Trader From and a Trader To range or mark the All Traders checkbox.

  7. Select a Market Zone From and a Market Zone To range or mark the All Market Zones checkbox.

  8. Select a From and To Sales Contract User Defined List or mark the All Sales User Def checkbox.

  9. Select a From and To Purchase Contract User Defined List or mark the All Purchase User Def checkbox.

  10. In the scrolling window, mark each commodity to display on the report.

  11. Position is the Position ID from Position Entry that represents how the contracts will be displayed on the Long Short Inquiry.

    • Refer to Cinch Software Risk Management Manual, Position Entry for more information on this setup.

  12. Decimals represent the decimal precision that will be displayed on the Long Short Inquiry.

  13. The Schedule section contains information that will be used by the SQL job, Long Short Inquiry, which looks for report options that should be run at that time and on that day and save a snap shot of the long short.

    • Schedule settings are:

      • Job User, the user which will be assigned to the created and last modified user in the tables and for determining which branches will be included.

      • Branch, the default branch used when the branch level for the report option is set to Current Branch.

      • Run At, a drop down list of hours used to select when the report should be run.

      • Days to Run, when marked these are the days the report will be run and the snap shot saved to the system.

    • When a report is saved the list of non-positioned records will also be saved and will be recalled when the saved report comes up. This provides a way for the user to know what items had issues when the inquiry was saved.

    • The SQL job, Long Short Inquiry, is created from the Table Utility. Click the Create Cinch Jobs button. The SQL Server Agent must be running for the job to be created and to run.

      • The job will go through the long short report options and see if a long short report needs to be generated for the time and day it is being run at.

      • The job is setup to check the long short report options every hour and every day of the week.

  14. Choose Save to save the report options.

Customer Summary Inquiry Setup

The Customer Summary Inquiry Setup allows for the setup of the Disposition ID's that will be considered "On Hold" within the Customer Inquiry window and reports.

Customer Summary Inquiry Setup
  1. Open the Customer Summary Inquiry Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Customer Summary Inquiry Setup)

  1. Select the Disposition ID(s) that should be included in the On Hold totals. Click the Insert button to move the Disposition ID to the Hold Dispositions section.

  • Only Storage type Disposition ID's can be selected as a Hold Disposition.

Region & Branch Maintenance

CINCH Grain has the ability to support multiple regions and multiple branches within each region and to transfer inventory from one branch to another. When setup and configured correctly, the user will have the ability to keep the information from each region and each branch within a region separate. However, for reporting purposes the user can consolidate the region and branch information.
The user will use the Region Maintenance window and the Branch Maintenance window to create regions and branches. After branches have been created, access to the branches needs to be given to both sites and users via the Branch Location Entry window and the User Branch Access window respectively. The Current Region Branch window is used to select a specific region and branch to be represented when entering transactions. The region and branch that is selected in this window will be displayed in the toolbar of each window to help the user remember the region and branch that has been selected. The Branch Transfer Setup window is used to enter defaults and assign accounts for branch transfers.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Region
Adding a Branch
Setting up Ticket Auto Apply Rules

Selecting Multiple Site Branch Access
Selecting User Branch Access
Selecting a Current Branch/Region
Setting up Branch Check NumbersD2HML|C1H Manual

Region Maintenance

The Region Maintenance window allows the user to set up regions, which will then be assigned to a Branch.  The region account segment when entered, will automatically change account numbers accordingly to match the account segment selected if it exists in the system.

Adding a Region
  1. Open the Region Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Regions)

  1. In the Region field, enter a region, which will be used throughout CINCH Sales/Seed to identify the region.

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the region.

  3. In the Region Acct. Seg. field, enter or select the segment number to use for the region being added. If the account modification by region has not been setup then the user will NOT be able to enter a segment number in the screen.

If a Region Segment has not been chosen in the General Setup window, a message will appear when trying to enter the Region Acct Seg that Account Modification by Region has not been set up. For more information on account modification, please refer to the General Setup section

  1. Choose Save to save the information entered for this region.

If the user has attached a region to a branch and the user attempts to delete that region, they must first remove the region from the branch

Branch Maintenance

Adding a Branch
  1. Open the Branch Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Branches)

  1. In the Branch ID field, enter a branch ID, which will be used throughout CINCH Sales/Seed to identify the branch.

  2. Select the Inactive checkbox to inactivate this branch. Branches that have been marked as inactive can no longer be used throughout the system.

  3. In the Branch Description field, enter a brief description to identify the branch.

  4. In the Document Number Prefix field, enter up to three alphanumeric digits that will be placed before the document numbers used throughout the system when this branch/region is selected.

  5. In the Region ID field, enter the region ID to identify with the branch. If a region is entered that has not already been created the system will ask if you wish to create the region.

  6. The Region Description field, which is display only, will display a brief description identifying the region.

  7. In the Company Address ID field, select the default Company Address ID to be used when buying or selling commodities.

See the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation for more information on setting up company address IDs.

  1. In the Main Inventory Site ID field, select the default inventory site ID to be used when buying or selling commodities. This field works together with the additional window (Location Code COMP Entry) in the Site Maintenance window so that DPR transactions can be created in the appropriate branch. The transactions effected are Branch Transfers, Bulk Transfers, Counter Sales, Invoices, and Inventory adjustments.

See the Selecting Main Site Branch Access procedure for more information on the Location Code COMP Entry window.
See the Selecting Multiple Site Branch Access procedure for more information on the Main Inventory Site ID field's expansion button.

  1. In the Branch Acct Segment field, enter or select the segment number to use for the branch being added.

If a Branch Segment has not been chosen in the General Setup window, a message will appear when trying to enter the Branch Acct Seg that Account Modification by Branch has not been set up. For more information on account modification, please refer to the General Setup section.

  1. In the Market Zone field, enter the Market Zone to default in for this Branch.

  2. Mark the Future Delivery Warning checkbox to display a warning when an assembly is applied when grain is being delivered before the expected delivery date.

  3. Mark the Settlement IV Adjust checkbox to create an inventory adjustment for the difference between the original quantity inventory posting and the quantity on the ticket(s) at the time of settlement. This could be due to a change in the grade values or the discount schedule.

  4. Mark the Allow Composite Grades checkbox to allow composite entries for grade factors. If the Allow Composite Grades checkbox is marked, select one of the following Composite Qty Options:

 Split Share – only the split ticket selected will be averaged.
Total Qty – all split tickets will be assigned composite values. The user will only need to choose one of the split tickets to enter composite information, once the changes are saved, they will be carried over to all of the other split tickets to speed up entry time.

  1. Mark the Allow Grade Avg checkbox to allow for grade factor averaging. If the Allow Avg checkbox is marked, select one of the following Average Qty Options:

 Split Share – only the split ticket selected will be averaged.
Total Qty – all split tickets will be averaged. The user will only need to choose one of the split tickets to average, once the changes are saved, they will be carried over to all of the other split tickets to speed up entry time.

  1. Mark the Allow Spot Price checkbox to be able to create contracts on-the-fly from Inbound Scale Ticket Entry.

  2. Choose the Items Defaults button to open the Branch Item Defaults Maintenance window.

This window allows the user to assign a default Inbound Discount Schedule, Purchase Program Schedule, Storage Program Schedule, Inventory Site and Minimum and Maximum Price for the item. These defaults will override defaults set up on the Inbound or Outbound User Setup windows.

  • Enter or select a Branch. The Branch will automatically default with the Branch selected in Branch Maintenance.

  • Enter or select a Commodity.

  • Enter or select a Site ID. This site will default in to both the Inbound and Outbound Scale Tickets

  • Enter or select an Inbound Discount Schedule. This schedule will be used when entering the corresponding item on the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry and Purchase Contract Entry windows.

  • Enter or select a Purchase Program Schedule. This schedule will be the default Program Schedule for Purchase Contracts and Assembly Sheets that have Dispositions of Purchase Type.

  • Enter or select a Storage Program Schedule. This schedule will be the default Program Schedule for manually entered Assembly Sheets that have Dispositions of Storage Type.

  • Unspecified Disposition - Enter or lookup the default Unspecified Disposition, this will be used during Auto-Apply. If no assemblies match the list chosen in the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition window, this disposition type will be used to create a new assembly.

  • Unspecified Disc Schedule - Enter or lookup the default Unspecified Discount Schedule, this will be used during Auto-Apply. If a new assembly is created during auto-apply, this discount schedule will be applied to it.

  • Unspecified Prog Schedule - Enter or lookup the default Unspecified Program Schedule, this will be used during Auto-Apply. If a new assembly is created during auto-apply, this program schedule will be applied to it.

  • Commodity Grade – Enter or lookup the default Commodity Grade. When populated the value will default on Purchase Contract Entry when the Item is entered.

  • PC UD List One – Enter or lookup the default Purchase Contract User Defined Prompt. When populated the value will default on Purchase Contract Entry when the Item is entered.

  • PC UD List Two – Enter or lookup the default Purchase Contract User Defined Prompt. When populated the value will default on Purchase Contract Entry when the Item is entered.

  • Enter a Minimum Price Warning and a Maximum Price Warning. These prices will be used for both Purchase and Sales Contracts. If the user enter a price above or below the minimum or maximum, they will receive a warning, but will be able to continue with the contract.

  1. Choose the Deferred Settlement button to open the Deferred Settlement Premium window.


    • Default values entered on the Deferred Settlement Premium will default on the Deferred Settlement Process window, and will be used to calculate deferred adjustments.

      • Rate – The annual interest rate used to calculate deferred premium.

      • Start Date – Is the date to start calculating the premiums on. The drop down list has the following date options:

        • Settlement Date – when selected the date field will be disabled. The Start date that will default on the Deferred Settlement Process window will be the settlement date.

        • Enter Date – date field will be enabled to allow the user to enter a default start date.

      • End Date – The date to calculate the premium to.

  1. Enter the Grain License associated to the Branch.

  2. Grain Check Report Option determines if the Settlement Sheet and/or the Grain Summary Report(s) will be printed during settlement check printing. By Default this field is blank, which will print both the Settlement Sheet and the Grain Summary Report. Drop down list selection options are:

    • Settlement Sheet, when selected only the Settlement Sheet will be printed.

    • Grain Summary, when selected only the Grain Summary Report will be printed.

    • Settlement & Summary, when selected both the Settlement Sheet and the Grain Summary Report will be printed.

    • None, when selected neither the Settlement Sheet nor the Grain Summary Report will be printed.

  3. The Grain Check Print Option field has been added and works in conjunction with the Grain Check Report Option field. It determines if the report(s) will be printed, emailed or a combination of both during settlement check printing. By Default this field is set to print.

    • Drop down list selection options are:

      • Print, when selected will print the report selected in the Grain Check Print Option field for all settlements.

      • Email, when selected will email the report selected in the Grain Check Print Option field to vendors that have the Cinch Vendor E-Mail Options, Settlement Sheet selected.

      • Print, Email, when selected will email or print what is selected in the Grain Check Print Option field. Vendors that have the Cinch Vendor E-Mail Options, Settlement Sheet selected will receive an email, the rest will be printed.

  4. Grain/Bulk Invoice Print Option determines if the Sales Settlement Sheet will be available to print from Bulk Shipment Invoicing or Grain Shipment Invoicing after the Invoices are processed.

    • When Settlement Sheet is selected, the Sales Settlement Sheet will print after invoices are printed subsequent to Invoices being processed and the window is closed.

    • When None is selected, the Sales Settlement Sheet will not print after the Invoices are processed and the window is closed. The Sales Settlement Sheet will be available to be printed in the Invoice Maintenance window as well as various inquiry windows prior to and after posting.

    • By Default this value is None.

  5. The Grain Checkbook ID when populated will default into the Settlement Entry or Batch Entry when Create Check is selected.

    • If Grain Checkbook ID is not setup, the Checkbook ID will default from Payables Management Setup.

  6. Lookup or Enter the Default Auto Apply ID that defines the Ticket Auto Apply rules for the selected branch.

    • If the User Extension, Auto Apply Exception is defined this will overrule the Default Auto Apply Id defined for the Branch.

  7. In the EPA Facility ID field, enter the EPA number of the Branch facility. This is a five digit number assigned to facilities that are producing renewable fuels.

  8. DUNS Number is used to support the export or exchange of the Branch location in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifier.

    • System supports a single DUNS number for each Cinch Branch.

    • System allows the same DUNS/EBID to be used on multiple Cinch Branch records.

  9. GLN Number is used to support the export or exchange of the Branch location in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifier.

    • System supports a single GLN number for each Cinch Branch.

    • System allows the same GLN to be used on multiple Cinch Branch records.

  10. Enable Branch Restricted Customer Lookup checkbox when marked the system will look to the transaction branch and restrict the lookup to that branch. Must select Cinch Ag from Alternate/Modified Form, Customers and Prospects to access the new lookup.


    • Restriction drop down list includes the following options:

      • Customer ID

      • Customer Name

      • Phone 1

      • Branch

      • City

      • Phone 2

      • Filter Phone

      • Customer Class

    • Include Inactive Customers checkbox when marked inactive customers will be included in the lookup window.

    • Filter Phone, will look to the Phone 1, Phone 2 and Phone 3 fields for an exact match for the entered filter.

    • Branch Restriction; Current Branch, My Branches or All Branches functions in a manner consistent with Branch Security and existing Cinch Branch functionality. By Default My Branches is selected.

      • The System will use the Customer Extensions Maintenance, Default Customer Extensions Branch when determining which Customers to display when restricting by Current Branch.

      • The lookup window will restrict by branch based on the Transactional Branch of the transaction. For example if user is logged into Branch A, entering a Counter Sale, changes the Branch to Branch B, then tabs to customer and performs a lookup, the system will default the list to just those customers with a default branch of B.

      • Customers that do not have a Default Branch setup (i.e. empty) will only show up when the "All Branches" Restriction is selected.

    • Select Customer and hit Select button. Customer will be returned to the transaction window.

    • Cancel with close lookup without making a selection.

  1. Select the Short Blend checkbox to display short blends when invoicing a blend in this branch. This applies to blends brought over from AgWorks only. (I.e. "10-10-10" instead of Urea, Dap, Potash or "Pig Starter" instead of Corn, Soybean Meal, DDG's, minerals, etc.).

  2. Select a Crop Year for the branch from the drop down list for it to default in all windows where a crop year can be selected.

  3. Enter the Haz Mat Emergency information to be used on the Bill of Lading for Hazardous Material information for each Branch.

  4. Spot Price Disposition - If the Allow Spot Price is selected, the user will be required to enter a default Spot Price Disposition. When doing a spot price in Inbound Scale Ticket Entry, the assembly that is created will have this disposition type.

  5. Choose Save to save the information entered for the branch.

Ticket Auto Apply Disposition

Setting up Ticket Auto Apply Rules

Ticket Auto Apply allows defining Auto Apply rules by an Auto Apply ID. The Auto Apply rules can be defined by Branch or Customer and will allow auto apply across branches. The User Extensions Setup, Allow Ticket Auto Apply must be selected to enable the Ticket Auto Apply process

  1. Open the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Auto Apply Disposition)

  1. Enter or Lookup Auto Apply ID and Auto Apply Description

    • The Auto Apply ID will represent the defined apply rules.

    • The Apply rules (Auto Apply ID) can be specified on either the Branch Maintenance or Vendor Extension Maintenance windows.

      • If a Vendor Auto Apply Exception exists it will overrule the Default Auto Apply Id defined for the Branch.

  2. Non-Apply Rule checkbox when selected no Auto Apply Rules will be used for the defined Auto Apply ID.

    • When a Non Apply, Auto Apply ID is specified on either the Branch Maintenance or Vendor Extension Maintenance windows the tickets will not attempt to be applied.

  3. Disposition, lookup or enter Disposition ID. A Purchase Disposition can be setup multiple times with a different contract type.

  4. Disposition Type defaults based on the selected Disposition.

  5. Contract Type, lookup or enter Contract type

    • A contract type cannot be setup multiple times for a disposition type.

  6. Early Days, allows application to a contract delivery period that is in the future. This value can be 0 to 9999.

    • If zero, system will not allow application of ticket to a contract delivery period start date that is earlier than the ticket date. Any other number specified would allow the delivery period start date to be X days after the ticket date.

    • For an assembly application the Early Days represent the number of days after the ticket date that the assembly date can be.

  7. Late Days, allows application to a contract delivery period that is in the past. This value can be 0 to 9999.

    • If zero, system will not allow application of ticket to a contract delivery period that is earlier than the ticket date. Any other number specified would allow the delivery period end date to be X days prior to the ticket date.

    • Contract delivery periods with the oldest delivery dates will be applied first.

    • For an assembly application the Early Days represent the number of days before the ticket date that the assembly date can be.

  8. XBranch checkbox (Cross Branch) when selected and the General Setup, Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply is selected application rules will attempt to apply tickets in other branches if needed.

    • Branch Security will be enforced.

  9. Create checkbox (Create if None) when a disposition is setup and the Create checkbox is selected, if the system cannot find a Disposition that meets the apply criteria an assembly for the intended disposition ID one will be created and the ticket will be applied to it.

    • When setting up a Create if None Disposition the contract type is not entered and it should be ordered last for that Disposition type.

  10. Order, select a disposition line and use move buttons, Top, Up, Down or Bottom, to select the application order.

  11. Application Rules: The auto apply rules will be based on the Scale Ticket branch. The following are the steps the system will follow for the auto apply process:

    • If the Disposition Type is Contract:

      • System will look at the disposition intention, the Disposition ID entered on the ticket, and look for existing assemblies for the branch the ticket is in. If system finds one, the ticket will be applied to that assembly. Or if none are found then:

      • System will look at all branches the user has access to for the Disposition ID on the ticket. The cross branch will use the early and late days apply rules from the origination branch. If none are found then:

        • This will occur if the XBranch Branch checkbox is marked. If not marked this step will be skipped.

      • System will look at first Disposition ID listed in the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition and look for existing assemblies for the branch the ticket is in. If system finds one, the ticket will be applied to that assembly. Or if none are found then:

      • System will look for that Disposition ID at all branches that the user has access to. The cross branch will use the early and late days apply rules from the origination branch. If none are found then:

        • This will occur if the XBranch Branch checkbox is marked. If not marked this step will be skipped.

      • System will go back to the origination branch for the next Disposition ID and follows the apply steps. This will continue for each Disposition ID, if none are found to then:

      • System will go back to the origination branch and look if the Create if None setting is marked on the Disposition ID entered on the ticket, if marked system will create an assembly sheet for that branch and apply the ticket to it, if not found then:

      • System will go back to the origination branch for the any Create if None Disposition ID and system will create an assembly sheet for that branch and apply the ticket to it, if none are found to then:

      • Ticket will remain unapplied.

    • If the Disposition Type is Assembly, assemblies that are not attached to a contract:

      • System will look at the disposition intention, the Disposition ID entered on the ticket, and look for existing assemblies for the branch the ticket is in. If system finds one, the ticket will be applied to that assembly. Or if none are found then:

      • System will look at all branches the user has access to (in alphabetical order), for the Disposition ID on the ticket. The cross branch will use the early and late days apply rules from the origination branch. If none are found then:

      • System will go back to the origination branch for the Create if None Disposition ID and system will create an assembly sheet for that branch and apply the ticket to it.

