Chapter 2_CINCH Grain Miscellaneous - CINCH 18.55

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 2_CINCH Grain Miscellaneous - CINCH 18.55

This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Grain.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Bulk Shipment Invoices are now created in customer ID order instead of shipment number order. (CIN-4174)

  1. Open Bulk Shipment Invoicing

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing>>Select the record>>Create Invoice)

  1. Selecting the Ok button prompts the creation of the Sales Invoice which will be created in customer ID order.

Changes to Data Archive – Phase III
Data Archive has been enhanced to archive Process Manufacturing and Long Short. (CIN-5141)
Please refer to both PA-CDA's Best Practices documentation and manual along with CINCH/Intellego's Software Data Archiving manual for more information on archiving.

  1. Open Archive Company Data

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Utilities>>System>>Company Data Archive)

  1. Data Archive works with the following additional CINCH modules.

    1. Additional Products

      1. CINCH/Intellego – ProcessMFG

      2. CINCH/Intellego – LongShort


  • See Appendix B for a list of CINCH/Intellego tables that will be moved for each module.

Changes to Document Utility
Document Utility has been updated to allow the deletion of posted Sales Contracts. (CIN-4106)

  1. Open Document Utility

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Document Utility)

  1. Doc Type – Sales Contract.

  2. Action, when Sales Contract is selected, will default to Delete.

  3. Enter GL Posting Date

  4. Doc Number, select the sales contract number to be deleted.

    1. If a shipment is assigned to the selected sales contract, a warning message will be displayed indicating that the contract is partially delivered and can not be deleted. Select OK to continue.

  5. Choose Process to complete the deletion.

    1. If loads are assigned to the selected sales contract, a warning message will be displayed asking the user if they would like to remove the deleted contract from the load.

  6. Yes – delete the sales contract and remove the sales contract from the associated load(s).

  7. No – do not delete the sales contract nor remove the sales contract from the associated load(s).

Changes to Lien Holder Import
Lien Holder Import has been updated with a new setting called Ignore Expired and the MN import has been updated to use the expiration date from the file. (CIN-6251)

  1. Open the Lien Holder Import window

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Lien Holder Import)

  1. Expiration Date field will be disable when the state is set to MN and the system will import the expiration date from the file. If expiration date is empty/not provided on the input file, the application will set the expiration date to 12/31/9999.

  2. Ignore Expired, works with MN, OK & SD files. It is disable for ND & NE since Expiration Dates do not exist within those files.

    1. Checked, the system will not read/import expired records that are not already in the system.

    2. Unchecked, the system will read/import all records.

Changes to Purchase Contract Mass Roll (Manual Updated)
The Purchase Contract Mass Roll window allows users to do either a Quantity Roll or a Price Roll. In this release we have added functionality to both features. Users now have the option to enter a ticker when performing Quantity Rolls and can conduct Price Rolls on the additional Contract Types of Futures Fixed and Other. (CIN-5098)

  1. Open Purchase Contract Mass Roll window

(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Purchase Contracts >> Purchase Contract Mass Roll)

  1. Contract Types available for the Roll Type of Price Roll

    1. Basis (Original functionality)

    2. Futures Fixed (New functionality)

    3. Other (New functionality)

  2. Ticker

    1. Available for both Roll Types; Quantity Roll & Price Roll.

    2. Disabled if Roll Type is set to Quantity Roll and Contract Type is set to "ALL."

    3. If left empty, the ticker will not be updated. It will remain as is.

  3. Price Adjustment

    1. Basis – Visual display if Contract Type equals Spot, Cash, Price Later, Basis, or Minimum Price. The Price Adjustment will be added to the Basis Price.

    2. Board – Visual display if Contract Type equals Futures Fixed. The Price Adjustment will be added to the Board Price.

    3. Basis or Board – If the Contract Type equals Other, the user will be able to select which price will be adjusted, Basis Price or Board Price.

Changes to Purchase Load Entry
A validation has been placed on the Purchase Load Order Entry window to indicate when a loads quantity exceeds its contract quantity. (CIN-5090)

  1. Open Purchase Load Entry window.

(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Purchase Load Entry)

  1. The Save button will validate that the load quantity will not exceed the assigned contract's remaining quantity. If it does, the user will receive the following message. "The load quantity exceeds the contract quantity by XXXX. Do you wish to continue?"

