OneWeigh Remarks to binSight

version 3.2.4 build 19

Creating a Remark in oneWeigh

1.Open OW Ticket Entry

2. Add a Ticket

3. Select a commodity

4. Open Advanced bin selection



5. Select Options


6. Select Export Commodity Setup


7. Check Export Ticket Remarks

8. Select Remarks Setup

9. Enter a three digit code for the remark

Example is BSR – binSight Remark – you can make yours what you want


10. Select Export Commodity Setup to ensure binSight will have the new attribute for THIS COMMODITY


11. Select Export


Checking for Remark in binSight

1. Open binSight

2. Open Set-up

3. Select Product Details

4. Open the commodity that you chose in oneWeigh and the Remark that was setup is now an attribute of that ONE COMMODITY – not all of them.



The remark will NOT show up on the binBoard as of 3.2. build 19 but will be available in report


By G.Craighton