    • If system finds more than one assembly for the disposition intention, the following hierarchy will be used to select the assembly sheet to be used:

      • The assembly from the contract with the earliest ending delivery date, if there are still multiple then:

      • The assembly from the contract with the earliest starting delivery date, if there are still multiple then:

      • The assembly from the contract with the earliest contract date, if there are still multiple then:

      • Lowest Contract Number

        • Or the lowest Assembly Number if the Disposition Type is Assembly.

    • If the disposition intention is not provided on the ticket, an assembly will be created with the disposition of the first rule that has Create checked and will be applied to the ticket. If none of the rules have Create checked than the ticket will remain unapplied.

  12. The Auto Apply Rules will be called from the following windows:

    • Scale Ticket Entry, when the Ticket is saved if the User Extension, Allow Ticket Auto Apply is selected.

    • Bulk Ticket Entry, when the Ticket is saved if the User Extension, Allow Ticket Auto Apply is selected.

    • Scale Ticket Apply Entry, when the Auto Apply button selected.

    • Cinch Document Exchanged AgXML Ticket Import, if the Auto Apply Ticket service tag is yes.

      • This service does not use the User Extension, Allow Ticket Auto Apply.

Site Empty Maintenance

Site Empty Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Site Empty Maintenance window can be used to record what is being held in a specific site (bin) and the history of when it was emptied and cleaned. This will come in handy for Identity Preservation requirements and several reports throughout the system can be restricted from the dates provided.

Entering Site Empty Information

1.Open the Site Empty Maintenance window.
(Cards>>Inventory>>Site>>Additional>>Site Empty)

  1. The Site ID will default from Site Maintenance, but can be changed if necessary.

  2. Enter the Item that was stored in the site (bin).

  3. Enter the Empty Date for the bin. The Empty Dates can be used for reporting and is also a restriction on the Inbound Scale Tickets>>IP Reports.

  4. Enter any Comments or User Defined information.

  5. Choose Insert to insert the information into the scrolling window.

  6. The scrolling window will display the complete history of the bin for the item selected. The newest record will be displayed first.

  7. Choose OK to close the window.

Location Code COMP Entry

Selecting Main Site Branch Access

This window works together with the Main Inventory Site ID field in the Branch Maintenance window so that DPR transactions can be created in the appropriate branch. The transactions effected are Branch Transfers, Bulk Transfers, Counter Sales, Invoices, and Inventory adjustments.

  1. Open the Location Code COMP Entry window.

(Cards>>Inventory>>Site>>Additional>>Location COMP Entry)

  1. The Site ID defaults from the Site Maintenance window.

  2. Enter or Select the main Branch ID for this site.

  3. Select a Meppel Loc Type of Wholesale or Retail. This field is necessary if Meppel exports are being created.

  4. GLN Number is used to export or exchange the Inventory Site in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifier.

    • System supports a single GLN number for each Dynamics Site.

    • System allows the same GLN to be used on multiple Dynamics Site records.

  5. DUNS Number is used to export or exchange the Inventory Site in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifier.

    • System supports a single DUNS number for each Dynamics Site.

    • System allows the same DUNS/EBID to be used on multiple Dynamics Site records.

  6. Enter a Def in Transit Site

    • Within Branch Transfer Entry, when the user enters the Origination site, the system will default the corresponding Def In Transit Site.

      • If the Def In Transit Site is empty, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be displayed if defined.

  7. Mark the Vendor Consignment Site checkbox if the Site has consigned Grain linked to an assembly. This will be used during the posting of the manufacturing transaction so that the appropriate assembly will be adjusted for the produced and consumed items.

  8. Customer Consigned Site checkbox is currently not used.

  9. Direct Ship Site checkbox is currently not used.

  10. In-Transit Site checkbox is currently not used.

  11. User Defined 1 is currently not used.

Branch Location Entry

The Branch Location Entry window allows the user to grant multiple site accesses to a Branch.

Selecting Multiple Site Branch Access
  1. Use the expansion button next to the Main Inventory Site ID field in the Branch Maintenance window to open the Branch Location Entry window. This window allows the user to grant multiple site accesses to a branch.

  1. The Branch ID and Description fields default from the Branch Maintenance window.

  2. The Available Sites column list all sites created in the system.

  3. Use the Insert, Insert all, Remove, and Remove All buttons to populate the Selected Sites Column.

  4. Sites placed in the Selected Sites column will be the only sites available for transactions within the branch.

A site can only be assigned to one branch. The Available Sites column will only display sites that have not been assigned to a branch.

User Branch Access

The User Branch Access window allows the user to assign branches to each user in the system.

Selecting User Branch Access
  1. Open the User Branch Access window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> User >> Additional >> User Branch Access)

For more information about the User Setup window, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP manual.

  1. The User ID and User Name fields are display only and will be filled from the User ID entered in the User Setup window.

  2. The Branch Security Mode will tell the user if the General Setup setting for branch security:

  • Secure Branch Mode specifies that Branch Security is enabled.

  • Branch Filtering Mode specifies that Branch Security is not enabled.

  1. Select the branches the user will have access to from the Available Branches list and choose the Insert button, or to give access to all branches, select the All button.

  2. To remove branch access, select the branches to remove from the Selected Branches window and choose remove, or to remove access from all branches, select the Remove All button.

  3. Choose Save to save the changes.

Current Region/Branch

The Current Region Branch window allows the user to select what branch and region to enter transactions in to.

Selecting a Current Branch/Region
  1. Open the Current Region Branch window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain >>Current Branch)

  1. In the Branch ID field, enter the branch ID the user will be entering transactions for. If a branch is entered that has not already been created the system will ask if you wish to create the branch.

  2. Branch Lookup, will display all branch the user has access to.


    • Branches checkbox:

      • When not marked, only active branches the user has access to will be displayed.

      • When marked, all active branches will be displayed. The user will not be allowed to select a branch they do not have access to.

    • Include Inactive checkbox:

      • When marked display will include active and inactive branches the user has access to.

      • When not marked display will only include active branches the user has access to.

  1. The Region ID field, which is display only, will display the region assigned to the branch.

  2. The Default Report/Inquiry Branch Level drop down allows the user to indicate whether Current Branch, My Branches or All Branches should default when inquiry and report windows are opened.

  3. Choose OK to save the selections and exit the window.

The Starting Default Branch window automatically displays when Microsoft Dynamics GP is opened. This window displays the Current Branch setup for the user. By clicking the window the Current Region Branch window will open allowing the user to change the current default branch. If the user does not click on the Starting Default Branch window it will automatically close.

Branch Check Numbers

Branch Check Numbers

D2HML|C1H ManualCINCH Grain has the optional ability to support different ranges of check numbers for each branch. If branch ranges are setup, the next check number for a checkbook will be retrieved from the Branch Check Number setup. If branch ranges are not setup in Branch Check Number setup, the next check number will be retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics GP Checkbook Maintenance.
The following windows will refer to the Branch Check Number Setup for the Next Check Number when printing checks: Advance Entry, Settlement Entry, Payables Transaction Entry, Payables Manual Payment Entry, and Select Payables Checks.

Setting up Branch Check Numbers
  1. Open the Branch Check Number Setup window.(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Branch Check Numbers)

  1. In the Checkbook ID field, enter the checkbook ID that the user will be entering check number ranges for.

  2. In the scrolling window, use the Branch ID lookup button to select a branch ID.

  3. Enter the first number of the check number range in the Start Check No column.

  4. Enter the last number of the check number range in the End Check No column.

The Start Check No. and the End Check No. values must contain an equal number of digits. For Example, if there are check blanks 9000-11000, the user must enter two ranges of 9000-9999 and 10000-11000 for the same branch ID.

  1. Enter the desired next check number into the Next Check Number field.

  • The Next Check Number can be the first check number in the range or any check number within the branch range.

  • This number will increment as checks are printed from the selected checkbook.

  • The Next Check Number can be modified manually in the case that check numbers in the range need to be skipped.

  • If a branch ID check range does not exist for a checkbook ID, the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP functionality will generate the Next Check Number.

  1. An optional warning range can be set up by entering a number in the Warning Range field. When the amount of checks remaining in a branch range is equal to or less than the warning range, a warning will appear when printing checks stating how many checks are left in the range.

  2. Choose OK to save the selections and exit the window.

When editing the Next Check Number and Warning Range fields, the user must make certain the correct Branch ID is selected when making changes. The selected branch will be shown in the display field to the right of the Next Check Number field.

Next Number Maintenance

Document Number MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual;target=Manual

CINCH Grain provides a unique sequential audit trail control for all the transactions generated and will not allow duplicate numbers to be processed. In this section the user will learn how to tell the system where to start the numbering sequence for counter sales, orders, invoices, etc. select the starting number for each function and to tell the system whether or not to track deleted numbers. All numbers being issued are validated to insure that they are truly unique, that they support multi-user processing, and they handle region/branch level numbers.
Once a number is created and used it will be locked and the user will not be able to manipulate it. However, the numbering system provides a way that it could "reset" or "restart" the numbering from a specific point.
The user will be able to view the document numbers either through the Next Number Maintenance window or the Number System Inquiry window.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Setting up Document Numbers
Viewing Document NumbersD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual;target=Manual

Setting up Document Numbers
  1. Open the Next Number Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Numbers Maintenance)

  1. Auto Create – choose this button to "auto create" a series of numbers for a module. If no module has been selected the Auto Create button will create an entry for ALL Modules. In both cases a "Next Number" is created for every Branch that exists in the Branch table.

This will primarily be used during system setup to initialize numbers for ALL Branches at one time.

  1. In the Module field, select a module from the drop down list.

  2. In the Document Prefix field, enter the three character code assigned to a specific branch/region combination.

These characters will be placed before the document number and will indicate which branch/region the number is being created for. Most prefix codes have already been setup once a branch is created.

  1. In the Document Number field, enter the starting number for this Module and Prefix.

  2. The Next Number displays what the next number will be for the Module and Document Prefix selected.

  3. Check the Log Delete checkbox to indicate whether or not deleted records should be tracked. If the checkbox is not checked then a document number that is deleted can be reused in the system. If the checkbox is checked then a document number that is deleted cannot be reused and the system records the date, time and user that deleted the record.

    • The Log Delete checkbox does not apply if the document is deleted from the Routine, Document Utility. The Document Utility, Reuse Doc/Ticket Number checkbox will override this setting.

  4. The Branch ID field is a display only field and displays the branch associated with the document prefix.

  5. The Region ID field is a display only field and displays the region tied to the branch.

  6. Choose Save to save the information entered for the document numbers and exit the window.

Viewing Document Numbers
  1. Open the Number System Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Document Numbers)

Use the Number System Inquiry window to view current document numbers and if they have been voided or deleted.

  1. All of the document numbers for all modules and regions/branches will be displayed when the window is first entered.

  2. Choose a Module from the list to view documents for only one module.

  3. Enter or select a branch to view documents for only a certain branch.

  4. Mark the Deleted check box and/or the Void check box to view deleted and/or voided transactions.

Selecting the Deleted check box may or may not display deleted numbers. This will depend on whether or not log deleted numbers was selected when setting up document numbers.

Non-CINCH Company in Dynamics GP

Defining a Non-CINCH Company in Dynamics GPD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to disable CINCH functionality for a Dynamics GP company. This allows users to easily utilize non-CINCH Dynamics GP companies in a Dynamics GP instance that has CINCH installed. When a user logs into a non-CINCH company, the CINCH functionality will be disabled and the user will not be prompted to install the CINCH system.

Defining a Non-CINCH Company
  1. Open the Company Extensions Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >>Tools >>Setup >>Company >>Company >>Additional >>Company Extensions)

  1. Mark the Cinch Not Installed checkbox to disable CINCH functionality for the selected company.

  2. Click OK to save the changes and exit the window.

Chapter 2:Inventory Setup

This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the inventory items within each company running CINCH Grain, including additional item information, discounts, and grades.
Grade Maintenance. This section shows the user how to setup commodity grades and grade factors.
Board of Trade Maintenance. This section explains how to setup a board of trade (BOT) and to input ticker symbols, symbols that represent a product, for a specific BOT and item.
Additional Item Information. This section shows the user how to setup Hazardous ID's that may then be assigned to Items. It also shows how to enter specific agricultural information for each item.
D2HML|C1H Manual

Commodity Grade Maintenance

Grade Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section shows the user how to setup commodity grades, U.S. quality grades, and grade factors. Commodity grades, quality grades, and grade factors are designed to describe grain and provide the foundation for pricing. Within a defined range, these specifications inform buyers and sellers about the general characteristics of the grain being graded. Thus, a uniform system of grading is essential for the orderly marketing of grain. In this section the user will learn how to setup commodity grades, U.S. quality grades, and to define grade factors.
Once a commodity grade is setup it can be selected to categorize a commodity during ticket entry while a commodity grade factor, such as moisture and test weight, allows the user to setup discount details, which are then connected to discount schedules. The discount schedule is then applied to specific items and when those items are selected during ticket entry, the user will be prompted for certain grade information, which will automatically calculate discounts.
U.S. Quality Grades can be set up for a Commodity Grade by setting up a group of Grade Factors and values that must be met for a commodity to be assigned a certain U.S. Quality Grade. When Quality Grades are defined for a commodity, the Quality Grade can be automatically calculated and entered into inbound scale tickets and outbound shipping tickets during ticket entry. In order for the quality grade calculation to occur, all grade factors comprising a quality grade must be entered in the ticket entry window. If each grade factor required for a quality grade does not have a value entered, a quality grade of U.S. Sample will be entered in the Quality Grade field on the ticket.
The USDA has defined the U.S. quality grades as: U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2, U.S. No. 3, U.S. No. 4, U.S. No. 5, and U.S. Sample Grade. The USDA has also defined the grade factor values that must be met for grain to meet each quality grade. For more information on the USDA commodity grading, please visit the following website:
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Commodity Grade

Adding a Grade Factor
D2HML|C1H Manual

Adding a Commodity Grade
  1. Open the Commodity Grade Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Commodity Grades)

  1. Enter a Commodity Grade, which can be selected during purchase contract entry to categorize a grain.

  2. Enter a brief description to identify the Commodity Grade.

  3. Select a Commodity ID that the Commodity Grade and Quality Grade will be associated to.

  4. Select the Quality Grade to be associated with the Commodity Grade.

  5. For the Quality Grades to be calculated automatically, enter the Grade Factors required for calculating the U.S. commodity grades into the scrolling window.

  • Select a Grade Factor.

  • The Grade Factor description will display in the Description column.

  • The Sum checkbox will be marked if the Grade Factor is a Summary Grade. A Summary Grade Factor is a sum of two or more Grade Factors. See Adding a Grade Factor for more information.

  • Select the Calc Type. There are three types of Calc Types:

  • Minimum – The Value column entry is the minimum grade factor value that the sample can be to meet the requirements for the selected quality grade.

  • Maximum - The Value column entry is the maximum grade factor value that the sample can be to meet the requirements for the selected quality grade.

  • Boolean – The value for a Boolean Calc Type is either "Yes" or "No." The sample value for the grade factor must match the setting in the Yes/No column to meet the requirements for the selected quality grade.

  • In the Value column, enter the value to be used with Minimum and Maximum calc types to determine if a sample meets the requirements for the selected quality grade.

  • In the Yes/No column, select the value to be used with a Boolean calc type to determine if a sample meets the requirements for the selected quality grade.

In order to calculate all U.S. Quality Grades for a commodity, a Commodity Grade must be created for each Commodity ID/Quality Grade combination.
For Example: To set up all Quality Grades for a single commodity, the user will set up six unique Commodity Grades using the same Commodity ID, with each Commodity Grade assigned a different Quality Grade. The following table displays an example of how to set up Commodity Grades to use all Quality Grades for Wheat:

Commodity Grade

Commodity ID

Quality Grade



U.S. No 1



U.S. No 2



U.S. No 3



U.S. No 4



U.S. No 5



U.S. Sample

Grade Factor parameters need to be entered for each Commodity Grade for the Quality Grades to calculate automatically during ticket entry.

  1. Choose Save to save information entered for the grade.

Copying a Commodity Grade

Copy Commodity Grade allows user to copy the Commodity and Grade Factors to a new Commodity Grade.

  1. Open Commodity Grade Maintenance window.

  2. Select the Commodity Grade to copy, when the Copy button is selected the Commodity Grade, Description and Quality Grade will be cleared allowing user to enter the new values.

  3. Enter the new Commodity Grade and Description.

  4. Select Save to save the new Commodity Grade.

Grade Factor Maintenance

Adding a Grade Factor
  1. Open the Grade Factor Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Grade Factors)

  1. Enter a Grade Factor, which will be used to identify the factor.

  2. Enter a brief description to identify the Grade Factor.

  3. Select the Invoiceable checkbox to enable the grade to be invoiced.

  4. Enter or select an Invoice Item Number to be used as the grade factor on the sales invoice within the Invoice Charges Entry window.

  5. Select the correct grade type from the Value Type drop down list. There are four options to choose from; number, percent, string, yes/no.

  6. Select the correct decimal precision for this grade from the Calc Dec Precision drop down list. The precisions range from 0 to 5.

  7. Select how the system should round the entered grade to the nearest precision, selected above, from the Round to Nearest drop down list. The options are; whole, half, tenth, hundredth, thousandth.

  8. Select how the system should round this factor's calculation from the Always Round drop down list. The options are; up, down, nearest.

  9. While most grade factors increase as the quality values increase, moisture for example; some discounts increase as the quality value decreases, test weight for example. Therefore, select how the system should display this factor's values from the Discount Direction drop down list. The options are; ascending and descending.

  10. In the Entry Sequence field, enter the number this grade will appear when entering grade factor information during ticket entry.

  11. Select the Summary checkbox if the Grade Factor is a sum of other Grade Factors.

  12. When defining a Summary Grade, click the expansion button next to the Summary checkbox to open the Summary Grades window.

  • Select each of the Grade Factors that will be summed for the Summary Grade.

  • Each Grade Factor must be of the same Value Type as the Summary Grade.

  1. In the Warning Limit Max field, enter in the highest number acceptable for this grade factor. When a value is entered that is higher than this value in the ticket entry window, the user will receive a warning.

  2. In the Warning Limit Min field, enter in the lowest value acceptable for this grade factor. When a value is entered that is lower than this value in the ticket entry window, the user will receive a warning.

  3. If performing XML document transfers, select an XML UM Desc for the Grade Factor.

  4. Choose Save to save the information entered for the grade factor.

Board of Trade Maintenance

Board of Trade Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to setup a board of trade (BOT) and to input ticker symbols, symbols that represent a product, for a specific BOT and item.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Board of Trade
Adding a Board Ticker Symbol

Adding a Board of Trade
  1. Open the Board of Trade maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Board of Trade)

  1. In the Board Of Trade field, enter a board of trade ID, which will be used throughout CINCH Grain to identify the board of trade.

  2. Select the Inactive checkbox to inactivate the Board of Trade.

  3. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the board of trade.

  4. The Currency ID will be used for Mark to Market reporting purposes only and will not be validated against the Cinch transaction Currency ID.

  5. Choose Save to save the information entered for this board of trade.

Board Ticker Maintenance

Adding a Board Ticker Symbol
  1. Open the Board Ticker Symbol Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Board Tickers)

  1. In the Ticker Symbol field, enter a ticker symbol ID, which will be used throughout CINCH Grain to identify a specific product with a specific BOT.

