CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 1_CINCH Document Exchange - CINCH 18.55

This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCHX.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Export
A new setting called Export Address Codes has been added along with the ability to support the following fields within the export XML file: Bill To & Ship To Addresses, Invoice Freight and Freight In Price Per Unit. (CIN-6593)

  1. AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Export

  2. Service Settings:





            1. Export Address Codes

              1. Yes, when selected, the Bill To Address ID (PRBTADCD) and Ship To Address ID (PRSTADCD) will be exported and included within the Contract Header User Area section of the XML.

              2. No, when selected, the Bill To Address ID (PRBTADCD) and Ship To Address ID (PRSTADCD) will not be exported.

Processing Notes:

  • Invoice Freight, when populated on the contract, will be included in the Export XML. The following tags are located within the Contract Detail User Area of the XML.

    • Invoice Freight checkbox (IRInvoiceFreight), XML definitions:

      • True = Checkbox checked

      • False = Checkbox unchecked

    • Invoice Freight Rate per UOM (IRInvoiceFrieghtUOMDDL), XML definitions:

      • 1 =

        Per Load

      • 2 = Per Gross Unit

      • 3 = Per Net Unit

    • Invoice Freight Rate (IRInvoiceFreightRate).

  • Freight in Price Per Unit, when populated on the contract it will be included in the Export XML. The following tag is located within the Contract Detail User Area of the XML.

    • Freight in Price Per Unit (IRFreightInPriceCost)

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import
Two new setting have been added along with the ability to support the following fields within the import XML file: Bill To & Ship To Addresses, Invoice Freight and Freight In Price Per Unit. (CIN-6593)

  1. XML 4.0 Sales Contract Import

  2. Service Settings:

  3. Auto Create Sub Items



        1. Yes, when selected, Sub Items will be created for each of the Contract Customer's Address IDs where the Address ID's Customer Address Companion Entry, Exclude Sales Contract Adds is not marked. Each Sub Item created will be for the contract item and delivery period price.

        2. No, when selected, Sub Items are not auto created. If there are Sub Items within the XML, they will be used to create sub items. Otherwise, no sub items will be created.

          1. By default, the primary contract Item and address will be created within the Sub Items tables.

  4. Create Contract Partner works in conjunction with the Auto Create Sub Items setting. If the Auto Create Sub Items setting is set to Yes, this setting will be ignored. If the Auto Create Sub Items setting is set to No, this setting will be addressed.



        1. Yes,

          1. Sub Items exist within the XML and General Setup's Cross Customer Sales Contract setting is set to:

            1. Allowed All – Import all subitems but don't create any Contract Partners, they are not needed.

            2. Allowed Related – Import all subitems and create a Contract Partner for customer other than the main customer.

            3. Not Allowed – Import only the subitems attached to the main contract customer.

          2. Sub Items do not exist within the XML, no sub items or partners will be created.

            1. By default, the primary contract Item and address will be created within the Sub Items tables.

        2. No, only import subitems for the main customer, no partners will be created. If no subitems exist within the XML, no sub items or partners will be created.

          1. By default, the primary contract Item and address will be created within the Sub Items tables.

Processing Notes:

  • Bill To and Ship To Address ID tags are defined within the Contract Detail User Area of the XML.

    • When the following tags are included in the XML, and the address IDs are valid for the customer, they will be used when creating the Sales Contract.

      • Bill To Address ID (PRBTADCD)

      • Ship To Address ID (PRSTADCD)

    • When the Address ID tags are not present, they will default from Customer Maintenance based on the Contract Customer. (Existing Functionality)

  • Invoice Freight, the following tags are defined within the Contract Detail User Area of the XML.

    • Invoice Freight checkbox (IRInvoiceFreight), XML definitions:

      • True = Checkbox will be checked when Contract is created on import.

      • False = Checkbox will NOT be checked when Contract is created on import.

    • Invoice Freight Rate per UOM (IRInvoiceFrieghtUOMDDL), XML definitions:

      • 1 = Per Load

      • 2 = Per Gross Unit

      • 3 = Per Net Unit

    • Invoice Freight Rate (IRInvoiceFreightRate).

  • Freight in Price Per Unit, when included within the Contract Detail User Area of the XML, will be added to the contract delivery period when created. XML tag is:

    • Freight in Price Per Unit (IRFreightInPriceCost)

  • Close Sales Contract

    • When the closeContractFlag tag within the IRContractUserArea is included in the XML and is set to true,
      the contract's Closed and Posted checkboxes will be marked in the contract header. And the Closed checkbox will be marked on each delivery period.

    • When the closeContractFlag tag within the IRContractUserArea is included in the XML and is set to false, the contract imports and will not be closed.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import
A new setting called Send Response has been added. (CIN-5786)

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No Changes

    2. NEW Service Line Settings

      1. Send Response

        1. Yes –
          The system will send a response. Audit description will state, respond with accepted contract number.

        2. No – The system will not send a response unless the Consume Pricing Info setting is set to Yes. Audit description will state, response contract will be skipped.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Price Import
A new setting called Proceed with Manual Contract has been added to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Price import. (CIN-6479)

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contr Price Imp

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No Changes

    2. NEW Service Line Settings

      1. Proceed with Manual Contract

        1. Yes –
          Pricing will be imported for purchase contracts that were manually created or created via the AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import.

        2. No –
          Default setting, the application will fail to update pricing for contracts that were manually created but will still update pricing for contracts that we created via the AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import (original functionality).

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import
AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import will fail when load quantity exceeds the contract quantity while importing with a message "Load quantity is more than available quantity." (CIN-5090)
Changes to oneWeighLoad2Tkt Exp AutoID
The oneWeigthLoad2Tkt Export now supports the Port Type of FTP. In the past it only supported File Share. Now, it not only picks up a sent conversion file, from an FTP site, it can also push the conversion file to a received location within an FTP site. (CIN-6414)

  1. oneWeighLoad2Tkt Exp AutoID

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No Changes

    2. NEW Service Line Settings

      1. oneWeigh Import Path (Existing) - The location CinchX will save the oneWeigh Auto ID flat files it creates. (Required field) Examples:

        1. oneWeigh Port Type = File Share, C:\CinchXFileShare\CMUSAG\oneWeighImportPath

        2. oneWeigh Port Type = FTP, CINCH/CINCHXFTP/Load/oneWeighFiles. (These are the subdirectories of the oneWeigh Port URL. Folders need to be manually setup on the FTP)

      2. oneWeigh Port Type (New) – Indicates how the oneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp AutoID flat file will be transferred.

        1. File Share – Default

        2. FTP

      3. oneWeigh Port URL (New) – required only when the service line setting of "oneWeigh Port Type" equals FTP and is the root FTP server address. Required if oneWeigh Port Type = FTP. (Example:

        It is especially useful when the pickup up of the Load Order is via File Share yet the drop off is via FTP.

Processing Note:

  • If the Port Type of FTP is selected in either the Service Header Settings or the Service Line Settings, additional Service Line Settings need to be added manually. See the Service Partner Setup section for more information on the FTP Port Type.

Changes to Service Partner Setup
The Port Type of CINCHX File Queue has been decommissioned and the Port Type of Web Services should only be used for the CINCH Database Synchronization service. (CIN-6575)
Changes to WinCos Shipment Import
The WinCos Shipment Import has been updated to convert the <ProductIdent> tag, in the WinCos file, to a railcar number, in the AgXML 4.0 Commodity movement file, tag <RailOrBargeAlphaPrefix>.(CIN-6099)

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