What's New in MyGrower 2.1! - Released FEB 2019

MyGrower Engagement Platform

MyGrower Engagement Platform


Action Requests for Growers and Action Lists for Administrators (MYG-415 & MYG-432)

Home Page Defaults

Admins can now choose between two default homepages (MYG-464)

Push Notifications

Administrators can now utilize Push Notifications (MYG-399)

Performance improvements on searches with AGRIS on PSQL (MYG-522)

User Experience

BioMetric Security

Fingerprint and Face-ID Login for Apple and Android devices (MYG-485 & MYG-605)

Bugs and Performance 

  • There is now a back button!  This makes MyGrower easier to navigate

  • Fixed a bug preventing users from accessing MyGrower on different internet browsers

  • Made performance improvements and bug fixes on MyGrower website and web app


Bill pay via ACH

Ability for customers to make ACH payments (MYG-410)

If you are not on the latest Agent, some features from the 2.1 release may not work. Please reach out to schedule your one-time Agent update.

How-To Pages:


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