  2. Select the Inactive checkbox to inactivate the Ticker Symbol.

  3. In the Desc field, enter a brief description to identify the ticker symbol.

  4. In the Board Of Trade field, enter the Board Of Trade ID this ticker symbol to represents. If you enter a BOT that has not already been created the system will ask if you wish to create it.

  5. In the Board Month field, select the Board Month symbol from the drop down list. The corresponding month will be displayed.

  6. In the Board Year field, enter the year this symbol represents.

  7. In the Full Contract Quantity, enter the full contract quantity amount. This will be used to convert the number of contracts to the bushel equivalent for the Contract Position Report and Long/Short Report.

  8. In the Mini Contract Quantity, enter the mini contract quantity amount. This will be used to convert the number of contracts to the bushel equivalent for the Contract Position Report and Long/Short Report.

  9. Enter the Options Expiration Date. This is the date the options will no longer appear on the Futures & Options Open Position Inquiry, Futures & Options Open Position Report, Contract Position Report and Long/Short Report.

  10. Select a U of M to associate with the Ticker.

    • Any Items added to the Ticker will have to have the ticker's U Of M present within the Item's U Of M Schedule.

    • The U of M will be used for displaying transactions within Price Schedule Entry and will not be validated against the Cinch transaction U of M.

  11. The Currency ID will default from the selected Board of Trade, but it can be changed.

    • The Currency ID will be used for Mark to Market reporting purposes only and will not be validated against the Cinch transaction Currency ID.

  12. Use the scrolling window to choose the Commodities that are associated with this ticker.

The Item must exist in Microsoft Dynamics GP, or a warning will be displayed.

  1. Choose the Copy button to quickly create a new Board Ticker with similar information.

  2. Choose Save to save the information entered for this ticker symbol.

Futures Symbol Maintenance

Adding a Futures Symbol
  1. Open the Futures Symbol Maintenance window.

(Cards>Cinch Grain>Contracts>Futures Symbol Maintenance)

  1. Enter the Futures Symbol ID. ID can be up to 3 characters.

  2. Enter Description, a 30 character description of the Futures Symbol ID.

  3. Save button, will create or update the selected record.

  4. Clear button, will clear the window without saving any updates.

  5. Delete button, will delete the selected record.

    • User is not allowed to delete a Futures Symbol if the symbol is used on an item (Item Extensions Maintenance).

Additional Item Information

This section shows the user how to setup Hazardous ID's that may then be assigned to Items. It also shows how to enter specific agricultural information for each item.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Hazardous Description

Adding Additional Item InformationD2HML|C1H Manual

Hazard Description Maintenance

Adding a Hazardous Description
  1. Open the Hazardous Description Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>HazMat Codes)

  1. Enter a Hazardous ID for the description.

  2. Mark the Inactive checkbox to make the Hazardous ID inactive.

  3. Enter a Description for the Hazard ID.

  4. Enter a Long Description; this may be used on Bill of Ladings or reports.

Quality Class Maintenance

Adding Quality Class



        1. Open the Quality Class Maintenance window.

(Cards> Cinch Grain> Contracts> Quality Class)

  1. Enter Quality Class and Description.

  2. Select X Ref Class

  3. Select X Ref Sub Class

    • Valid Quality Sub Classes available to be assigned to the Quality Class include:

      • Durum Wheat

        1. Hard Amber Durum Wheat

        2. Amber Durum Wheat

        3. Durum wheat

      • Hard Red Spring Wheat

        1. Dark Northern Spring Wheat

        2. Northern Spring Wheat

        3. Red Spring Wheat

      • Soft White Wheat

        1. Soft White Wheat

        2. White Club Wheat

        3. Western White Wheat

      • Malting Barley

        1. Six-Rowed Malting Barley

        2. Six-Rowed Blue Malting Barley

        3. Two-Rowed Malting Barley

      • Barley

        1. Six-Rowed Barley

        2. Two-Rowed Barley

        3. Barley

    • A Quality Sub Classes can be assigned to only one Quality Class.

  4. Enter the Sub Class.

  5. Select Save to save the quality class/sub class combination.

Item Extension Maintenance

Adding Additional Item Information
  1. Open the Item Extensions Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Inventory>>Item>>Additional>>Item Extensions)

  1. Enter or select an Item to add information to.

When accessing this window from the Additional menu on the Item Maintenance window, this field will already be filled in with the item previously selected.

  1. In the Weight UOM field, enter or select the inventory unit of measure this item is typically bought and/or sold. Only the unit of measures defined in the Microsoft Dynamics GP U of M Schedule that is selected for this item on the Item Maintenance window can be used.

  2. In the Weight/Unit field, enter the weight per Weight UOM that was defined above for this item. For example, Corn weighs 56 pounds per bushel and bushels was selected for the Weight UOM then enter 56 for the Weight/Unit. If pound is selected for the Weight UOM then enter 1 for the Weight/Unit.

  3. In the Precision field, select the maximum number of digits used to establish the value of the item during ticket entry.

  4. In the Board of Trade field, enter or select a default board of trade to be used when specifying a contract price.

  5. Select a Futures Symbol.

  6. Select a Prepay Class for the Item.

  7. Select a Unit Tax U of M.

  8. Select a Sales Qty U of M. This field is required.

  9. Select a Payment Terms default for the item.

  10. When using XML Exports, select the XML Commodity from the list provided.

  11. When using the Meppel Export, select the Meppel Vendor Type of Agent or Distributor.

  12. Select a Wash Item, the item that will default into the Additional Document Information window of the Contract Wash.

    • When the Contract Wash creates an accounts receivable document the Wash Item is a non-inventory item used on the resulting invoice.

    • When the Contract Wash creates an accounts payable document the Wash Item determines the debit distribution.

  13. Select a Quality Class, when the Item is selected in either the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry or Outbound Shipping Entry window, the Quality Class will be defaulted.

  14. In the Hazardous ID Field, enter or select a default hazardous ID to be used. The information on the Hazardous ID will print on the Hazardous Material Shipping document which can be printed from any of the sales transaction windows. A Hazardous ID must be selected in order for the Hazardous Shipping Material Document to be printed for an item.

  15. Enter or select an Outbound Discount Item. This item will be used when invoicing outbound shipments if a discount schedule results in a dollar deduction and the grade does not have a billable item number. The outbound discount item will be used and will display on the invoice along with the grade factor description.

  16. Enter or select a FMS GB UM (Feed Mill Management Grain Bank Unit of Measure).

The unit of measure schedule assigned to the Commodity (Item) and Hedge Item must provide conversion from the FMS unit of measure to the CINCH weight unit of measure. I.e. Pounds to Bushels, Bushels to Pounds and vice versa.

  1. FMS Commodity is used with the integration of FMM (Feed Mill Management). The item used to position the FMS created sales contract.

    • To generate Long Short Inquiry position records for Sales Contracts created from FMS Integration, the user has the option of setting up a Position Entry that will automatically create position records based upon the delivery start or end date or opening up the Cinch Sales contract and adding a ticker or a position record for the market month of the pricing.

FMM has items in various post processing states, such as Cracked Corn, Ground Corn and Cleaned Corn. CINCH Grain Bank commodities are normally received to an item number, such as Corn. FMM groups these items in a Category; CINCH will group these items using the "Hedge Item" field. When an Item Number has a Hedge Item, CINCH will consume grain bank based on the Hedge Item NOT the actual item.

  1. FMS Cmdty Factor is used to convert from the FMS sales contract unit of measure to the hedge item unit of measure.

  2. Sales Freight Item is the freight item that will default on the Bulk Shipment Invoicing or the Grain Shipment Invoicing line.

  3. Select the Schedule F Category that this item belongs to. The Schedule F Category totals will print on the CINCH Sales Line Item Statement.

  4. Select the Manufacturer for this Item. This is only necessary when performing a PetroVend Import or XML Export.

  5. Enter or select a Brand ID to associate with the item.

  6. Enter the Cost Price Percentage for the item, if applicable.

  7. Direct Ship Display sets the type of weight that will default into the Direct Ship Single Ticket Entry window based on the Item selected. Display Options are:

  • Scale – The system will default to this setting if nothing has been setup.

  • Meter

  1. Ship/Receive Def Screen sets the Shipment / Ticket Type in the Direct Shipment Single Ticket window. The options are:

  • Grain – The system will default to this setting if nothing has been setup.

  • Bulk

  1. Enter XML Batch Prefix to allow Cinch Document Exchange AgXML Shipment Import, AgXML Ticket Import and CIDX Load Import the ability to create a separate Batch by Item.

    • XML Batch Prefix can be up to 3 characters.

  2. Enter the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) which will be used in the export or exchange of items in the AGIIS supported product identifier format.

  3. Select a package type that best represents the item. Options are Bulk, Packaged, Re-pack or Other.

  4. Select the Tax Exempt Checkbox if the selected item qualifies for tax exemption. When marked, tax for a customer's Exempt Tax Details will not be calculated on Cinch documents, Invoice Maintenance, Counter Sales, Prepay Cash Receipts, Returns, Sales Orders and Prepay Transfers.

  5. The NON Grain Settlement checkbox is used by the Ticket Posting Process.

    • When the checkbox is marked an applied Assembly is NOT required for the ticket batch to be posted. It can have different effects on how or if inventory updated:

      • Refer to Scale Ticket Application and Posting section within Cinch Grain Software Procedures Manual for more details of how this works.

    • When the checkbox is not marked normal ticket posting process will occur. Inventory will be increased and the ticket will be settled through Settlement Entry.

  6. Select the Include in Fertilizer Blend checkbox to include the item in a Fertilizer Blend. The system will look at this checkbox during the AgWorks shipment integration process to determine if this item will be included in the composite or if it will be shown on a line of its own when using short blends.

  7. The Price Only checkbox is used to roll only the dollars, not the quantity, into the short blend line.

    • When marked only the Price will be rolled up into the Short Blend Item, not the quantity.

    • Include in Fertilizer Blend must be selected before Price Only can be selected.

    • The following windows support the Price Only feature:

      • Shipment Invoicing, Counter Sales Entry, and Invoice Maintenance.

  8. Mark the commodity checkbox to select this item as a commodity. Only the items marked as Commodity will be displayed in the CINCH Grain window lookups.

Enter or select a Group (Item Number) to tie the item to a different item on the DPR.
Enter the DPR Column number; this will determine the order of the items on the DPR Inquiry window. When entering a DPR Column, user will be warned if the column is already been assigned.


    • DPR Column expansion button when selected opens the Item DPR Columns window to view the column assignments already made.

    • Select a GB Overage Disposition. This disposition will be used when selecting the assembly sheet to be used when one grain bank assembly has been fully consumed.

  1. Mark the Require Ticker to Post Purchase Contract checkbox to require a Ticker on a purchase contract price record before that price record can be posted.

  2. Mark the Require Ticker to Post Sales Contract checkbox to require a Ticker on a sales contract price record before the sales contract can be posted.

    • If the sales contract has a hedge item that is being used for price calculation that item will also be verified for the ticker requirement prior to posting.

  3. In the scrolling window, enter or select the grade factors to be used with this item.

  • If the All Grades check box is marked, the system will default all the grade factors setup within the CINCH Grain system.

  • Choose a Grain Tester Item for the grade: None, Moisture, Test Weight or Temperature. If Foss Constituents are defined in CINCH, they will also be available for selection as a Grain Tester Item. Grade Factors that have a Grain Tester Item assigned can be populated in CINCH via GAC, Perten, Steinlite, or Foss grain tester integration.

  • Select the Req checkbox to make the Grade Factor value required during Inbound Scale Ticket entry and Direct Shipment-Single Ticket entry. The user will be required to enter the value before saving the ticket.

  1. Click Additional/RIN to open the Item RIN Setup window.

  • Default RIN's Transferred Qty checkbox:

    • When checkbox is marked:

      • In the Bulk Shipment Entry, RIN Edit, RINs Transferred Qty will default base on Net Meter Qty times Equivalence Value, but the value can be changed.

    • When checkbox is not marked:

      • In the Bulk Shipment Entry, RIN Edit, RINs Transferred Qty will be disabled.

      • The Equivalence Value field is disabled.

  • Enter the Equivalence Value if the item is a renewable fuel that is being produced. The Equivalence Value field is used in Renewable Identification Number (RIN) generation.

  • In the Denature Percentage field, enter the percentage of denaturant added to the item.

  • Temp Coefficient – This value (up to 7 decimal places) will be used to calculate the Net Meter Qty in the Bulk Ticket Entry and Direct Ship Single Ticket Entry screens.

  • Correct to Temp – this value is used to calculate the change in volume based on the temperature, in most cases this will be 60.

  • Default Invoice Qty to Use – is the quantity the system will use in Bulk Shipment Invoicing. The options are:

    • Gross

    • Net – The system will default to this setting if nothing has been setup.

  • Default Inventory Qty to Use. The options are:

    • Gross – The system will default to this setting if nothing has been setup.

    • Net

  • Exceptions scrolling window – enter any exceptions to the default Qty to Use based on the State level.

  • State Lookup button – will open the Ship To State Lookup window.

  • The Ship To State Lookup will display unique States from the Customer Address Master table.

  1. Choose Additional/Licenses to open the Required License window. This is used to select the licenses that are required to sell this item.

Use the lookup to select License Types that are required for this item.
Choose Save to save the license information
The user can also assign items to a license while setting up the License in License Type Entry.

  1. Choose Additional/Hazmat to open the Hazmat Information window. The information entered here will be printed on the CINCH Hazardous Material Shipping Document IF a Hazardous ID was selected in Item Extensions Maintenance.

  • Mark the Hazmat Item if the item is hazardous. This will populate a hazardous field on the CINCH Hazardous Material Shipping Document.

  • Mark the Bulk Item checkbox if the item is bulk. This will populate a bulk field on the CINCH Hazardous Material Shipping Document.

  • Enter the EPA Number, Placard Descriptions and ERG Number to print on the CINCH Hazardous Material Shipping Document.

  • Choose OK to save changes.

  1. Choose Additional/User Defined to open the Item User Defined Entry window. This window allows the user to enter in user defined values for predetermined user defined prompts setup in the General Setup window.

  1. Choose Additional/Item-Branch Defaults to open the Branch Item Default Maintenance window. Refer to Branch Maintenance>Branch Item Default Maintenance for more information on this window.

  2. Choose Additional/Hedge Items to open the Hedge Item Entry window to allow user to configure the hedge factor or percentage for an item or to setup multiple hedge items for a single item.


    • Hedge Item, is the item used to create position records for the contract.

      • If multiple Hedge Items are defined contract quantities will be reported on the LS Inquiry based upon the hedge factor and percentage on the contract for each hedge item.

      • The position records can be viewed from the purchase contract, sales contract or trade as well as the Long Short Inquiry. The quantity will be based on the hedge factor and the hedge percent.

      • Items with multiple hedge items will be displayed in the existing Long Short Report with the quantity displayed for the first hedge item using the hedge factor, but not the hedge percent.

      • If a hedge item is not setup when a contract (purchase, sales or trade) is created the main item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and percent of 100.00000.

    • Description, displays the hedge item description.

    • Hedge Factor, is used to convert from the contract unit of measure to the hedge item unit of measure.

    • Percentage is the percentage of the total contract quantity that this hedge item will be positioned as.

      • If the Percentage amount is greater than 100% the user will be warned they are over hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.

      • If the Percentage is less than 100% the user will be warned they are under hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.

    • Exclude from Price Calculator checkbox, is the default setting for the sales contract price calculator screen.

      • If an item is strictly for hedging purposes and will not be part of the price calculation this checkbox should be marked.

  1. Choose Additional/RFD Markups to open the RFD Markup Maintenance window which allows a markup amount to be setup per item and price level. The markup price level can then be assigned to the customer from, Customer Extensions Maintenance RFD Price Level. During the Cinch Document Exchange CIDX Sales Shipment Import process the markup amount will be added to the price during import into Shipment Invoicing based on the customer, item and price level.


    • The Item will default from Item Extensions.

    • Select the Price Level the markup will be for.

    • Price Level Desc will default from the selected price level.

    • Enter the Markup Amount.

    • The Delete Line Icon will delete the selected markup line.

    • OK will save the markup information and close the window.

  1. Choose Additional/Added Accounts to access the Added Accounts window.


    • Enter or select the Scale Accrued Purch account to be used when posting scale tickets. This is used for the credit side of a transaction when companies want the accrued purchases for each item to be in a separate accrued purchases general ledger account.

    • If enable unit accounts was selected in the Branch Maintenance window, lookup or select the Purchase and/or Sales Unit Accounts for the item.

The user will only be able to select accounts that are a Unit type.


    • Enter the Freight Payable Account that freight costs for this item to go to a specific account

    • Deferred AP Account is the account that will be used for the general ledger transaction when the deferred settlement is posted. When the deferred settlement is paid this account is cleared to the accounts payable account.

    • Enter the Payables Account to be used on Advances, Settlements, Contract Underfill process for creating a payable and Contract Wash.

    • Enter the Receivables Account to be used on Sales Invoice, Settlement results in a debit memo, contract under fill when creating an invoice and contract wash.

    • Enter the Advance Account to be used on Advance Entry and Assembly Advance Entry for the selected item. If the account is not defined for the item the advance account from Advance Setup will be used.

    • Enter Prepay Account to be used on Prepay Cash Receipts and Prepay Transfer for the selected item. If the account is not defined for the item the prepay account from Prepay Setup will be used.

  1. Choose Additional/Greenbook HazMat to access the Greenbook Item Entry where the user can link the selected item to the Greenbook ProdID. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed System Manual for more information regarding Greenbook Integration.

  2. Choose Additional>Item Analysis to access the Item Analysis window. Item Analysis is used to identify which Analysis ID(s) pertains to each Item when running Certificate of Analysis (COA).

  3. Choose Additional>Item Specification when selected opens the Item Specification window. Item Specification is used to enter quality specifications per item, per analysis when running Certificate of Analysis (COA).

  4. Choose Save to save information entered for this item.

Chapter 3:Discounts/Premiums Setup

This chapter gives examples of discounts and premiums and shows the user how to setup discount details and schedules that will be used for both purchase and sales contracts.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Discount/Premium Types. This section explains the four types of discounts/premiums that the system will allow the user to create.
Setting up Discounts/Premiums. This section explains how to setup discount details and discount schedules. Discount details are formulated into discount schedules which are then attached to purchase and/or sales contracts.D2HML|C1H Manual

Discount/Premium Types

Discount/Premium Types

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains the four types of discounts/premiums that the system will allow the user to create.
The amount of the discount/premium is directly dependent on the grade values for a given load or set of loads. Discounts are taken in two forms, either as a shrink (quantity adjustment) or as a dollar discount. Premiums are taken only as dollar adjustments.

Percent of Price/Unit of Measure

The discount/premium is based on a percent of price/unit of measure. For example:
Discount - Deduct 1% of the price per unit of measure if protein is between 14 - 15%; deduct 2% of the price per unit of measure if protein is between 13 – 14%.



% of Price







Premium – Add 1% of the price per unit of measure if protein is between 15 – 16%; add $.015 per unit of measure if protein is over 16%.



% of Price







Dollar Amount/Unit of Measure

The discount/premium is based on a dollar amount/unit of measure. For example:
Discount - Deduct $.01 per unit of measure if protein is between 14 - 15%; deduct $.02 per unit of measure if protein is between 13 – 14%.










Premium – Add $.01 per unit of measure if protein is between 15 – 16%; add $.015 per unit of measure if protein is over 16%.










