Rules for how MyGrower Payments Apply in AGRIS

Rules for how MyGrower Payments Apply in AGRIS

Payment Entry

The rules for the MyGrower payments are as follows:

  1. If the Grower selects PAY BALANCE or PAY NOW, MyGrower will create a payment import record flagged to place the payment on hold or flagged to Auto-Apply Payments to Oldest Balance, in Location order.

    Payment Application Setting


    The receipt imports into AGRIS via the Web Services and the funds follow the MyGrower Setup.
    if MyGrower is set to have payments come in as unapplied payments, then AGRIS will create one receipt number that will eventually be applied to MANY invoice numbers.

  2. If the Grower select REVIEW AND PAY, MyGrower creates a receipt for that invoice.
    And even if MyGrower flags the receipt to be 'PLACE PAYMENT ON HOLD', because it also keys in a location-invoice number, the receipt imports and applies to the invoice they selected.
    So in AGRIS, you will see a unique receipt for each invoice paid.
    You can run the standard AR Payment Report, which sorts by name id, and see if a customer had one receipt number for that day or 20-receipt numbers for each invoice the Grower select REVIEW AND PAY.

Note that the Web Services import is reacting just like a standard import reacts bringing in a CSV or FIL file.
If you key an invoice number on the ACRR0 record, AGRIS applies that payment regardless of the APPLY RECEIVE ON ACCT flag on the import record.


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