Reports Not Working

  • Make sure the Report created in AGRIS for MyGrower use wasn't deleted by accident.

  • Check to make sure the extended option for MyGrower is enabled:

    1. Go into Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance > Select Dataset > Extended Options > Select SYS > Is option #21(MyGrower) marked as a Y? If it's an N or it's grayed out, license needs to get updated

  • Make sure the report type and number in MyGrower matches the one setup in AGRIS:

    1. Log on as super admin and verify

  • Make sure the report is setup properly in customer environment:

    1. Go to GRN, Reports, Advanced reports: 

      1. Is the report setup correctly?

      2. Does the directory path exist for the MyGrower Reports folder?

        1. Is the folder on the server?

  • Is the AGRIS version 20.3 SU3 or greater?

    • Update AGRIS to the current released version

  • Can you open the report created for MyGrower inside AGRIS?

    1. If No, then something is incorrect in how the report was created in AGRIS. Go back and check steps..

  • Are you getting the following error?

    • If yes, the AGRIS ini file isn't properly set. Please contact Support if assistance is needed.

  • If all the above have been verified and check out, there could be an issue with permissions within Component Services

    1. Under Control Panel→Administrative Tools->Component Services->Computers→My Computer→COM+ Applications, right click on AGRIS_ABS, then click the Identity Tab.  Make sure This User is selected

    2. *The MYG User in Agris MUST have appropriate Rights to the machine.  We suggest adding the user to the ADMINISTRATORS group.

    3. *After making changes, right click on AGRIS_ABS and choose Shutdown which will essentially restart AGRIS_ABS.

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