Shrink/Unit of Measure

The discount/premium is based on a shrink amount/unit of measure. For example:
Shrink 1.2% per unit of measure if moisture is between 15 – 16%; shrink 1.7% per unit of measure if foreign material is between 16.01 – 18%.



% Shrink







Flat Dollar Amount

The discount for each level is a flat dollar amount. For example:
Discount – Deduct $5 if moisture is above 15%.



Flat Amount




Premium – Add $5 if moisture is above 15%.



Flat Amount




Setting up Discount/Premiums

This section explains how to setup discount details and discount schedules. It is divided into the following procedures:

Adding Discount Schedules
Discounts/premiums are based off of grade factors. Each grade factor can have one or more discount details associated with it. D2HML|C1H Manual

Discount Detail Maintenance – Grade Factor

The Discount Detail Maintenance window allows the user to create discount details based off of Grade Factors that will be entered.

Adding Discount Details based on Grade Factor
  1. Open the Discount Detail Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Discount Details)

A discount detail is used to calculate the discount/premium, which is a deduction from/addition to the contract price due to low/high quality.

  1. In the Detail field, enter a Detail ID, which will be used to identify the discount.

  2. In the Detail Description field, enter a brief description to identify the discount.

  3. In the Item field, enter or select an Item Number that will use this detail. Once an item is entered its description will be displayed.

  4. Select the Item Expansion button, next to the Item field, to open the Additional Items window.

 To add the items from an entire class, enter the Item Class Code and choose Add Class Items to fill the scrolling window with all items.
 To add only a few items, select the items in the scrolling window.

  1. Select Grade Factor in the drop down list to set up details for a Grade Factor.

  2. In the Grade Factor field, enter a Grade Factor ID, which will be used as the base for this detail. Only grades that have been assigned to the selected item can be selected. Once a grade is entered its description will be displayed.

  3. Select Comment Lookup to select a standard Comment ID that has previously been setup.

  4. Select the Comment ID Expansion button to open the Discount Detail Comment Entry window to enter enter/edit the comment specific to the Discount Detail. The Comment on each Discount Detail is limited to 500 characters.

  1. Enter or select a Detail Account to affect the inventory posting of scale tickets. The account entered directs the amount of the discount to be distributed to this account rather than the inventory account on the item.

In order for the accounts from the discount detail maintenance to be used the Ticket Gross Cost Posting checkbox needs to be marked on the General Setup window.

  1. The following fields are display only fields and are based off the grade that has been selected: Value Type, Round to Nearest, Calc Dec Precision, and Always Round.

  2. To enter each discount detail, in the scrolling window, enter the information needed in order to calculate the discount/premium.

 From/To – Enter the "from" and "to" rates for this given grade. These two fields display the grade's value type.
 The Yes/No column allows the user to choose yes or no for the detail type. If Yes is selected, a 1 will be displayed in the From and To fields. If No is selected, a 2 will be displayed in the From and To fields.
Rejection – Select this check box if an item's grade factor fails to meet the requirements. During ticket entry, if a rate falls into the range that is flagged for rejection a warning will be given and the system will not allow the user to accept the delivery.
Premium – Select this check box if an item's grade factor exceeds the requirements. During ticket entry, if a rate falls into the range that is flagged for a premium the system will give the customer a premium instead of a discount.
% of Price – Enter the percent that to deduct/add from the items price per unit of measure if the grade factor fell within this rate.
$/Units – Enter the dollar amount that to deduct/add from the items per unit of measure total amount if the grade factor fell within this rate.
Flat Amounts – Enter the dollar amount to deduct/add from the total gross or adjusted amount.
Shrink % - Enter the percent to deduct/add from the items per unit of measure total amount if the grade factor fell within this rate.
Allow Avg – Mark the Allow Average checkbox to allow the grade factor values to be averaged or composite. Use the Mark All and Unmark All buttons to allow averaging on every range of the discount detail.
To allow averaging and to encompass all discount values, make sure a detail line that starts with 0, as well as one that goes to the end of the discount range to ensure that all values can be averaged.

  1. To add discount details in mass, choose the Generate button to open the Discount Detail Generator window.

    • The Generate button becomes enabled when a Discount Detail with a grade factor is used with Value Type of Number or Percent. The button remains disabled when Commodity Grade is selected.



      • The Detail field is read-only and displays the current Detail being created or modified.

      • The Discount Direction displays the direction the detail lines will be created, Ascending or Descending. The direction field is read-only and will default from the selected Grade Factor.

      • Operation – Append or Replace:

        • When generating a new Discount Detail, the Operation fields will not be displayed since there are no detail lines to replace or append.

        • Editing an existing Discount Detail:

          • Append – will append the generated detail lines to the existing detail lines.

          • Replace – Replaces the existing detail lines with the generated detail lines.

      • Precision Apply – Option to apply the value precision to either the From Value or the To Value.

        • From Value – The apply value precision that will be applied to the From column.

        • To Value – The apply value precision that will be applied to the To column.

      • The Start Value is the value to start the number generating from.

      • The End Value is the value to stop the number generating at.

      • Increase/Decrease Value by – A drop down list, is the amount to increase/decrease each of the detail lines.

      • The % of Price Start is the starting value for the % of price field.

      • Increase/Decrease % of Price by – A drop down list, is the amount to increase or decrease the price for each line.

      • The $/units Start is the starting value for the $/units field.

      • Increase/Decrease $/units by – A drop down list, is the amount to increase or decrease the amount for each line.

      • The Flat Amount Start field is the starting value for the Flat Amount field.

      • Increase/Decrease Flat Amount by - A drop down list, is the amount to increase or decrease the amount for each line.

      • The Shrink % Start is the starting value for the Shrink % field.

      • Increase/Decrease Shrink % by - A drop down list, is the amount to increase or decrease the shrink amount for each line.

      • The Reject check box, if checked, will mark all the Reject flags generated in the scrolling window. This field is editable in the scrolling window

      • The Premium check box, if checked, will mark all the Premium flags generated in the scrolling window. This field is editable in the scrolling window.

      • The Allow Avg check box, if checked, will mark all of the Allow Avg flags generated in the scrolling window. This field is editable in the scrolling window.

      • The Ok button accepts the generated detail lines and moves the lines to Discount Detail Maintenance.

      • The Clear button with clear the generated detail lines and entered fields.

      • Generate button will generate the detail lines and display the preview in the scrolling window.

  1. The Validate Lines button, when selected will inform the user if any gaps or overlaps exist within the Discount Detail lines.

    • If a gap or overlap is found a warning will be displayed showing user where the gap/overlap exists.

      • Selecting Ok on the overlap warning will stop the validation process to allow the user to fix the gap/overlap.

      • Selecting Skip on the overlap warning will allow the validate process to skip the current gap/overlap and continue the validation process.

  2. Choose Save button to save the information entered for this discount detail.

  3. Choose the Copy button to open the Copy Discount Detail window. This window allows the user to create a new detail with similar factors to the existing detail.

 Enter the name of the new detail in the New Disc Detail field.
Enter a description for the new detail.

  • Enter the Currency ID to be placed on the created Discount Detail.

Enter or select the new item.
Select the OK button to return to the Discount Details Maintenance window. The new discount will be displayed with the copied information and can be edited prior to saving.

Discount Detail Maintenance – Commodity Grade

The Discount Detail Maintenance window allows the user to create discount details based off of Grade Factors that will be entered.

Adding Discount Details based on Commodity Grade
  1. Open the Discount Detail Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Discount Details)

  1. In the Detail field, enter a Detail ID, which will be used to identify the discount.

  2. In the Detail Description field, enter a brief description to identify the discount.

  3. In the Item field, enter or select an Item Number that will use this detail. Once an item is entered its description will be displayed.

  4. Select the Item Expansion button, next to the Item field, to open the Additional Items window. Select any additional items for this detail.

  5. Select Commodity Grade in the drop down list to set up details based on Commodity Grades.

  6. Enter or select a Detail Account to affect the inventory posting of scale tickets. The account entered directs the amount of the discount to be distributed to this account rather than the inventory account on the item.

In order for the accounts from the discount detail maintenance to be used the Ticket Gross Cost Posting checkbox needs to be marked on the General Setup window.

  1. The following fields are disabled when Commodity Grade has been selected: Value Type, Round to Nearest, Calc Dec Precision, and Always Round.

  2. In the scrolling window, enter the information needed in order to calculate the discount/premium.

  • Commodity Grade – Select a Commodity Grade which has a calculated Quality Grade associated with it.

  • Quality Grade – This field will be read-only and will display the associated Quality Grade.

  • Reject – Select this checkbox if an item's quality grade fails to meet your requirements. During ticket entry, if a quality grade falls into the range that is flagged for rejection a warning will be given and the system will not allow the user to accept the delivery.

  • Premium – Select this check box if an item's grade factor exceeds your requirements. During ticket entry, if a rate falls into the range that is flagged for a premium the system will give the customer a premium instead of a discount.

  • % of Price – Enter the percent to deduct/add from the items price per unit of measure if the quality grade fell within this rate.

$/Units – Enter the dollar amount to deduct/add from the items per unit of measure total amount if the quality grade fell within this rate.

  • Flat Amount – Enter the dollar amount to deduct/add from the total gross or adjusted amount.

  • Shrink % and Allow Avg are disabled for Commodity Grade discount details.

  • % of Price – Enter the percent to deduct/add from the items price per unit of measure if the grade factor fell within this rate.

$/Units – Enter the dollar amount to deduct/add from the items per unit of measure total amount if the grade factor fell within this rate.

  1. Choose Save button to save the information entered for this discount detail.

Discount Schedule Maintenance

Adding Discount Schedules

Discount details can be grouped together to formulate a discount schedule. For example, a schedule may be setup called Fall–Corn and it could consist of a discount detail for test weight and a discount detail for moisture.

  1. Open the Discount Schedule Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>Discount Schedules)

  1. In the Schedule field, enter a Schedule that will be used to identify the discount schedule.

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the discount schedule.

  3. In the Item field, enter an Item Number, which will be attached to this discount schedule.

  4. Select the expansion button, next to the Item Number, to open the Add Additional Items window to assign the schedule to multiple items.

 To add the items from an entire class, enter the Item Class Code and choose Add Class Items to fill the scrolling window with all items.
 To add only a few items, select the items in the scrolling window.

  1. Inactive checkbox:

    • When the checkbox is unmarked the schedule can be used on applicable documents. By default the checkbox will be unmarked.

    • When the checkbox is marked the schedule cannot be selected on any new documents, existing documents will not be affected.

  2. Select Comment Lookup to select a standard Comment ID that has previously been setup.

  3. Select the Comment ID Expansion button to open the Discount Detail Comment Entry window to enter enter/edit the comment specific to the Discount Detail. The Comment on each Discount Detail is limited to 500 characters.


    • When a Comment is linked to a Discount Schedule, and this Discount Schedule is associated to a Contract, the user will be able to add this Comment to the Contract by modifying the Contract using Dynamics GP Report Writer to drag the detail onto the report forms.

  1. Build Comment button, when selected the system will take the comments associated with the Discount Details on the Schedule and concatenate them into a single Comment. The system will only be able to use comments from the details until the maximum 500 characters are used up.

  2. In the scrolling window, select the discount details to apply towards this schedule.

Select a Detail to add to this schedule. The description, grade factor and grade factor description will default.
 The Dpd checkbox will be checked if there are grade factor dependencies for the line.
 To add grade factor dependencies select the Dpd Expansion button next to the Dpd scrolling window field to open the Grade Dependencies window.

  • Select a Grade.

  • Choose the Calculation Type of In Between, Greater than or equal to, or Less than or equal to.

  • Enter the From and To Amounts.

  • Select the OK button to return to the Discount Schedule Maintenance window.

Select Gross or Net to indicate to the system that they should use the Gross or Net amount when calculating this discount.
Select Adjust Net to indicate to the system that it should adjust the net amount once it is finished calculating this detail.
Indicate the sequence in which the system should calculate this detail. If one detail is applied to this schedule user will not have to indicate a sequence number. If there are multiple details user will need to tell the system which detail it should calculate first, second, third and so on.

  1. Choose Save to save the information entered for this discount schedule.

Chapter 4:Program Charges Setup

This chapter will show the user how to setup program charges, which can be used for charges and premiums that need to be calculated and reported based upon factors that do not exist in the Microsoft Dynamics GP tax schedule. Some examples of these include: drying charges, storage charges, storage premiums, checkoff, and price later handling charges.
This chapter is divided into the following procedures:
Adding Program Details
Adding Program Schedules
Program details are formulated into Program schedules which are then attached to purchase contracts.D2HML|C1H Manual

Program Detail Maintenance

Adding Program Details
  1. Open the Program Detail Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Program Details)

  1. Select Charge or Premium for the Program Type.

  2. Enter a Program ID in the Program ID field to describe the Program Detail.

  3. Enter a Program Description.

  4. Enter or select the General Ledger account that is associated with the program. If the program type is Charge, the account will be credited. If the program type is Premium, the account will be debited.

  5. Select the Invoiceable checkbox to invoice out a program charge rather than deducting it on a grain settlement. If this checkbox is selected then an item number is required in the Item Number field.

The customer can be invoiced for the program charge in the Invoice Grain Charges window when a vendor is linked to a customer. The charge type would be Program and then the specific Program ID is selected. One Program ID (or Grade Factor ID) can be billed at a time. The specific customer(s) are selected, calculated and processed. This creates a SOP document.

  1. The Promotional Program checkbox signifies the program is a promotional program and works in conjunction with the Promotional Program Processing. Refer to Cinch Grain Software Procedures Manual for more information about Promotional Program Processing.

  2. The Item number field is used two ways:

 If the Invoiceable checkbox is marked this field becomes required, enter or select an Item Number in the Item Number field. This should be an Item setup specifically for invoicing out the program charge/premium.

  • If the Item, Sales Account is defined it will be used on the distributions, if not the Program Detail account will be used.

 To have tax calculated on the program charge amount, select an Item Number.
In order for the tax to calculate, a Purchase Tax Option and a (Purchase) Tax Schedule ID must be assigned to the item selected. The Vendor must also have a Tax Schedule assigned and the Tax Detail will have to be set up as a Purchase Type. The taxes will be shown on a separate line on the Settlement Sheet.

  1. Select None, Interest or Miscellaneous from the 1099 Type dropdown field for the program to print on 1099's for the vendor. When setting up a Charge type program, the 1099 Type field will be disabled.

  2. Choose one of the following options from the Calculation Method list:

Flat Rate – A flat dollar amount charged one time based on quantity.
Accrual – A dollar amount or percentage that will accrue over time.
Flat Amount – A flat dollar amount charged one time and based on something other than quantity.


    • % Rate – A dollar amount charged one time based on gross or net dollar amount.

    • Other - These program details will not have any calculations made or be invoiceable, it will allow the user the ability to enter manual amounts on the assembly sheet(s).

  1. If Flat Amount is selected as the Calculation Method, a Per list will be shown next to the Calculation method field and the following options may be chosen:


  1. Enter a Calculation value.

This will be a dollar amount unless % Rate is chosen as the calculation method.
If Accrual is selected as the calculation method, this field will be disabled, and the Accrual Values window will be used to enter the information.

  1. In the Calculate On field, select one of the following options:

Gross – This will be the Gross Amount if % Rate is selected in the Calculation Method or Net Qty when Flat Rate or Accrual is selected as the Calculation Method.
Net – This will be the Net Amount if % Rate is selected in the Calculation Method or Net Qty when Flat Rate or Accrual is selected as the Calculation Method.

  1. In the Quantities field, select one of the following options:

Origination – Use the origination quantities.
Destination – Use the destination quantities

  1. The Accrual Values expansion button will be enabled if Accrual is selected as the calculation method. Select this button to open the Accrual Values window.

The Program ID will display from the Program Detail Maintenance window.
Select one of the following options in the Accrual Date Begins On field to determine what the source of the Starting Date will be. This will be used to help calculate the Charge/Premium:

  • Ticket Date – The system will use the ticket date from each ticket.

  • First Ticket Date – The system will use the date from the first ticket.

  • Final Ticket Date – The system will use the date from the final ticket.

  • Fixed Date – The system will use the date entered in the Accrual Start Date field.

  • Entered Later Date – The system will use a date that the user can enter at a later time.

  • Average Ticket Date – The system will step through all the tickets associated with an assembly and convert the ticket date for each ticket to a numeric value and multiply the number of bushels associated with the ticket by that value. Then it will take this sum and divide it by the total number of bushels on the assembly to arrive at a value that can be converted back to the weighted average date. This will be the date used to calculate the Program Amount for the assembly. The system will dynamically determine the Average Ticket Date as tickets are added or removed from the assembly.

Enter the Accrual Start Date to be used in calculations if Fixed Date was selected in the Accrual Date Begins On field.
Select one of the following options in the Accrual Date Ends On field to determine what the source of the Ending Date will be. This will be used to help calculate the Charge/Premium:

  • Ticket Date – The system will use the ticket date from each ticket.

  • First Ticket Date – The system will use the date from the first ticket.

  • Final Ticket Date – The system will use the date from the final ticket.

  • Fixed Date – The system will use the date entered in the Accrual End Date field.

  • Entered Later Date – The system will use a date that the user can enter at a later time.

  • Settlement Date – The system will use the date from the settlement.

  • Average Ticket Date – The system will step through all the tickets associated with an assembly and convert the ticket date for each ticket to a numeric value and multiply the number of bushels associated with the ticket by that value. Then it will take this sum and divide it by the total number of bushels on the assembly to arrive at a value that can be converted back to the weighted average date. This will be the date used to calculate the Program Amount for the assembly. The system will dynamically determine the Average Ticket Date as tickets are added or removed from the assembly.

Enter the Accrual End Date to be used in calculations if Fixed Date was selected in the Accrual Date Ends On field.
Select Daily, Monthly or Annually in the Time Period field.

  • Time Period must be populated for the accrual calculation process to run.

Select one of the following options in the Include drop down to determine how to handle partial periods in the calculations:

  • First – The partial period at the beginning of the date range will be included.

  • Last – The partial period at the end of the date range will be included.

  • Both – Both the partial periods at the beginning and end of the date range will be included.

  • Neither – Neither of the partial periods at the beginning or end of the date range will be included.

In the Free Periods field, enter the number of periods that will not be counted when the system is calculating Charges/Premiums.
If anything other than Ticket Date is selected for either of the Accrual Dates above, the Accrue On field will become active. Choose to accrue based on the Assembly Total or the Assembly Running Balance.
Mark the Retroactive checkbox if the Charges/Premiums will be calculated back from the Starting Date once the Free Periods are over.
Use the Scrolling window to enter Accrual Information:

  • The Tier field will automatically enter a value, starting with 1. This is for display purposes only and will not be editable.

  • Enter a dollar amount up to 4 decimal places in the Accrual Amount field.

  • Enter a percentage up to 4 decimal places in the Accrual Percent field.

  • Choose the accrual information to be Per as Daily, Monthly, Annually or Flat. This will be used in conjunction with what was chosen in the Time Period field above.

  • Enter the End Date for the tier. A start date for the next tier will be calculated based on the End Date entered.

  1. To setup to calculate a flat rate charge based on the Grain Bank balance at month end:

    • Calculation Method is set to Accrual.

    • Accrual Values are setup as follows:

      • Accrual Date Ends on, Invoice Date is selected from drop down list. When selected the following are set and cannot be edited:

        • Accrue On defaults with Month End Balance.

