CINCH Customer Documentation
Chapter 2_Cinch Document Exchange 12.3
This chapter describes the miscellaneous changes made to Cinch Document Exchange.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Change to AgXML 4.0 Load Export
AgXML 4.0 Load Export has been modified to allow deleted load transactions to be exported.
AgXML 4.0 Load Export
Service Line Settings
Send reused Load#s as Adds
Yes, when selected the XML Action type will be forced to Add regardless if the load is new or an update to an existing load.
Default = No
New CSV Sales Shipment Import 01
The New CSV Sales Shipment Import 01 takes a comma delimited file and converts it to an xml document conforming to the CIDX 4.0 Product Movement Report schema. The newly created xml document can be written to a location where a configured CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import pipe can pick it up and import it into Cinch as a Sales Shipment.
CSV Sales Shipment Import 01
Support Exchange Partner Filters
No filters apply
Service Line Settings
Message Label Extension
The file extension of the export file. This extension can be anything but we recommended you use XML for easy viewing in IE.
Sales Shipment Port Type, Sales Shipment Port URL and Sales Shipment Path:
These settings need to match the CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import header settings for this service.
Processing Note:
File Layout/mapping is as follows:
Fulfill Order #, column A – a valid GP Order Number being fulfilled.
Fulfill Order Line ID, column B – a valid GP Order Line ID used to specify the line being fulfilled.
If the fulfilled order row id is empty, the system will attempt to match the shipment based on Item ID.
Ship Date, column C
Location, column D, a valid GP inventory site.
Unit of Measure, column E, ship quantity U of M
Item ID, column F, a valid GP Inventory Item
Quantity Shipped, column G
Shipping Method, column H, a valid GP Ship Method.
Changes to CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import
CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import has been updated with additional service setting options to support using values provided from the CSV Sales Shipment Import 01 file.
CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import
Service Line Settings
Default Payment Terms From
XML, payment term from the xml document will be used.
Ship Method
If a ship method exists in xml, it will be used. Otherwise it will use the default ship method value.
Processing Note:
Sales Shipments created from a file created from CSV Sales Shipment Import 01, the following will come from the specified Sales Order:
Customer ID
Customer Bill To
Customer Ship To
Payment Terms ID
After the Sales Shipment is imported user will navigate to Shipment Invoicing to create invoice(s).
Use location id for Ship To needs to be set to yes for the Order Ship To to be placed on the Shipment.
A shipment cannot be imported if associated to a closed Sales Order.
New CIDX 2.02 IAU Export
CIDX 2.02 IAU Export has been created to provide the ability to export Inventory Actual Usage documents for reporting inventory quantities back to vendors.
CIDX 2.02 IAU Export Processor
Supported Exchange Partner Filters
Vendor filters apply
Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
Service Setting
Always Translate Header IDs
Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
No, the default domain will be used for translations.
Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
Default, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, DUNS,
When DUNS is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
Default, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
Default is the default value.
Hide Successful Item Trx Msgs
Yes when selected only Item (and UofM) translations that fail will display in the document monitoring windows.
Item Class Filter
Default = *
Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
Default is the default value.
Item User Category 1 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 2 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 3 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 4 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 5 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 6 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
Message Label Extension
The file extension of the export file.
This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
Run Delay (# of days)
This integer value field can be used to delay the export for a certain number of days after the interval occurs. This allows for things like exporting on the 3rd day of the month, or 180th day of the year.
This setting is ignored when Run Interval is set to Daily
Run Interval
Select the interval at which the IAU documents will get exported.
Available values in the dropdown list are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Default value is Monthly.
Run Time
Select the time of day that the export will occur after the interval has fired.
Use UN/CEFACT for UofM Values
Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
XML Namespace Prefix
Recommended to leave this field blank.
For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
XML Namespace URL
Recommended to leave this field blank.
Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.
New CIDX 4.0 IAU Export
CIDX 4.0 IAU Export has been created to provide the ability to export Inventory Actual Usage documents for reporting inventory quantities back to vendors.
CIDX 4.0 IAU Export
Supported Exchange Partner Filters
Vendor filters apply
Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
Service Setting
Always Translate Header IDs
Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
No, the default domain will be used for translations.
Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, Other, SCAC
When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
Default is the default value.
Hide Successful Item Trx Msgs
Yes when selected only Item (and UofM) translations that fail will display in the document monitoring windows.
Item Class Filter
Default = *
Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
Default is the default value.
Item User Category 1 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 2 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 3 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 4 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 5 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
Item User Category 6 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
Default = *
Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
Message Label Extension
The file extension of the export file.
This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
Run Delay (# of days)
This integer value field can be used to delay the export for a certain number of days after the interval occurs. This allows for things like exporting on the 3rd day of the month, or 180th day of the year.
This setting is ignored when Run Interval is set to Daily
Run Interval
Select the interval at which the IAU documents will get exported.
Available values in the dropdown list are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Run Time
Select the time of day that the export will occur after the interval has fired.
Use UN/CEFACT for UofM Values
Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
XML Namespace Prefix
Recommended to leave this field blank.
For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
XML Namespace URL
Recommended to leave this field blank.
Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.
Changes to CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import
CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import has been modified to watch for bulk items and when detected redirect them to CIDX 4.0 Load Import for further processing. In addition the Requested Delivery Date will be imported to the Sales User Defined Entry, User Date 01.
CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import
Service Line Settings
Fill UserDefDate1 w/sched date
Yes, when selected the requested delivery date will be written to the User Date 01 field on the Sales User Defined Fields Entry window.
Load Port URL, Load Port Type and LoadReq Path
These settings need to match CIDX 4.0 Load Import header settings when the Watch for Load Orders setting is set to yes.
Watch for Load Orders
Yes, when selected the processor will look to the "Is Bulk" checkbox (located on the Hazmat Information screen off the item master) to determine if the translated item is bulk or not.
If the item is a bulk item, further processing in this import will halt, and the xml document will be moved to the CIDX 4.0 Load Import setup in the Load Port/Path settings.
If a bulk item is not detected, or this setting is set to No, this processor will continue to import the document as a normal sales order.
Changes to Excel Ticket Import 01
Excel Ticket Import 01 has been enhanced with the addition of the Send the On Track Number.
Excel Ticket Import 01
Service Line Settings
Send On Track Number
Yes, when selected the IROnTrack in the UserArea of the created XML will be populated.
The On Track will be determined based on the order of the ticket in the excel document.
AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import 4.0 and AgXML 4.0 In Transit-in Import looks for this data and will import it if the value exists.
No when selected the IROnTrack will not be populated in the created XML.
Cinch Document Exchange with Multicurrency
The following describes the additional services that will work with Multicurrency.
Multicurrency supported services
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Export
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Export
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Import
Excel Purch Ctr Import 01
CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Export
CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 4.0 Product Movement Export
CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Export
CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Export
CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import
CIDX 5.0 Product Movement Export
CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Export
CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 5.2 Product Movement Export
CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Export
CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Import
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