CINCH Customer Documentation

How to access GP and CINCH manuals

Steps on how to access the GP/CINCH Manuals: Help>> About This Window.

If nothing appears and/or you get a blank screen, it’s likely there was a step missed in the install instructions during installation. To correct this, please refer to the Install Guide for the version you are utilizing.

CINCH Documents

  1. The Cinch.chm file located within the CINCH Download PDF Files folder needs to be placed in the Dynamics file folder (the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP).


If the CINCH help window opens but there is no detailed content, the help file may need to be unblocked:

To check the file, right-click on the file and choose properties to look for the unblock button. It will be near the Attributes and Advanced button. If the unblock button is present, click it and proceed.


2. The remaining files located within the CINCH Download PDF Files folder need to be placed in the Dynamics Documentation file folder (the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Documentation).

The files are as follows:

a. CINCH Document Exchange System Manual

b. CINCH Grain Software Procedures Manual

c. CINCH Grain Software System Manual

d. CINCH Process Manufacturing

e. CINCH Sales – Seed Software Procedures Manual

f. CINCH Sales – Seed Software System Manual

g. CINCH Software Risk Management Manual

h. CINCHIntellego Software Data Archiving




3. Repeat CINCH Documents steps on each server/workstation that has CINCH installed.



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