        • Time Period defaults to Monthly.

        • Include defaults to Both.

      • Enter Free Periods, months.

      • Within the scrolling window Per is set to Flat.

    • When the program is selected for invoicing each Grain Bank assembly will have the current billable balance determined and the appropriate charge amount will be posted to the assembly. A history of these charges and the supporting data for those charges will exist in the Program Tiers Details window.

      • The Invoice Charge process determines the initial start date based on the oldest ticket, as the charges are invoiced each end date is established. After the initial receipt the start date becomes the previous invoice date.

  2. When setting up an Accrual or % Rate Program Charge, user can choose to enter Minimum and Maximum charge amounts. To perform the calculation, select one of the following options in the Calc Min/Max By field:

By Unit – the program charge will be calculated per unit of measure basis. The calculated amount will be divided by the Net Qty on the assembly and an adjustment will be made based on the minimum and maximum amounts chosen.
By Total – the program charge will calculate based on the program charge calculated on the Assembly. The charge will be calculated and an adjustment made based on the minimum and maximum amounts chosen.

  1. Enter the Minimum Amount per base unit that the customer will be charged. If Flat Amount or Other are selected as the Calculation Method, this field will be disabled.

  2. Enter the Maximum Amount per base unit that the customer will be charged. If Flat Amount or Other are selected as the Calculation Method, this field will be disabled.

  3. After Free checkbox, when checked the program detail will not charge the Minimum Amount until after the assigned Free Periods has passed.

  4. Use the scrolling windows to select what the Program will be allowed to be applied on:

Commodities scrolling window – will display all of the Items that are marked as commodities in the Item Companion Maintenance window. Select the Allow checkbox next to the Items to apply this Program to, or choose Mark All to select all of the Items.
Disposition scrolling window – will display all of the Dispositions that have been setup in Disposition Maintenance. Select the Allow checkbox next to the Dispositions to apply this Program to, or choose Mark All to select all of the Dispositions.
Contract Type scrolling window – will display all of the different types of contract that can be entered. Select the Allow check box next to the Contract Types to apply this Program to, or choose Mark All to select all of the Contract Types.

  1. Choose Save to save the Program Detail entered.

Program Schedule Maintenance

The Program Schedule Maintenance window is used to group Program Details together into one schedule.

Adding Program Schedules
  1. Open the Program Schedule Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Program Schedules)

  1. Enter a Program Schedule ID.

  2. Enter a Program Schedule Description.

  3. Inactive check box when selected, the schedule cannot be selected on the following windows There is no Validation when a schedule is marked as Inactive since the program details do the calculations.

    • Purchase Contract Entry

    • Purchase Contract Amendment

    • Assembly Entry

    • Assembly Transfer Entry, when transferring to a Spot Contract.

    • Branch Item Default Maintenance

    • Ticket Price Entry

    • Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry

    • Contract Overrun, when creating a Spot Contract.

  4. The Available Program ID will display all of the Program Details that are created. Select a Program ID and click on Program ID to open the Program Detail Maintenance window.

  5. Press the Insert or the All button to add items from the Available Program ID section to the Assigned Program ID Section.

  6. Press the Remove or Remove All button to subtract Programs from the Assigned Program ID section.

  7. Choose Save to save the Program Schedule.

Chapter 5:Customer/Vendor Setup

This chapter explains how to customize information for each of the customers/vendors within each company running CINCH Grain, including farms, fields, vehicles, drivers and freight setups plus split details and additional customer/vendor defaults.
The chapter is divided into these sections:
Farm & Field Setup. This section allows the user to setup the following for each customer/vendor; farms, fields for each farm, crop years and crop zones for each field and crop year. This information can then be linked to sales documents to help with identity preservation (IP).
Vehicle & Driver Setup. This section allows the user to add vehicle and diver information that could be used in reporting as well as auditing purposes.
Customer/Vendor Setup. This section allows the user to restrict the customer/vendor lookup to display only grain vendors in the Ticket, Contract, Assembly, and Settlement Entry windows. It also allows the user to enter and track additional information about the customer/vendors by attaching agriculture related information.
Freight Setup. This section allows tracking of a freight company and the loads delivered by that company. It will not calculate the freight rate but simply require a rate per bushel or per load depending on the freight company. Freight will be tracked based on shipping methods and the FOB point. Once this information is captured the system will allow the user to verify a freight company's invoice to ensure the proper freight amount is paid.
Split Billing Setup. This section allows the user to setup a split function that will split scale tickets based on ownership predefined by those involved in the split.
Direct Ship Account Entry . This section allows the user to enter Direct Ship ID's and addresses. The Direct Ship ID will be used when entering Inbound Scale Tickets with the intention of using the information in a direct shipment scenario.


    • Email Document Setup. This section describes the setup required to allow certain Cinch documents to be emailed.

    • Text Ticket Setup. This section describes the setup required to allow sending text messages for Inbound Scale Tickets.

Farm & Field Setup

This section allows the user to setup the following for each customer/vendor; farms, fields for each farm, crop years and crop zones for each field and crop year. This information can then be linked to sales documents to help with identity preservation (IP).
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Farm
Adding a Field
Adding a Crop Year
Adding a Crop Zone D2HML|C1H Manual

Farm Maintenance

Adding a Farm
  1. Open the Farm Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Farm Maintenance)

  1. Enter or select a Customer. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Supplier/Vendor will default.

  2. Enter or select a Supplier/Vendor. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Customer will default.

  3. Sort by drop down list has been added to allow user to select the sort by.

    • By Farm Description, is the default sort order.

    • By Farm ID

    • By Split ID

  4. The scrolling window is used to assign multiple farms to a Customer/Supplier/Vendor.

 Farm ID - Enter an ID for each farm.
 Farm Desc - Enter a description for the farm.
Split ID – Enter a split code for the farm. This field is where AgWorks will look for split code information.

  • Clicking on the column heading will sort by the column.

  1. Select the Save button to save the information.

Field Maintenance

Adding a Field
  1. Open the Field Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Field Maintenance)

  1. Enter or select a Customer. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Supplier/Vendor will default.

  2. Enter or select a Supplier/Vendor. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Customer will default.

  3. Select a Farm. The drop down list will fill with all farms that have been associated with the customer/vendor.

  4. Sort by drop down list has been added to allow user to select the sort by.

    • By Field Description, is the default sort order.

    • By Field ID

  5. The scrolling window is used to assign multiple fields to a farm.

 Field ID – Enter an ID for each field.
 Field Desc – Enter a description for the field.

  • Clicking on the column heading will sort by the column.

  1. Select the Save button to save the information.

Crop Year Maintenance

Adding a Crop Year
  1. Open the Crop Year Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Crop Year Maintenance)

  1. Enter or select a Crop Year.

  2. Select the Inactive checkbox to inactive the crop year.

  3. Enter a general description for the year.

  4. Enter the Start Date for the crop year. Currently, this field is informational only.

  5. Enter the End Date for the crop year. Currently, this field is informational only.

  6. Select the Save button to save the information.

Crop Zone Maintenance

Adding a Crop Zone
  1. Open the Crop Zone Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>> Purchase/Inbound>> Crop Zone Maintenance)

  1. Enter or select a Customer. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Supplier/Vendor will default.

  2. Enter or select a Supplier/Vendor. If there is a customer/vendor link the linked Customer will default.

  3. Select a Farm. The drop down list will fill with all farms that have been associated with the customer/vendor.

  4. Select a Field. The drop down list will fill with all fields that have been associated with the given farm.

  5. Select a Crop Year. The drop down list will fill with active crop years.

  6. The scrolling window is used to assign multiple crop zones to a farm and field in a given crop year. (Example: An eight acre field can be divided into two zones. Zone 1 - 40 acres of corn and Zone 2 - 40 acres of beans.)

Crop Zone – Enter an ID for the crop zone.
Description – Enter a description for the crop zone.
Crop – Enter a crop planted in the crop zone.

  1. Select the Save button to save the information.

Vehicle & Driver Setup

This section allows the user to add vehicle and diver information that could be used in reporting as well as auditing purposes.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding a Vehicle
Adding a DriverD2HML|C1H Manual

Vehicle Maintenance

Adding a Vehicle
  1. Open the Vehicle Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>> Purchase/Inbound >>Vehicle Maintenance)

  1. In the Vehicle field, enter a vehicle ID, which will be used to identify the vehicle.

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the vehicle.

  3. In the License field, enter the license plate number of the vehicle.

  4. In the No. of Axles field, enter the number of axels for this vehicle.

  5. Enter the Weight and Cubic Feet for the vehicle.

  6. Choose Save to save the information entered for this vehicle.

Vehicle Driver Maintenance

Adding a Driver
  1. Open the Vehicle Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Driver Maintenance)

  1. In the Driver field, enter a driver ID, which will be used to identify the driver of a vehicle.

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the driver.

  3. Choose Save to save the information entered for this Driver.

Customer/Vendor Setup

This section allows the user to restrict the customer/vendor lookup to display only grain vendors in the Ticket, Contract, Assembly, and Settlement Entry windows. It also allows the user to enter and track additional information about the customer/vendors by attaching agriculture related information.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Choosing Grain Supplier Classes
Adding Additional Customer/Vendor Information

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Grain Supplier Classes

Grain Supplier Classes can be selected to narrow down the Vendor lookup in many of the Grain Transaction windows.

Choosing Grain Supplier Classes
  1. Open the Grain Supplier Classes Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Vendor Class)

  1. In the All Vendor Classes section all the vendor classes setup in the system will be displayed.

  2. Press the Insert or the All button to add items from the All Vendor Classes section to the Grain Vendor Classes section.

  3. Press the Remove or Remove All button to subtract Vendors from the Grain Vendor Classes section.

  4. Choose OK to save the selected Grain Vendor Classes.

Vendor Extension Maintenance

The Vendor Extensions Maintenance window allows the user to select default farm, field, driver and other information for the vendor.  The user can also assign lien holders to the vendor.

Adding Additional Customer/Vendor Information
  1. Open the Vendor Companion Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Purchasing>>Vendor>>Additional>>Vendor Extensions)

  1. In the Customer field, enter an ID for the customer.

  2. The Customer Description field is display only. The system will display the description for the customer ID.

  3. Enter or select the Account Segment that the system will use to modify an account with based on the GP Vendor.

    • The system will look to the Vendor for Purchase Transactions for the Account number to use. Then the system will substitute that account segment value into the full account and look to see if that account exists. If the account exists, the system will use that account as the default account.

  4. Description will default from the select Account Segment.

  5. In the Farm field, enter or select the main farm associated with this customer/vendor.

  6. In the Field, enter or select the main field associated with the farm selected.

  7. In the Driver field, enter or select the main driver associated with the farm and field selected.

  8. In the Vehicle field, enter or select the main vehicle associated with the driver selected.

  9. In the Social Security Number field, enter the social security number for the customer selected.

  10. In the Employee ID field, enter the employee ID number for the customer selected.

  11. The Program Schedule, if entered, will default on the Purchase Contract Entry when creating a contract for the selected vendor. If the Program is not selected when creating a Purchase Contract the Program Schedule will default from the Branch Item Default Maintenance.

  12. Lookup or Enter the Auto Apply ID that defines the Ticket Auto Apply rules for the selected vendor.

    • The Vendor Auto Apply Exception will overrule the Default Auto Apply Id defined for the Branch (Branch Maintenance).

  13. In the scrolling window, the system allows the user to associate the lien holders with the commodities that the lien is against. If the lien is against all of the commodities simply select the All checkbox. The user will also need to enter the start and ending dates for the lien. The optional Lien State field can record the state that the lien exists in.

Lien holder information can be imported into the CINCH system for the states of MN, ND, and OK. Please refer to the Routines section of the CINCH Grain Procedures Manual for more information.

  1. Choose Save to save the information entered for this customer.

Vendor Address Details

The Vendor Address Details window allows the user to enter the GLN and DUNS numbers for the vendor address.

Adding Vendor Address Details
  1. Open the Vendor Address Details window.

(Cards>>Purchasing>>Addresses>>Additional>>Address Details)

  1. GLN Number is to support the export or exchange of Customers in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifiers.

    • System supports a single GLN number for each Dynamics Vendor Address.

    • System allows the same GLN to be used on multiple Dynamics Vendor Address records.

  2. DUNS Number (the DUNS or EBID number) is to support the export or exchange of Customers in the AGIIS supported Buyer/Seller identifiers.

    • System supports a single DUNS number for each Dynamics Vendor Address.

    • System allows the same DUNS/EBID to be used on multiple Dynamics Vendor Address records.

  3. Save button when selected will save the changes on the window.

  4. Delete button when select will delete the selected record.

Customer Vendor Linking

Linking Customers and Vendors
  1. Open the Customer-Vendor Linking window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain >>Customer-Vendor Linking)

  1. Available Customers displays customers that are not linked to a vendor.

    • Restriction by Customer Class when selected will restrict the displayed by the selected class.

    • Scrolling window dropdown list provides:

      • By Customer Name, when selected will sort list by name.

      • By Customer ID, when selected will sort list by Customer ID.

      • Find by Name, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Customer Name to search for.

      • Find by ID, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Customer Number to search for.

      • Create Vendor, when selected opens the Vendor Maintenance window populated with information from the selected customer.

      • Customer Edit, when selected opens the Customer Maintenance for the selected customer.

  2. Available Vendors displays vendors that are not linked to a customer.

    • Restriction by Vendor Class when selected will restrict the displayed by the selected class.

    • Scrolling window dropdown list provides:

      • By Vendor Name, when selected will sort list by name.

      • By Vendor ID, when selected will sort list by Vendor ID.

      • Find by Name, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Vendor Name to search for.

      • Find by ID, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Vendor Number to search for.

      • Create Customer, when selected opens the Customer Maintenance window populated with information from the selected vendor.

      • Vendor Edit, when selected opens the Vendor Maintenance for the selected vendor.

  3. Linked Customers – Vendors displays all linked customer-vendor records.

    • Scrolling window dropdown list provides:

      • By Customer ID, when selected will sort list by the Customer ID.

      • By Vendor ID, when selected will sort list by Vendor ID.

      • Find Customer, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Customer Number to search for.

      • Find Vendor, when selected the Find Value window opens to enter the Customer Number to search for.

      • Customer Edit, when selected opens the Customer Maintenance for the selected customer.

      • Vendor Edit, when selected opens the Vendor Maintenance for the selected vendor.

  4. To Link a customer – vendor:

    • Select an Available Customer and select an Available Vendor. When selected the Vendor and/or Customer name will appear in the selection box.

    • Select the Currency ID.

    • Select the Add button, the customer will be removed from Available Customer and the vendor will be removed from the Available Vendor. The linked records will be listed in the Linked Customers – Vendors section.

  5. Selecting Remove will move selected linked customer/vendor from the Linked Customers – Vendors section back to Available Customer and Available Vendor sections.

  6. Selecting the Clear button will clear the selection boxes; customer, vendor and/or currency ID.

  7. OK will close the window.

Freight Setup

This section allows tracking of a freight company and the loads delivered by that company. It will not calculate the freight rate but simply require a rate per bushel or per load depending on the freight company. Freight will be tracked based on shipping methods and the FOB point. Once this information is captured the system will allow the user to verify a freight company's invoice to ensure the proper freight amount is paid.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Adding Additional Shipping Method Information
Adding FOB InformationD2HML|C1H Manual

Shipping Method Detail Maintenance

The Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window allows the user to assign a vendor and variance account to a shipping method.  The user is also able to select default freight values for the shipping method.

Adding Additional Shipping Method Information
  1. Open the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Company>>Shipping Methods>>Additional>>Freight Extensions)

  1. The Shipping Method field will display the Shipping Method selected within the Shipping Method's window.

  2. The Shipping Method Description field will display the description of the Shipping Method ID.

  3. In the Vendor ID field, enter or select the freight vendor to associate with this shipping method.

It advantageous to setup shipping methods with ID's similar to the vendor in which it will be associated.

  1. The Vendor Name field will display the description of the Vendor ID.

  2. Select the Invoices checkbox to indicate that the vendor sends invoices or statements. This indicates to the system that validations can be made.

  3. In the Variance Acct field, enter an account that the system will use to offset the payable amount when a price variance occurs.

  4. The Acct Desc field displays the variance accounts description.

  5. The Freight Default Values will default in to any of the Freight Entry windows when the Shipping Method is selected. Enter the Shipping Category (informational only), Freight Rate, Freight UofM Type, and Fuel Surcharge Percent if desired.

    1. Freight UofM Types are:

      1. Per Load, calculates freight as a fixed amount per load.

      2. Per Gross Unit, calculates freight by multiplying the freight rate per gross unit.

      3. Per Net Unit, calculates freight by multiplying the freight rate per net unit. When set to Per Net Unit, total freight amounts may not be accurate until the transaction is saved due to the fact that net quantities are not fully determined until the transaction is saved.

  6. Choose Save to save the information entered for this Shipping Method.

FOB Maintenance

The FOB information is used to help calculate freight costs on inbound/outbound transactions.

Adding FOB Information
  1. Open the FOB Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>FOB Maintenance)

  1. In the FOB field, enter a FOB ID. This ID will indicate the point at which the freight costs will transfer from grower to the elevator/plant.

  2. FOB Lookup opens the FOB Lookup window.


    • FOB status restriction dropdown list options are Active, Inactive or Both. By default window opens with Active selected, but can be changed.

    • When a FOB is inactive the Inactive checkbox will be marked, and user will not be allowed to select the FOB from the transaction windows.

  1. FOB Checkbox when marked will not allow the FOB to be selected.

  2. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the FOB.

  3. In the Freight Rate field, enter the rate per bushel or per load that the freight company, indicated by the FOB ID and the Payment Responsible field, will use to calculate freight.

  4. In the FOB type field, select None, Origin (Company pays freight) or Destination (Supplier/Customer pays freight).

  5. In the Payment Responsible field, select either Supplier pays freight or Company pays fright.

  6. Choose Save to save the information entered for this FOB.

Split Maintenance

Split Billing SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

This section allows the user to setup a split function that will split scale tickets based on ownership predefined by those involved in the split. Each person defined in the split will own a percentage of the scale ticket that uses the split function.
For example, a father and son run a farm together. They split the total of each grain shipment in half (50% for the father and 50% for the son). They inform the business who accepts their grain, of their agreement. Your business then sets up a split function indicating this split agreement. Every shipment received from the father/son will be split 50/50. The split of each ticket allows the father and son the option to settle his grain differently. In order for splits to work properly a contract must be setup for each of the split members.

Adding a Split
  1. Open the Split Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Split Maintenance)

  1. In the Customer field, enter or select the customer ID that identifies the primary owner of the split.

  2. Place a check mark in the Inactive checkbox to inactivate a split code.

  3. In the Split field, enter the split ID, which will represent the split.

  4. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the split.

  5. In the scrolling window enter all the owners in the split.

In the Owner field, enter the members of the split.
The Name field is display only and displays the owner's ID description.
In the % Split field, enter the percentage of the split that the owner gets.
The Total field is a display only field and indicates the percentage amount that is already split.
The Remaining field is a display only field and indicates the remaining percentage available to split.
The primary owner must be listed in the scrolling window as part of the split and the total split percentage must equal 100%.