    1. Yes, will save and overrun the contract.

    2. No, returns the user to Purchase Load Entry window without saving the load order.

Changes to Purchase/Sales Contract E-Mails
The Purchase Contracts and Sales Contract E-mail Options, within the CINCH Customer E-mail Options and CINCH Vendor E-mail Options windows, have been updated to email not only the Purchase and Sales Contracts but the following documents as well: Purchase Contract Price Confirmation, Purchase/Sales Contract Amendment. (CIN-4666)

  1. Open Purchase Contract Price Entry window

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Price Entry)


    1. If the Customer/Vendor has email defined for Purchase Contracts, the Send document in E-mail icon will become active. When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, a Price Confirmation document will be emailed to the Customer.

      1. Depending on how the CINCH Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:

        1. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.

          1. If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window, then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.

        2. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Purchase address ID

    2. The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, CINCH Vendor E-mail Options setup of Purchase Contracts.

  1. Open Purchase Contract Amendment window

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Amendment Entry)


    1. If the Customer/Vendor has email defined for Purchase Contracts, the Send document in E-mail icon will become active. When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, a drop down option will be displayed, and the user will have the option to select either Contract or Contract Addendum. Based on either selection the contract will be save, and a contract document will be emailed to the Vendor.

  2. Depending on how the CINCH Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:

    1. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.

      1. If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window, then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.

    2. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Purchase address ID.

    3. The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, CINCH Vendor E-mail Options setup of Purchase Contracts.

    4. The Purchase Contact Amendment Report Definition determines the report that gets emailed.

  1. Open Sales Contract Amendment window

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Amendment Entry)

  1. If the Customer has email defined for Sales Contract, the Send document in E-mail icon will become active. When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, a drop down option will be displayed, and the user will have the ability to select either Contract or Contract Addendum. Based on either selection the contract will be save, and a contract document will be emailed to the Customer.

  2. Depending on how the CINCH Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:

    1. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Sales Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.

      1. If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window, then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.

    2. If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Sales Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Customer Maintenance, Bill to Address ID.

  3. The email message and format of the attachment are based on Customer Maintenance, CINCH Customer E-mail Options setup of Sales Contract.

  4. The Sales Contact Amendment Report Definition determines the report that gets emailed.

Changes to Sales Contract Sub-Items
The line deletion function on the Sales Contract Sub-Items window has been replaced. (CIN-5921)




        1. Open Sales Contract Sub-Items

(Transactions>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound> Sales Contract >Price>Sub Items or Transactions>CINCH Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Entry>Price>Sub Items)




        1. Addresses NOT marked to Exclude Sales Contract Adds can NOT be deleted. Addresses marked to Exclude Sales Contract Adds CAN be deleted.

Changes to Sales Contract Sub-Items Amend
The line deletion function on the Sales Contract Sub-Items Amend window has been replaced. (CIN-5921)

  1. Open Sales Contract Sub-Items Amend

(Transactions>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound> Sales Contract Amendment Entry>Price>Sub Items or Transactions>CINCH Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Entry, Amendment button>Price>Sub Items)

  1. Addresses NOT marked to Exclude Sales Contract Adds can NOT be deleted. Addresses marked to Exclude Sales Contract Adds CAN be deleted.

Changes to Settlement Sweep Entry
A Deferred checkbox has been added to the Settlement Sweep Entry window allowing the user to sweep multiple deferred assemblies/contracts more efficiently. (CIN-4107)

  1. Open Settlement Sweep Entry Window

(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Settlement >> Settlement Sweep Entry)

  1. Deferred, allows the user to include deferred contracts within the scrolling window and process all settlements as deferred settlements.

    1. Unchecked, default, deferred contracts will not be displayed in the scrolling window nor will deferred settlements be processed.

    2. Checked

      1. Opens the Deferred Contract Details window.




        1. Enter the Deferred Contract Prefix.

        2. The Deferred Contract Numeric Segment will default in but may be changed if necessary.

        3. The Deferred Contract Number is display only and will be the Deferred Contract Prefix + the Deferred Contract Numeric Segment.

        4. Enter the Deferred To Date.

        5. Choose OK to save changes and close the window.

      2. All assemblies/contracts selected will be processed as deferred settlements.

Changes to Shipment Customer Switch
The Shipment Customer Switch window will now remain open once a switch has been processed. The OK button has been replaced with a Process button to accommodate this change. (CIN-4760)

  1. Open Shipment Customer Switch Window

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Shipment Customer Switch)

  1. Process button performs the same function as the OK button once did but retains the window after processing. A message "Process completed" with Ok button prompts when the switch has been completed.

Changes to Split Lookup & Sales Split Lookup
The split code description within the Split Lookup & Sales Split Lookup windows has been increased to its full size of 50 characters. (CIN-6149)

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