What's New in MyGrower - 3.11 Released NOV 2023

What's New in MyGrower - 3.11 Released NOV 2023

Release dates:


MyGrower is a cloud application and no installation is required to take advantage of these new features, they are AVAILABLE NOW in your environment.

More Details





Ability for an Admin to create and store custom groups or list of members to target message.

  • Minimize time and effort to communicate to a group of growers / members.

  • Maximizes flexibility for admins to target communications to specific list of growers with no grower intervention.

Contracts, Settlements, & Scale Tickets

Implementation of “Smart Filtering” on all location and commodity filter options.

Minimize time and effort to filter on meaningful commodities and locations


Bug Fixes

  • Numerous Quality Improvements

  • No Data Displayed After Entering a Valid Date in Contracts Option Under Grain Details Tab

  • Spelling Mistake on "View Preferences" Page

  • The grower receives 'Email Address Updated' emails on every detail change on Profile or Account member page.

Need Help?

To take advantage of the newly developed MyGrower features and improvements, please upgrade to the latest release version of AGRIS available.  Click HERE for more information.

We are happy to assist you in updating to the latest version of AGRIS so that you can use MyGrower to its fullest potential.  Please reach out to Support (MySupport@culturatech.com or 800-366-2474, option 1, 2, 3) if you would like assistance.

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