Direct Ship Account Entry

Direct Ship Account EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Direct Ship Account Entry is used to enter Direct Ship ID's and addresses.
The Direct Ship ID will be used when entering Inbound Scale Tickets with the intention of using the information in a direct shipment scenario. For the information to be included, the AgXML Ticket Export, Populate Direct Ship Info From must be set to Direct Ship Account and sent to the Direct Ship B service. The AgXML Ticket Import generated from Direct Ship B will include the Direct Ship (agent), which will be translated to the Vendor ID for the imported ticket.

Direct Ship Account Entry
  1. Open Direct Ship Account Entry window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Direct Ship Account Entry)

  1. Enter the Direct Ship Account, this is the unique identifier for the record.

  2. Enter Name, the name for the Direct Ship Account. This will default on the Direct Ship Account when Direct Ship Account is selected.

  3. Enter Address information, the address of the Direct Ship Account.

  4. Reference 1 & Reference 2 are customer reference fields. These will default on the Direct Ship Account when Direct Ship Account is selected.

  5. User Def CB 1 & 2 are used for information only.

  6. User Defined 1& 2 are used for information only.

Email Document Setup

Email Documents Setup D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual;target=Manual

This section describes the setup required to allow certain Cinch documents to be emailed.
Note: HTML documents can be sent as attachments or embedded into an email. DOCX, PDF and XPS documents can only be sent as attachments within Cinch.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Cinch E-mail Setup

Cinch E-mail Setup

Cinch E-mail Setup is used to select the Cinch documents that can be emailed and to associate the default Message ID for each document type.

  1. Open Cinch E-mail Setup.

(Tools>Setup>Company>Email Settings: Sales Series>Additional>Cinch Email Setup or
Tools>Setup>Company>Email Settings: Purchasing Series>Additional>Cinch Email Setup)

  1. The Enable checkbox when marked will enable the Email option on the selected document type when the customer/vendor has an email setup.

  • Sales Document Setup document types:

    • Outbound Scale Ticket

    • Outbound Meter Ticket

    • Bill of Lading

    • Sales Contracts

    • Load Order & Generator

    • Sales Order (Enables both Sales Orders and Counter Sales)

    • Sales Invoice

    • Sales Return

    • Cash Receipt

    • Booking Confirmation

    • Certificate of Analysis

When emailing Cinch Sales documents from Sales Order Entry, Counter Sales, Invoice Maintenance and Sales Returns Entry, it is recommended all three sales options are selected (Sales Order, Sales Invoice and Sales Return) to ensure the appropriate reports are available to email within each window.

  • Purchasing Document Setup document types:

    • Inbound Scale Ticket

    • Inbound Grade Ticket

    • Assembly Sheet

    • Purchase Contracts

    • Settlement Sheet

3. Select the default Message ID for the selected document type. The Message ID becomes enabled when the document enable checkbox is marked.

  • Messages are defined in Message Setup (Tools>Setup>Company>E-mail Message Setup)

  • Only Message ID's with Series Type of All can be selected.

Cinch Vendor E-mail Setup

Cinch Vendor E-mail Setup is used define the email settings for the Cinch purchase documents per vendor.

  1. Open Cinch Vendor E-mail Setup.

(Vendor Maintenance>Additional>Cinch Email Setup or
Vendor Maintenance>E-Mail button opens Vendor E-Mail Options>Additional> Cinch Email Setup)

  1. Attachment Options:

    • Send Documents as Attachments checkbox:

      • Checked, documents will be sent as attachments.

      • Unchecked, document will be embed into the message body.

      • Defaults based on what is selected in the Vendor E-mail Options window.

Note: HTML documents can be sent as attachments or embedded into an email. DOCX, PDF and XPS documents can only be sent as attachments within Cinch.


    • Multiple Attachments per E-mail checkbox:

      • Checked, documents of the same document type with the same subject, message body, address to send replies to, To, Cc, and Bcc address will be sent in one e-mail.

      • Unchecked, documents will be sent in individual emails.

      • Only available if Send Documents as Attachments is marked.

Note: Multiple attachments will only work for Contract (Purchase), Ticket (Inbound Scale & Grade Ticket) & Settlement (Sheet) batch types at this time.


    • Set Maximum File Size checkbox:

      • Checked, enables the Megabytes field and allows the user to enter a size limit for attached documents.

      • Unchecked, document size is not limited.

  1. Email Address based on Doc Type:

    • Enable, allows the user to assign specific email addresses to a document type. By selecting Enable, the Email Address button "…" will be available within the Send Forms as E-mail section.

    • Disable, disables the ability to assign specific email addresses to a document type.

  2. Send Forms as Email, Enable checkbox when marked will enable the Email option on the selected document type when the vendor has an email setup.

  • Purchasing Document Setup, only document types defined on Cinch E-mail Setup will be available for selection:

    • Inbound Scale Ticket

    • Inbound Grade Ticket

    • Assembly Sheet

    • Purchase Contracts

    • Settlement Sheet

  • The Message ID becomes enabled when the document enable checkbox is marked. The Message ID will default from Cinch E-mail Setup, for the selected document type but can be changed.

  • Select the e-mail Format of per document type.

    • When the format is anything besides HTML, a word template will need to be defined for the document report. Refer to Microsoft GP on creating and associating Word Templates.

  • Email Address "…", when selected, opens the Email Address Based on Doc Type window. This is used to assign specific email addresses to any or all document types. The button is only enabled when Email Address based on Doc Type is Enabled.


    • Vendor ID, displays the ID of the vendor.

    • Name, displays the name of the vendor.

    • Document Type, displays the document type selected in the previous window.

    • To, mark to send the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Cc, mark to send carbon copies of the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Bcc, mark to send blind carbon copies of the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Email Address, displays the email addresses associated with the vendor's Address IDs.

    • Address Code, displays the Address ID that the email address is assigned to.

    • Apply to Other Doc. Types, mark the document types that you want to send in e-mail using the selected email addresses. The document types available to send depends on the document types selected in the Cinch Vendor E-mail Setup window.

    • Cancel, closes the window without saving changes.

    • Ok, saves the changes made in this window.

Cinch Customer E-mail Setup

Cinch Customer E-mail Setup is used to define the email settings for the Cinch sale documents per customer.

  1. Open Cinch Customer E-mail Setup.

(Customer Maintenance>Additional>Cinch Email Setup or
Customer Maintenance>E-Mail button opens Customer E-Mail Options>Additional> Cinch Email Setup)

  1. Attachment Options:

    • Send Documents as Attachments checkbox:

      • Checked, documents will be sent as attachments.

      • Unchecked, document will be embed into the message body.

      • Defaults based on what is selected in the Customer E-mail Options window but can be changed.

Note: HTML documents can be sent as attachments or embedded into an email. DOCX, PDF and XPS documents can only be sent as attachments within Cinch.


    • Multiple Attachments per E-mail checkbox:

      • Only available if Send Documents as Attachments is marked.

      • Checked, documents of the same document type with the same subject, message body, address to send replies to, To, Cc, and Bcc address will be sent in one e-mail.

      • Unchecked, documents will be sent in individual emails.

Note: Multiple attachments will only work for SOP (sales orders, invoices and returns) and Shipment batch types at this time.


    • Set Maximum File Size:

      • Checked, enables the Megabytes field and allows the user to enter a size limit for attached documents.

      • Unchecked, document size is not limited.

  1. Email Address based on Doc Type:

    • Enable, allows the user to assign specific email addresses to a document type. By selecting Enable, the Email Address button "…" will be available within the Send Forms as E-mail section.

    • Disable, disables the ability to assign specific email addresses to a document type.

  2. Send Forms as Email, Enable checkbox when marked will enable the Email option on the selected document type when the customer has an email setup.

  • Sales Document Setup, only document types defined on Cinch E-mail Setup will be available for selection:

    • Outbound Scale Ticket

    • Outbound Meter Ticket

    • Bill of Lading

    • Sales Contracts

    • Load Order & Generator

    • Sales Order (Enables both Sales Orders and Counter Sales)

    • Sales Invoice

    • Sales Return

    • Cash Receipt

    • Booking Confirmation

    • Certificate of Analysis

When emailing Cinch Sales documents from Sales Order Entry, Counter Sales, Invoice Maintenance and Sales Returns Entry, it is recommended that all three sales options are selected (Sales Order, Sales Invoice and Sales Return) to ensure the appropriate reports are available to email within each window.


    • The Message ID becomes enabled when the document enable checkbox is marked. The Message ID will default from Cinch E-mail Setup, for the selected document type but can be changed.

    • Select the e-mail Format per document type.

    • When the format is anything besides HTML, a word template will need to be defined for the document report. Refer to Microsoft GP on creating and associating Word Templates.

  • Email Address "…", when selected, opens the Email Address Based on Doc Type window. This is used to assign specific email addresses to any or all document types. The button in only enabled when Email Address based on Doc Type is Enabled.


    • Customer ID, displays the ID of the customer.

    • Name, displays the name of the customer.

    • Document Type, displays the document type selected in the previous window.

    • To, mark to send the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Cc, mark to send carbon copies of the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Bcc, mark to send blind carbon copies of the document type in e-mail using this email address.

    • Email Address, displays the email addresses associated with the customer's Address IDs.

    • Address Code, displays the Address ID that the email address is assigned to.

    • Apply to Other Doc. Types, mark the document types that you want to send in e-mail using the selected email addresses. The document types available to send depends on the document types selected in the Cinch Sales E-mail Setup window.

    • Cancel, closes the window without saving changes.

    • Ok, saves the changes you've made in this window.

Text Ticket Setup

Text Ticket Setup D2HML|C1H Manual

This section describes the setup required to allow sending text messages for Inbound Scale Tickets.
In addition to the following setup window, the optional AddIn dlls, FileHelpers and IRGNSMSAddIn are required to be installed. Refer to the Cinch Install guide for instructions for installing.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
SMS Provider Setup

SMS Provider Setup

SMS Provider Setup is used define the SMS Text Message Service account information. The system will use the SMS Text Message Service to send Text Messages to the growers.

  1. Open SMS Provider Setup.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>SMS Provider)

  1. SMS Provider = Clickatell

    • The user will be required to setup an account with the selected SMS Text Message Service provider and pay fees directly to that provider.

  2. User Name, Password, SMS App ID and SMS From Number will be provided by the service partner.

    • If grower responds to the text message, the message will be sent to the provider.

  3. Save button when selected will save the entered information.

  4. Cancel button when selected closes the window without saving changes.

SMS Message Setup

SMS Message Setup is used define the data to include when texting the Inbound Scale Ticket and when the ticket should be texted.

  1. Open SMS Message Setup.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>SMS Message)

  1. Header Message, is the message that will be included in the header of text message.

  2. Frequency of Automatic Text Messages:

    • Send on Scale Ticket Print checkbox, when marked, will send a text message every time the user prints the scale ticket.

    • Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox, when marked, will send a text message upon saving the scale ticket if gross weight and grade exist.

      • A Grade must be selected. Grade drop down list works in conjunction with the Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox. Grades default from Grade Factor Maintenance.

      • The system will keep track of the text messages that were sent, if history exist and the ticket is changed a new text message will not be sent when the Save button is selected. User will have to use the SMS Text Message Icon to send the updated information.

  3. Scrolling Window displays the available data to include in the text message.

    • Field, lists the available data that can be included in the text message.

    • Prompt, allows the user to provide a prompt to proceed the value.

      • Example: Ticket Date, if just the date is enough, user would leave the prompt empty, if they would like to proceed the date with the word "Date" then they'd enter a prompt of "Date". The message might look like "Date: 01/15/2014" instead of just "01/15/2014".

    • Seq, allows the user to specify the order the field data will display in the text message.

    • Use checkbox, allows user to select which values will be included in the text message.

      • If Grade Information will be included in the message, only grades with a grade value will be included.

  4. Footer Message, is the message that will be included in the footer of the text message.

  5. OK button when selected saves and closes the window.

SMS Grower Setup

SMS Grower Setup is used define which growers will receive an inbound scale ticket text.

  1. Open SMS Grower Setup.

(Cards>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>SMS Grower Setup)

  1. Owner ID, is the GP Vendor ID that the cell numbers will be associated to.

  2. Owner Name will default from the selected Vendor ID.

  3. Name is the user defined name for the Cell Number.

  4. Cell Number is the number the text message will be sent to.

  5. Send Test SMS button, when selected, will send a test text message to the cell number. The message will include the Header Message from the SMS Message Setup window and SMS TEST.

  6. Save button when selected will save the information.

  7. Delete button when selected will delete the selected Owner ID and cell numbers.

  8. Cancel button when selected will close the window without saving changes.

Chapter 6: Interface Setup

This chapter shows the user how to setup the electronic scale interface and the electronic grain tester interface. These interfaces provide information that will be useful during inbound and/or outbound scale ticket entry. It is divided into the following sections.
Scale Maintenance allows the user to setup electronic scale interfaces allowing scale tickets to be entered more efficiently.
Grain Tester Maintenance allows the user to setup the GAC, Perten, Steinlite or Foss interface allowing scale tickets to be entered more efficiently. D2HML|C1H Manual

Scale Maintenance

Scale MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Manual

This section shows the user how to setup electronic scale interfaces. This powerful system will provide the capabilities needed to streamline scale-related activities, including a "live" view of the scale data and the ability to view tare and gross weights in both pounds and kilograms.
In order to use Scale Maintenance an additional executable file must be installed on the computer that is hooked directly to the scale. This file is called EMIEquipmentInterfaceSetup.msi and can be obtained by contacting your CINCH customer support representative.

Adding a Scale
  1. Open the Scale Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Scale Maintenance)

  1. In the Scale ID field, enter an ID for the scale.

Currently the system only supports Weigh-Tronix and Cardinal Scales. Each scale has specific setting for the Weight Start Position, Weight End Position, Weigh Request Code, Traffic Light Control, Weight Received Code, Scale Mode, Start Character, End Character, Comm Port, Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Flow Control, Port Read Time, Scale Capacity, Scale Wt Increment, and Scale Message. Contact your customer service representative for these specific settings.

  1. Place a checkmark in the Detect Motion checkbox for the scale to detect motion. Once this box is checked the following fields will be active.

 In the Motion Character field, enter a motion character.
In the Motion Character Position field, enter a motion position.

  1. Place a checkmark in the Control Stop Light checkbox if the scale supports electronic stop and go scale traffic control lights.

  • In the Weight Received Code field, enter the character to be sent back to the scale to indicate a valid weight has been received. The Weight Received Code triggers the scale to turn the traffic light to green indicating the truck can pull off the scale.

  1. Choose Save to save the information entered for this scale.

Grain Tester Maintenance

Grain Tester MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

This section shows the user how to setup Grain Tester interfaces. This powerful system provides the ability to bring in grade factor information automatically without having to hand key it each time. This will provide for quicker entry and less risk of data entry mistake. It is divided into the following procedures.
Assigning Items to GAC 2100 Items

Setting up Grain Tester Interface
In order to use the GAC, Perten, Steinlite or Foss integrations, additional files must be installed on the computer that is connected directly to the GAC 2100, Perten, Steinlite or Foss machine. The EMIEquipmentInterfaceSetup.msi installer can be obtained by contacting your CINCH customer support representative.
EMI Equipment Interface complies with the state of Illinois law which requires the version number of the testing equipment to be printed on the scale ticket. Since not all states require the version number on the ticket, a RW function or proper linking of tables to the ticket report will allow IL customers to modify their ticket printout to meet the requirement. The GAC Results Table, IRGNGACDataDetail, field IRFirmVersion holds the Machine/Firmware version for each electronic grain tester.
The Report Writer function, RWFirmVersion will return the version number from the GAC results table. The RW function can then be added to the Scale Ticket when required. If there is a single record in IRGNGACDataDetail with the matching IRTicketNumber, the single IRFirmVersion will be returned. If there are multiple records in IRGNGACDataDetail with the matching IRTicketNumber, all unique IRFirmVersion fields will be returned in a single string. The IRFirmVersion's will be separated by a semi-colon, and will not be repeated if the same exists more than once.

Assigning Items to GAC 2100 Items

The GAC 2100 Grain Maintenance window allows the user to match Microsoft Dynamics GP Items to the GAC 2100 Grain Item list to allow grade factor information to be brought in for the correct items.

  1. Open the GAC 2100 Grain Maintenance window

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>GAC 2100 Grain)

  1. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP Item to assign to the GAC 2100 Grain Item on the left hand side.

  2. Use the drop down list to select the corresponding GAC 2100 Grain Item.

  3. Choose OK to save the changes.

  4. GAC Results Table, IRGNGACDataDetail, the field IRFirmVersion:

    • Fields from the output string that will be used to form the version number: 131,02/03/09,11:24:47,13.9,51.1,77.8,23.4,22.5,WHEAT HRW,S/N: 1716-35153, 13,1398,2380, 218,020320.

    • The Highlighted fields will be combined to form the IRFirmVersion field. The first field is the Serial Number of the tester, the second field is the date of the current calibration data.

Assigning Items to GAC 2500 Items

The GAC 2500 Grain Maintenance window allows the user to match Microsoft Dynamics GP Items to the GAC 2500 Grain Item list to allow grade factor information to be brought in for the correct items.

  1. Open the GAC 2500 Grain Maintenance window

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>GAC 2500 Grain)

  1. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP Item to assign to the GAC 2500 Grain Item on the left hand side.

  2. Use the drop down list to select the corresponding GAC 2500 Grain Item.

  3. Choose OK to save the changes.

  4. GAC Results Table, IRGNGACDataDetail, the field IRFirmVersion. GAC 2500 has two different file output formats, so based on the equipment will determine the output string.

    • As of 12.17.2010

      • Fields from the output string hat will be used to form the version number: 06/28/2011,15:32,Corn,20101217N,41,GUEST,,14.0,58.4,72.7.

      • The Highlighted field will be parsed out and placed in the IRFirmVersion field.

      • When updated GAC2500 machines are released, this field is updated to reflect a new version of the tester.

    • Prior to 12.17.2010

      • Fields from the output string that will be used to form the version number: 08/13/2010, 11:20,Product: Corn, Issue ID: 20100424N (NTEP),Sample ID: 129,User ID: U93,Customer ID: STEVE SMITH,9.4% Moisture,53.6 lbs/bu ,73.3 F,,

      • The Highlighted field will be parsed out and placed in the IRFirmVersion field.

      • When updated GAC2500 machines are released, this field is updated to reflect a new version of the tester.

Assigning Items to Perten AM5200 Items

The Perten AM5200 Grain Maintenance window allows the user to match Microsoft Dynamics GP Items to the Perten AM5200 Grain Item list to allow grade factor information to be brought in for the correct items.

  1. Open the Perten AM5200 Grain Maintenance window

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Perten AM5200 Grain)

  1. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP Item to assign to the Perten AM5200 Grain Item on the left hand side.

  2. Use the drop down list to select the corresponding Perten 5200 Grain Item.

  3. Choose OK to save the changes.

Assigning Items to Steinlite Items
The Steinlite SL95 Grain Maintenance window allows the user to match Microsoft Dynamics GP Items to the Steinlite SL95 Grain Item list to allow grade factor information to be brought in for the correct items.
1. Open the Steinlite SL95 Grain Maintenance window
(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Steinlite Grain Maint)

  1. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP Item to assign to the Steinlite SL95 Grain Item on the left hand side.

