Sign Contracts / Contract Confirmations Electronically (MYG-285)

Do you want to:

  • Reduce time and expense printing contracts / contract confirmations and stuffing them into envelopes and mailing them to customers?

  • Minimize postage expenses for obtaining signatures on contracts / contract confirmations?

  • Decrease time spent looking for emails associated with counter-party signatures on contracts / contract confirmations?

  • Eliminate time to mark the Signed Status as Yes for contracts in AGRIS?

  • Simplify the process of viewing signed contracts / contract confirmations?

This new feature will allow you to:

  1. Push the unsigned contract into the AttachToo repository.

  2. Send the unsigned contract / contract confirmation to a queue for internal review and approval.

  3. Send a link to the unsigned contract / contract confirmation to:

    1. MyGrower for the counter-party to review, approve and sign and / or

    2. Your counter-party via email to review, approve and sign.

  4. Push the signed contract image into the AttachToo repository.

  5. Automatically mark the Signature Status of the contract as Signed.

Usage Screens Samples:

Find and view unsigned contracts / contract confirmations:

View and sign contracts / contract confirmations:

Child Pages:

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