The AGRIS 18.4.0 release has added:
AGS-4651: Payments / Prepayments: "Back" button is now labeled "Continue"
In response to customer feedback AGRIS has updated the Apply Payments screen to provide a more consistent and intuitive user experience.
Navigation to Use: ACR > Payments/Prepayments > Payments/Prepayments
- Enter a new payment for a customer with outstanding invoices.
- Select "Payment On Account" for the Payment Type.
- Enter the amount and proceed to the "Apply Option" screen and select "Apply Amount To Selected Invoices."
- Enter the invoice search criteria and continue to the "Select Invoice(s)To Be Applied" screen. The "Continue" button behaves the same way that the "Back" button did previously. It returns to the previous "Apply Option" screen retaining the application selections. The "Cancel" button clears all applications, as if the user clicked "Clear All", and then returns to the previous "Apply Option" screen. It essentially restarts the process.