  2. Use the drop down list to select the corresponding Steinlite SL95 Grain Item.

  3. Choose OK to save the changes.

  4. GAC Results Table, IRGNGACDataDetail, the field IRFirmVersion:

    • Fields from the output string that will be used to form the version number: "1732",00001,"CORN","VER 8.0 APR 2008 8-46%","OK",14.9, 055.6, 058.1,07455,"TUE,JAN 12, 2010",17:53:57,,,,,,

    • The Highlighted field will be parsed out and placed in the IRFirmVersion field.

Assigning Items to Foss Grain Items
The Foss Grain Maintenance window allows the user to match Microsoft Dynamics GP Items to Foss 1241 Grain Items to allow grade factor information to be brought into CINCH for the correct items.

  1. Open the Foss Grain Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Foss Grain)

  1. In the Item column, select the Item to assign to the Foss 1241 Grain Item.

  2. In the Foss 1241 Grain column, enter the Foss Grain Item exactly as it is defined in the Foss 1241 machine software.

  3. Choose OK to save the changes.

  4. GAC Results Table, IRGNGACDataDetail, the field IRFirmVersion:

    • Fields from the output string that will be used to form the version number:

RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/Name=Date,2009-02-02 13:35:24
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/SerialNumber=String,"12413446"
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/SampleId=String,"2"
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/CustomerId=String,""
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/Comment=String,""
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/AmbientTemperature=Number,22.25
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/NoSubSamples=Number,8
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/NoRequiredSubSamples=Number,5
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/ApplicationModel=String,"CO083105"
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/AmDescription=String,"Proximates HFC"
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/AnalyseCounter=Number,4023
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/Operator=String,""
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/ModelCheckSum=String,"F54E6493C9081BB9F5888455017BC975"
RD/12413446/2008-06-05 14:20:23/NoUsedSubsamples=Number,8


    • The highlighted fields (SerialNumber and ApplicationModel) will be combined to form the IRFirmVersion field of the IRGNGACDatDetail table.

Entering Foss Constituents

The Foss Constituents Maintenance window allows the user to enter the Constituents that are defined in the Foss machine. The Foss Constituents are the names of the tests that are being performed by the Foss machine. It is necessary to list the Constituents in CINCH because they are user-definable in the Foss machine. By entering the Foss Constituents, their descriptions are made available for selection as Grain Tester Items in Item Extensions Maintenance.

  1. Open the Foss Constituents Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Foss Constituents)

  1. Enter the Foss Constituent name in the Constituent column.

  2. Enter a description of the Constituent in the Description column. This description will become available for selection as a Grain Tester Item in Item Extensions Maintenance.

The entered Description should not be the same as any of the pre-defined Grain Tester Items that exist in CINCH. The three existing pre-defined Grain Tester Items are: Moisture, Test Weight, and Temperature.

  1. Enter a unique index number in the Index column for each Constituent.

  2. Choose OK to save the changes.

Setting up a Grain Tester Interface
  1. Open the Grain Tester Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Tester Maintenance)

  1. Enter the Grain Tester ID.

  2. Enter the Comm Port, Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Flow Control based on the information provided by your customer service representative.

  3. Select either GAC 2100, Steinlite SL95, Foss 1241, GAC 2500 or Perten AM5200, for the Grain Tester Type being setting up.

  4. Choose from the following Modes:

  • Live Sampling – select if the grade factor information should automatically populate the ticket entry window once it is received from the Grain Tester.

    • There are no limitations on possible Tester 1 Tester 2 combinations.

    • Windows that support Live Mode are:

      • Inbound Scale Ticket Entry

      • Outbound Shipping Entry

      • Bulk Transfer Entry

  • Pre/Post Sampling – select if the grade factor information should be selected from a list of saved Grain Tester results in the ticket entry window.

  1. The 'Max Port Read Time' field will allow the adjustment of the Tickcount for multiple Baudrates to acquire complete datasets from the testers.

    • A value will default in depending on the selected tester.

    • Users may need to increase this to a higher number especially if using a Remote Desktop Connection.

  2. The 'Log Raw Tester Data to a File' checkbox, when checked, will log the raw data received from the tester to a file which is cleared each time the application is activated.

    • The Log Raw Tester file is located in the user's temp folder usually in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp.

    • The Log files will include the tester name and Username when it creates the text file.

  3. Choose Save to save the information.

Chapter 7:Purchases Setup

This chapter explains how to setup the system to enter purchase contracts and inbound scale tickets more efficiently. It allows the user to select default information that will be useful during purchase contract/inbound scale ticket entry and contract comments. The user can also choose to print different contract layouts based on the contract type.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Purchase Contract Setups. This section explains how to define default information for contracts in order to save on contract entry time. The information chosen here is default only and may be changed during contract entry. Also, this section will allow the user to choose which contract layout to use for each type of contract.
Purchase/Inbound User Setup. This section explains how to define default information for entering inbound scale tickets to save on scale ticket entry time. The information chosen here is default only, and may be changed during scale ticket entry.

Purchase Contract Setups

This section explains how to define default information for contracts in order to save on contract entry time. The information chosen here is default only and may be changed during contract entry. Also, this section will allow the user to choose which contract layout to use for each type of contract.
This section is divided into the following sections:
Choosing Purchase Contract User Defaults
Choosing Purchase Contract LayoutsD2HML|C1H Manual

Purchase Contract User Setup

Choosing Purchase Contract User Defaults
  1. Open the Purchase Contract User Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Contract User)

  1. In the User ID field, enter or select the user for which these defaults will apply.

  2. Place a check mark in the All Users checkbox to use these defaults for all users setup in the system.

  3. Place a check mark in the Allow Overrun checkbox to allow the system to overrun the contract.

  4. If Allow Overrun is marked, use the % Limit or Qty Limit to enter how much to allow the overrun to be.

  5. Place a check mark in the Allow Under Run checkbox to allow the system to under run the contract.

  6. If Allow Under Run is marked, use the % Limit or Qty Limit to enter how much to allow the under run to be.

  7. Mark the Prompt To Print Contract checkbox for the user to be prompted to print the contract when the Post button is selected in Purchase Contract Entry.

  8. Place a check mark in the Disable Contract Price Messages checkbox to not see any pricing warnings or messages.

  9. Select a Long Short Report ID to be the default Report ID for the user in the Long Short Report and Long Short Inquiry windows.

  10. Select the Settlement to Print option, the type of settlement detail to print. This setting defaults from Purchase Contract User Setup, but can be changed. The options are:

  • Settlement – The system will default to this option.

  • Grain Detail – Select this option to print a Detailed Grain Settlement.

  • Bulk Detail – This option will print a Detailed Bulk Settlement.

  1. In the Board of Trade field, enter or select a default board of trade.

  2. In the Commodity Grade field, enter or select a default commodity grade.

  3. In the Item field, enter or select a default item.

  4. In the UOM field, enter or select the default U of M for the default item.

  5. In the Shipping Method field, enter or select a default shipping method.

  6. In the Payment Terms field, enter or select a default payment term.

  7. In the Disposition field, enter or select a default disposition. This field must be selected in order to open the Purchase Contract Entry window.

  8. In the Price Later Disp field, enter or select a default disposition for the Price Later Contract type.

  9. In the Disc Schedule field, enter or select a default discount schedule.

  10. In the FOB field, enter or select a default FOB that will default on the purchase contract when it is created.

  11. Choose Save to save the information entered for this user.

  12. Choose Clear to clear the changes without saving.

  13. Choose Delete to delete all setup information for the user.

Purchase Contract Report Definition

Choosing Purchase Contract Layouts
  1. Open the Purchase Contract Report Definition window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase Contract Report Definition)

  1. Choose the Contract Type from the drop down list.

  2. Choose the Report Name from the drop down list.

  3. IRReportText1, IRReportText2, IRReportText3 and IRReportTest4) are each a 32k text field. Using Report Writer user has the ability to drag these text fields to the defined contract report.

    • Within Report Writer, if an IRReportText field is placed in either the report footer or page footer the Display type must be set to Data.

  4. The Copy button when selected opens the Copy to Branches window, which allows the user to copy the defined report name and text for the selected contract type to another branch.



      • Select the Branch, click Copy.

      • If there are more than 32 branches the Next button becomes active to all user to see the next 32 branches.

  1. Repeat the above steps for each type of contract.

  2. Choose Save to save the changes.

Purchase/Inbound User Setup

Purchase/Inbound User SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to define default information for entering inbound scale tickets to save on scale ticket entry time. The information chosen here is default only, and may be changed during scale ticket entry.

Choosing Inbound Scale Ticket User Defaults
  1. Open the Purchases/Inbound User Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>> Purchase/Inbound User)

  1. In the User ID field, enter or select the user for which these defaults will apply.

  2. Place a check mark in the All Users checkbox to use these defaults for all users setup in the system.

  3. In the Item field, enter or select a default item.

  4. The UOM field will default in with the base unit of measure when the item is chosen, but may be changed if necessary.

  5. In the Commodity Grade, Disc Schedule, Disposition, Shipping Method, and Site fields, enter or select default information.

  6. Under Grade Ticket, select which missing weights to receive warnings for when printing a Grade Ticket and to redisplay on the ticket after printing.

  • Mark the Missing Gross checkbox to be warned when the Gross Weight is missing.

  • Mark the Missing Tare checkbox to be warned when the Tare Weight is missing.

  • Mark the Redisplay On Print checkbox to redisplay the ticket after printing.

  1. Under Scale Ticket, select which missing weights to receive warnings for when printing a Scale Ticket and to redisplay on the ticket after printing.

  • Mark the Missing Gross checkbox to be warned when the Gross Weight is missing.

  • Mark the Missing Tare checkbox to be warned when the Tare Weight is missing.

  • Mark the Redisplay On Print checkbox to redisplay the ticket after printing.

  1. Select a Print Option that will be the default option on the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window. The Available options are:

  • Grade – Only the Grade Ticket will print.

  • Scale – Only the Scale Ticket will print.

  • Both – Both the Grade and Scale Tickets will print.

  1. Enter or select the scale information for two scales that may be used in the Inbound Ticket Entry window.

  2. Enter or select the tester information for Tester1 and Tester2 that will be used to retrieve the grade factors in Inbound Ticket Entry. The user has the option of using one or two Testers.

When choosing to use two grain testers, there are currently two combinations of testers supported: 1) a Foss 1241 and a GAC 2100, or 2) a Foss 1241 and a Steinlite SL95.

  1. Select the Crop Year to default in Inbound Ticket Entry.

  2. Select the Ticket Lookup Filter to be the default filter for the Tickets In Progress Lookup window. The available selections are:

  • Posted Tickets

  • Un-posted Tickets

  • Tickets With Empty Tare

  • All Tickets

  1. Select the Ticket Lookup Sort option used in Tickets in Progress Lookup from Inbound Scale Ticket Entry/Ticket Entry. Sort order will be used in conjunction with Ticket Lookup Filter.

    • Ticket

    • Customer

    • Item

    • Vehicle

    • Driver

    • License, is the default value but can be changed.

    • Ship Method

    • Gross Weight

  2. Select the Vehicle Display option used to determines what vehicles will be displayed when the Vehicle lookup is accessed from Scale Ticket Entry. The drop down list has the following options:

    • Validated Vehicles, when selected and depending on the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation the following will be displayed.

      • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is marked the vehicle lookup display will be blank since un-validated vehicles are not in the Vehicle Master table.

      • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is NOT marked all vehicles setup from Vehicle Maintenance will be displayed in the vehicle lookup.

      • If setting is not defined, Validated Vehicles is the default setting.

    • Growers, when selected only vehicles used on the grower's previous scale tickets will be displayed in the Vehicle lookup.

      • If a grower does not have any vehicles previously entered the display will automatically toggle back to Validated Vehicles.

  3. Mark the Allow Manual Ticket Numbers checkbox to allow the user to manually override tickets numbers in Inbound Ticket Entry.

  4. Mark the Single Weight Entry checkbox to allow the selected user to be able to enter only a single weight in Inbound Ticket Entry. This weight will be used as the net weight for the ticket.

  5. Mark the Filter Ticket Lookup by Current User checkbox for the Tickets In Progress Lookup window to only display tickets entered by the current user.

  6. Mark the Open Bulk Shipping Entry checkbox for the Bulk Shipping Entry window to open when the Outbound button is clicked in the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

  7. Mark the Driver On checkbox to have the Driver On setting default as checked Inbound Scale Ticket Entry.

  8. Select the Apply View to determine how the Assemblies will be displayed within Assembly Apply Entry.

    • All Disposition Types

    • Assembly Disp Type

  9. Retain on Save section has options of Assembly, Customer, Date, Disposition, Item and Split. When any of the Retain on Save settings are checked the values will be retained on the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window when the ticket is saved and will remain populated until they are changed or the window is closed.

  10. Choose Save to save the information entered for this user.

  11. Choose Clear to clear the changes without saving.

  12. Choose Delete to delete all setup information for the user.

    • The delete function will also delete the Sales/Outbound User Setup information.

Chapter 8:DRC Setup

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

DRC Setup

This chapter explains how to setup a system to integrate with Cultura Technologies DRC program (The online Decision Rules for Contracts Pricing Tool). It shows the user how to setup DRC Contractor information, setup the frequency to retrieve prices from DRC, schedule jobs and tie Microsoft Dynamics GP customers to DRC Accounts.
For more information on Cultura Technologies DRC program, please refer to www.e-mar www.solentrasolutions.com/e-markets/
This chapter is divided into the following Procedures:
Entering DRC Contractor Information
Entering DRC Job Setup Information
Entering DRC Customer Information

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualEntering DRC Contractor Information
  1. Open the DRC Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>DRC Setup)

  1. Enter a DRC Contractor ID.

  2. Enter a DRC Contractor Name.

  3. Choose OK to save the DRC Contractor information.

Entering DRC Job Setup Information
  1. Open the DRC Job Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>DRC Job)

  1. Frequency will be set to Daily.

For this release, Daily is the only Frequency option

  1. Enter the Time of Day for the job to start running.

  2. Choose Check Again or Manual for the Fail-Safe Option.

  3. Choose 1, 5, 30 minutes or 1 hour for the Fail-Safe Frequency. When Manual has been selected for the Fail-Safe Option, this will be disabled.

  4. Choose 1, 3, 6 or 12 hours for the Fail-Safe Duration. When Manual has been selected for the Fail-Safe Option, this will be disabled.

  5. Choose OK to save the changes

Entering DRC Customer Information
  1. Open the DRC Customer Account Translation window

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Contracts>>DRC Customers)

  1. Select a Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer ID, the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Name will automatically fill in.

  2. Enter in the Customer's DRC Account ID.

  3. Enter in the Customer's DRC Account Name.

  4. Choose OK to save the information.

Chapter 9:Sales/Outbound Setup

This chapter shows the user how to setup the flow meter that will be used to electronically read the meter information and outbound user options. There is also the ability to setup pre-defined Sales Contract Price charges that can be added to an item when creating a sales contract.
The Chapter is divided into the following procedures:
Setting up a Flow Meter
Setting up Outbound User Options

Setting up Sales Contract Price Defaults
D2HML|C1H Manual

Setting up a Flow Meter

Setting up a Flow Meter

  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Flow Meter Maintenance window

(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Flow Meters)

  1. Enter or select a Flow Meter ID.

  2. Select one of the following Flow Meter Types: Durant, AccuLoad III (Tem Mode), AccuLoad III (Minicomp Mode)

  3. If the meter allows the user to enter additional information select one of the following prompt selections for the Meter Prompt #1 – 5 fields: No Data, Tank Number, Car Number, User Defined 1, or User Defined 2. The prompts correspond to a specific field in Bulk Shipping Entry.

To assign the meter prompts, the user will have to know how the meter is set up and which prompts to use. Please consult your meter installation specialist for more information.

  1. Enter a Comm Port.

  2. Select a Baud Rate. (110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)

  3. Select Parity. (None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space)

  4. Select Data Bits. (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

  5. Select Stop Bits. (1, 1.5, 2)

  6. Select Flow Control. (None, Xon/Xoff, Hardware)

  7. Enter the Port Read Time.

Outbound User Setup

Setting up Outbound User Options

  1. Open the Outbound Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> Cinch Grain >> Sales/Outbound User)

  1. Choose the User ID to set the defaults for. Mark the All Users checkbox to set the same option for all system users.

  2. Select one of the following options from the Number list. This will determine what ticket/meter numbers will be used in Outbound Shipping Entry and Bulk Shipping Entry.


  • Bulk Shipping Entry: Ticket and Meter No. fields will be blank and editable.

  • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket filed will be blank and editable.

Outbound Scale

  • Bulk Shipping Entry: Ticket number will default to the next Bulk Ticket number and will be uneditable.

  • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket number will default to the next Outbound Ticket number and will be editable.

Outbound Meter

  • Bulk Shipping Entry: Meter No. field will default to the next Meter Ticket number and will be uneditable.

  • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket number will be blank and editable.


  • Bulk Shipping Entry: The Ticket will default to the next Bulk Ticket and Meter No. field will default to the next Meter Ticket number. Both fields will be uneditable.

  • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket number will default to the next Outbound Ticket number and will be uneditable.

Outbound Scale/Meter Open

  • Bulk Shipping Entry: Ticket number will default to the next Bulk Ticket number and will be uneditable. The Meter No. field will be blank and editable.

  • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket number will default to the next Outbound Ticket number and will be uneditable and be required to post the shipment.

  • Use Load Number

    • Bulk Shipping Entry: Both the Ticket and Meter No. fields will be uneditable. The system will use the Load Number as the Ticket number and be required to post the shipment.

    • Outbound Shipping Entry: Ticket field will be uneditable. The system will use the Load as the Ticket number and be required to post the shipment.

  1. Select the BOL Form for both Outbound and Bulk Shipping. Select from Plain Paper or Pre Printed.

  2. Select the Cash Apply Mode of either Auto Open or Manually Open. When Applying Sales Documents, this will determine if the Cash Apply List window will automatically open or be opened by the user from the Additional menu.

  3. Enter defaults for the Outbound and Bulk Shipping Entry windows in the following fields: Item, Discount Schedule, Shipping Method, and Site.

  4. To invoice freight charges to the customer, select a default Freight Item. This will appear in both of the Grain and Bulk Shipment Invoicing windows.

  5. Select a Bulk Ship Grain Tester to be used in Bulk Shipping.

  6. Select an Outbound Grain Tester to be used in Outbound Shipping.

  7. Select a Bulk Ship Grain Tester 2 to be used in Bulk Shipping if there is a second grain tester configured.

  8. Select an Outbound Grain Tester 2 to be used in Outbound Shipping if there is a second grain tester configured.

If using two grain testers, there are currently two combinations of testers supported: 1) a Foss 1241 and a GAC 2100, or 2) a Foss 1241 and a Steinlite SL95.

  1. Mark the Single Weight Entry checkbox for the selected user to be able to only enter a single weight in Outbound and/or Bulk Shipping Entry. This weight will be used as the net weight for the ticket.

  2. Mark the Allow Save with Zero Weights checkbox to allow Bulk Shipments to be saved with zero weights.

  3. Allow Delete Document checkbox for the selected user to be able delete load orders within the following windows:

    • When marked the selected user to be able delete load orders within the following windows.

      • Load Order Entry

      • Copy Load Number

      • Mass Load Order Delete

    • When unmarked, user will only have the option to void load orders.

  4. Require Seal Numbers checkbox, when marked Bulk Shipments will not be allowed to be saved until a Seal Number is entered.

  5. Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox;

    • When marked the Gross Qty on the Bulk Shipping Entry window will be editable. User will be allowed to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

    • When not marked the Gross Qty field will not be editable on the Bulk Shipping Entry window.

  6. Select the Ticket Lookup View, the default display on the Sales Ticket Lookup determined by user.

    • All Tickets when selected, Sales Ticket Lookup Window opens with all tickets displayed.

    • Empty Gross when selected, Sales Ticket Lookup Window opens with only tickets with Empty Gross displayed. This is the default setting.

  7. Enter or select the Scales that will be used in Outbound and/or Bulk Shipping Entry.

  8. Enter or select the Flow Meter that will be used in Bulk Shipping Entry.

  9. Enter the Meter Addresses for the meter arms.

  10. Warning Weight, allows user to enter the DOT maximum for their state. When weight is set user will be warned on grain and bulk shipments if the shipment Gross Weight exceeds the specified warning weight.

  11. Load Ord Batch when defined, will default on the Load Generator and Load Order Entry windows.

  12. Choose Save to save the options.

  13. Choose Clear to clear the changes without saving.

  14. Choose Delete to delete all setup information for the user.

    • The delete function will also delete the Purchase/Inbound User Setup information.

Credit Limit Setup

Credit Limit Setup

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section allows the user to setup the credit limit process. It is divided into the following sections:

Setting up Credit Limit Options

    1. Open the Credit Limit Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Sales>>Credit Limit Setup)


    1. Select any of the following to be included in the edit limit checking: AR Balance, Bookings, Orders/Counter Sales, Quotes, Shipments, Unposted Invoices, Deferred Invoices, Prepay Balance, and Unposted Cash Receipts.

      • When the Orders/Counter Sales checkbox is marked, Orders created from Load Order Entry or Load Order Generator will be validated.

    2. Warning Levels:

      • Sales Invoice

        • The follow sales documents will be affected by this warning setting, Bookings, Sales Orders, Counter Sales and Invoice Maintenance.

      • Sales Contract

        • Sales Contracts will be affected by this warning setting.

      • Load Order

        • Load Order Entry and Load Generator will be affected by this warning setting.

      • Grain Shipment

        • Outbound Shipping Entry transactions will be affected by this warning setting.

      • Bulk Shipment

        • Bulk Shipping Entry transactions will be affected by this warning setting.

    3. Select one of the following options for each of the Warning Levels:

      • Don't Warn – Select for the user not to be warned if a customer goes over their credit limit.

      • Warn Only – Select for the user to be warned when a customer goes over their credit limit. This will not require further action to continue the order or invoice.

      • Warn & Require Password – Select to receive a warning and require that the credit limit password be entered to continue on with the order or invoice.

      • Warn & Require One-Time Password – Select to receive a warning and require that a one-time credit limit password be entered to continue on with the order or invoice.

See the Setting up a Credit Limit One-Time Password procedure to setup the one-time credit limit password.
When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.


    1. If Warn & Require Password has been selected above, enter the Credit Limit Password.

    2. Choose OK to save the credit limit settings

Setting up a Credit Limit One-Time Password
  1. Open the Credit Limit One-Time Password window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Sales>>Credit Limit One Time Password)
This window only needs to be setup if Warn & Require One-Time Password was selected in the Credit Limit Setup window.

  1. Select the User that needs to enter the password.

  2. Select the Customer that the password will be used for.

  3. The Expiration Date will default in with the system date, but can be changed if necessary.

  4. The Time will default in with the time equal to the current time, plus one hour, but can be changed if necessary.

  5. Enter the Password the user will to use to bypass his/her credit limit warning.

  6. Choose OK to save the password.

Payment Terms Setup

Payment Terms SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

Refer to Microsoft GP manuals for Payment Terms Setup. This sections discusses setting up terms to increment the Due Date and Discount Date on SOP documents to the next business day if they fall on a Saturday or Sunday. And the ability to set up a Payment Term to be calculated by Unit of Measure specific to Cinch SOP transactions.

  1. Open the Payment Terms Setup window.

(Tools>>Setup>>Company>>Payment Terms)

  1. Discount By Business Day checkbox, when marked when the SOP document is created the system will check the calculated Discount Date, if the day it falls on the weekend it will do the following:

    • Saturday, add 2 days to the Discount Date calculated so it is now set to the following Monday.

    • Sunday, add 1 days to the Discount Date calculated so it is now set to the following Monday.

    • The system will not attempt to reset the dates if the Mondays it falls on is a holiday.

  2. Due By Business Day checkbox, when marked when the SOP document is created the system will check the calculated Due Date, if it falls on the weekend it will do the following:

    • Saturday, add 2 days to the Due Date calculated so it is now set to the following Monday.

    • Sunday, add 1 days to the Due Date calculated so it is now set to the following Monday.

    • The system will not attempt to reset the dates if the Mondays it falls on is a holiday.

  3. Mark the Per Unit checkbox to calculate the discount entered by a per unit of measure value.

    • When the payment terms is setup to calculate Per Unit and is defined on the item extension the discount will be calculated on a lines basis on the document.

      • When payment terms are defined for the item on Item Extensions, all items on a given invoice must have the same payment discount date and due dates but can have different discount amounts.

Sales Contract Report Definition

Setting up Sales Contract Report Definition

  1. Open the Sales Contract Report Definition window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP> Tools> Setup> Cinch Grain> Sales Contract Report Definition)

  1. Choose the Contract Type from the drop down list.

  2. Choose the Report Name from the drop down list.

  3. IRReportText1, IRReportText2, IRReportText3 and IRReportTest4) are each a 32k text field. Using Report Writer user has the ability to drag these text fields to the defined contract report.


      • Within Report Writer, if an IRReportText field is placed in either the report footer or page footer the Display type must be set to Data.

  4. The Copy button when selected opens the Copy to Branches window, which allows the user to copy the defined report name and text for the selected contract type to another branch.




        • Select the Branch, click Copy.

        • If there are more than 32 branches the Next button becomes active to all user to see the next 32 branches.

  1. Repeat the above steps for each type of contract.

  2. Choose Save to save the changes

Sales Contract Price Setup

Setting up Sales Contract Price Defaults

  1. Open the Sales Contract Price Setup window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Sales Contract Price Setup)

  1. Enter the Item the user defined prices will be used for.

  2. Select a Default Ticker Symbol.

  3. There are 15 user defined fields that can be used to enter prompts, default values and default comments for, enter as many as necessary. The User Def 4 field will also allow the user to enter a Conversion Factor to convert from one U of M to another. User Def 14 and 15 allows the entry of multiplication factors used to perform conversions.

  4. The entered Prompts will be available in the Sales Contract Price Entry screen in Sales Contract Entry.

  5. Weighted Decimals, defines the decimal precision used for rounding the Weighted Base Price on the Price Calculator Entry window.

  6. Adjusted Decimals, defines the decimal precision used for rounding the Adjusted Price calculation fields on the Price Calculator Entry window.

  7. Net Decimals, defines the decimal precision used for rounding the Net Price on the Price Calculator Entry window.

  8. Choose Save to save the Price Setup for the selected item.

  9. Choose Clear to clear the Price Setup without saving changes.

  10. Choose Delete to delete the selected Price Setup.

  11. Choose Copy to open Copy Item Price Setup.


    • From Item Number defaults to the Item Number being copied from.

    • From Description defaults to the Item Description being copied from.

    • From Currency ID defaults to the Item Description being copied from.

    • Enter or select the To Item Number, the item to copy the price setup to.

    • To Description will default for the selected Item.

    • To Currency ID, the currency on the item that is getting setup.

    • Select the Copy button to copy the price setup information for the new item to the Sales Contract Price Setup window.

    • Select the Cancel button to discard the copy price setup option.

  1. Selecting Price Index opens Price Index Setup window. The Price Index and Reference fields are used to identify pricing origination and can be used for reporting.


    • Enter the Price Index options for the selected item.

      • The indexes will be available within the Sales Contract Price Calculator Entry line.

    • Enter the Price Index References for the selected item.

      • The references will be available within the Sales Contract Price Calculator Entry line.

Part 2: File Maintenance

This part shows the user how to use file maintenance options needed for updating or retrieving voided data. This information includes the following topics.

  • Chapter 10: Table Utility. This chapter explains how to use the Table Utility window to update the Cinch tables during a product upgrade.

  • Chapter 11: Number Void/Recovery. This chapter explains how to use the Number Void/Recovery Maintenance window to recover or void document numbers that may have gone unused because of possible system issues (network connection loss, system crashes, etc.)

!worddav5d697dba21773556599bd81c09540593.png|height=48,width=48!Documentation is not provided for more advanced file maintenance utilities that may require additional help. Please contact your customer service representative for more information.

Chapter 10:Table UtilityD2HML|C1H Manual

File Maintenance

Table Utility

This section explains how to use the Table Utility window to update the Cinch tables during a product upgrade.
It is very important to backup all data prior to using this utility. Also, it is only necessary to use this utility if directed by product upgrade instructions or your customer support representative.

Updating CINCH Grain Tables
  1. Open the Table Utility window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenance>>Cinch Maintenance>>Table Utility)

  1. From the Launch Products list, select Cinch Ag. The left pane should fill with window names.

  2. Leave the File Series at Project.

  3. Highlight the tables to compare or update and select Insert, or to update all tables, select the All button. The tables selected should appear in the right pane

  4. Select Compare Tables to start the process to see if the tables need updating.

  5. When the process is complete, one of the following messages is displayed in the Processing field:

Process Complete No Table Errors – proceed to step 9.
Process Complete WITH Errors – proceed to step 7.

  1. If there are errors, the following window will display.

Select the table to update and choose Rebuild, if there are multiple tables select them all and choose Rebuild All. Once the table has finished updating, the user will receive a message that the table has updated ok.
Choose OK to exit the window.

  1. To see the Failed Tables window again, choose the expansion button next to the Compare Tables Button.

  2. Update Indexes button:

    • The indexes should be rebuilt 1 time along with the table updates. This process happens automatically when the system prompts the user to Update the database.

    • When manually updating the database, the Update Indexes button provides access to the script to initiate the process manually.

  3. Click the Create Cinch Jobs button to create the SQL job, Long Short Inquiry. The job will go through the long short report options and see if a long short report needs to be generated for the time and day it is being run at.

    • The SQL Server Agent must be running for the job to be created and to run.

    • The job is setup to check the long short report options every hour and every day of the week.

  4. Backfill button is used during a version update to update the previous data to the new table structures. Refer to the install guide for further information on this.

  5. Choose OK to close the window.

Chapter 11:Number Void/Recovery

This chapter explains how to use the Number Void/Recovery Maintenance window to recover or void document numbers that may have gone unused because of possible system issues (network connection loss, system crashes, etc.). The chapter is divided into the following sections:
Voiding an Unused Document Number
Recovering an Unused Document NumberD2HML|C1H Manual

Number Void/Recovery Maintenance

Voiding an Unused Document Number
  1. Open the Number Void/Recovery Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenance>>Cinch Maintenance>>Number Void/Recover)

  1. Select the module of the document number to void, or use the lookup to select the document number to void.

When a document number is selected that currently exists in the module, the user will receive a warning that the number cannot be voided.

  1. All of the other fields will fill in with display only information once the document number is selected.

  2. Hit Void to void the document number. The system will then flag the number as voided and not return the number. When reporting is done, the user will then be able to see the document number as voided and why it was voided.

Recovering an Unused Document Number
  1. Open the Number Void/Recovery Maintenance window.

  2. Select the module of the document number to recover, or use the lookup to select the document number to recover.

  3. Mark the Return checkbox.

When a document number is selected that currently exists in the module, the user will receive a warning that the number cannot be voided

  1. All of the other fields will fill in with display only information once the document number is selected.

  2. Choose the Delete button to return the document number to the system. The number will now be available to use in the module again.

Part 3: Utilities

This part will show the user how to run various utilities to reconcile totals in various parts of the CINCH Grain system.
This part is divided into the following procedures:
Purchase Reconcile. This section allows the user to reset totals on Contracts. Doing this will update the Delivered Qty and Remaining Qty fields in Purchase Contract Entry.

  • Assembly Reconcile. This section allows the user to reset totals on Assemblies. Doing this will update the Delivered Qty and Remaining Qty fields Assembly Entry.

Sales Reconcile. This section allows the user to Reset Totals on Sales Contracts. Doing this will update the Shipping Qty and Remaining Qty fields on Sales Contracts.
Batch Reconcile. This section allows the user to reset totals on CINCH Grain Batches.
Activity Reconcile. This section allows the user to remove transaction activity for users that get unexpectedly logged out of the Microsoft Dynamics GP system (network problems, system crashes, etc.) while they are in the middle of entering a transaction.

  • Freight Reconcile. This section explains how to complete a Freight Reconcile. This process will automatically remove any orphaned or duplicate freight records.

  • Settlement Check Reconcile. The Settlement Check Reconcile allows the user to update Settlements with a check number that got missed when being set to paid.

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Grain Utilities

Purchase Contract Reconcile

The Purchase Contract reconcile allows the user to reset totals on Contracts.  Doing this will update the Delivered Qty and Remaining Qty fields in Purchase Contract Entry.

Purchase Reconcile
  1. Open the Purchase Contract Reconciles window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase Reconcile)

  1. Select the Contract Status to Include (All, Open or Closed).

    • By default Open will be selected.

  2. Enter the Contract Number From and To, or leave the All Contracts checkbox marked.

    • Settled contracts will not be reconciled unless the Contract Number From and To match (one contract at a time).

  3. Enter the Contract Type From and To, or leave the All Contract Types checkbox marked.

  4. Enter the Contract Date From and To, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.

  5. Enter the Item Number From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.

  6. Select the Customer Number From and To, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.

  7. Select the Branch restriction.

  8. The Clear Error Log button is used to clear the log tables used to monitor purchase contract changes.

  9. Clear button will clear the window without making any changes.

  10. Reconcile button when selected will update the Delivered Quantity and Remaining Quantity fields in Purchase Contract Entry for the contract(s) that are necessary.

  11. Print Error List checkbox when selected, the Purchase Contract Reconcile List will be printed, displaying the contracts that where updated. The report includes:

    • Contract Number

    • DRS, delivery row sequence ID

    • PRS, contract price row sequence ID

    • Cust, customer ID

    • Item, item ID

    • Table name, table updated data resides in.

    • Field Name, modified field

    • Before, value before reconcile

    • After, value after the reconcile

    • User, transactions last modified user

    • Date, date transaction was last modified

    • Total number of contracts reconciled

    • Total number of adjustments made

Assembly Reconcile

The Assembly reconcile allows the user to reset totals on Assemblies.  Doing this will update the Delivered Qty and Remaining Qty fields in Assembly Entry.

Assembly Reconcile
  1. Open the Assembly Reconciles window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>> Assembly Reconcile)

  1. Select the Assembly Status to Include (All, Open or Closed).

    • By default Open will be selected.

  2. Enter the Assembly Number From and To, or leave the All Assemblies checkbox marked.

    • Settled assemblies will not be reconciled unless the Assembly Number From and To match (one contract at a time).

  3. Enter the Assembly Date From and To, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.

  4. Enter the Item Number From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.

  5. Select the Customer Number From and To, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.

  6. Select the Branch restriction.

  7. The Clear Error Log button is used to clear the log tables used to monitor assembly changes.

  8. Clear button will clear the window without making any changes.

  9. Reconcile button when selected will update the necessary assembly fields.

  10. Print Error List checkbox when selected, the Assembly Reconcile List will be printed, displaying the assemblies that where updated. The report includes:

    • Assembly Number

    • Cust, customer ID

    • Item, item ID

    • Table name, table updated data resides in.

    • Field Name, modified field

    • Before, value before reconcile

    • After, value after the reconcile

    • User, transactions last modified user

    • Date, date transaction was last modified

    • Total number of assemblies reconciled

    • Total number of adjustments made

Sales Contract Reconcile

The Sales Contract Reconciles window allows the user to reset totals on Sales Contracts.  Doing this will update the Shipping Qty and Remaining Qty fields on Sales Contracts.

Sale Reconcile
  1. Open the Sales Contract Reconciles window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>>Sale Reconcile)

  1. Select the Contract Status to Include (All, Open or Closed).

    • By default Open will be selected.

  2. Print Error List checkbox when selected, the Sales Contract Reconcile List will be printed, displaying the contracts that where updated. The report includes:

    • Contract Number

    • DRS, delivery row sequence ID

    • PRS, contract price row sequence ID

    • Cust, customer ID

    • Item, item ID

    • Table name, table updated data resides in.

    • Field Name, modified field

    • Before, value before reconcile

    • After, value after the reconcile

    • User, transactions last modified user

    • Date, date transaction was last modified

    • Total number of contracts reconciled

    • Total number of adjustments made

  3. Enter the Contract Number From and To, or leave the All Contracts checkbox marked.

  4. Enter the Contract Type From and To, or leave the All Contract Types checkbox marked.

  5. Enter the Contract Date From and To, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.

  6. Enter the Item Number From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.

  7. Select the Customer Number From and To, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.

  8. Select the Branch restriction.

  9. The Clear Error Log button is used to clear the log tables used to monitor sale contract changes.

  10. Clear button will clear the window without making any changes.

  11. Reconcile button when selected will update the Delivered Quantity and Remaining Quantity fields in Sales Contract Entry for the contract(s) that are necessary.

Batch Reconcile

The Batch Reconcile window allows the user to reset totals on Grain Batches.

Batch Reconcile
  1. Open the Batch Reconcile window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>>Batch Reconcile)

  1. Select a Batch Type from the list.

  2. Enter or select a Batch Number.

  3. Hit Batch Totals to reconcile the Batch. It will ask if you want to review the totals for the entered batch.

Choose Cancel to interrupt reconciling the batch.
Choose OK to reconcile and reset the totals for the batch.

  1. When the reconcile is done, a message will be displayed in the Currently Checking field that the process is complete.

  2. Choose OK to close the window.

Activity Reconcile

The Activity Reconcile window allows the user to remove transaction activity for users that get unexpectedly logged out of the system while they are in the middle of entering a transaction.

Activity Reconcile
  1. Open the Activity Reconcile window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>>Activity Reconcile)

  1. The window will display any activity that may have gotten locked in the system for any given reason.

  2. Select the document to remove the activity for and hit Delete.

  3. Choose OK to exit the window.

Freight Reconcile

The Freight Reconcile window allows the user to automatically remove any orphaned or duplicate freight records.

Freight Reconcile

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>>Freight Reconcile)
The Freight Reconcile will automatically repair/remove any orphaned or duplicate freight records that exist in the system.
1. Open the Freight Reconcile window.
2. Click the Reconcile Freight button.

3. When the process has been completed, the user will receive the following message. Any duplicate or orphaned freight records have been removed from the system.

Settlement Check Reconcile

Settlement Check Reconcile

The Settlement Check Reconcile allows the user to update Settlements with a check number that got missed when being set to paid.

  1. Open the Settlement Check Reconcile window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>Cinch Grain>> Settlement Check Reconcile)

  1. Click Settlement Check Reconcile to process the reconcile.

    • User will be prompted, Reconcile Missing Settlement Check Number?

      • Ok, when selected will run the reconcile.

        • User will be prompted when process completes and settlements have been updated.

      • Cancel when selected, will return user to the Settlement Check Reconcile without running the reconcile process.

  2. Select OK to close the window.

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