Here are the steps to implement EFT payments for a vendor in Dynamics GP.
Create the EFT File Format (Financial>>Cards>>EFT FIle Format.) The EFT Format ID you can get from your bank in the US it is normally NACHA-PPD
2. Create or modify a checkbook that will be used as your EFT checkbook (Financial>>Cards>>Checkbook Maintenance>>EFT Bank) Fill in the required information.
3. Choose the Payable Options button. Select “Use EFT Numbers”. Choose Default Output file locations for your Payments and Prenotes.
4. Choose the vendors who can accept ACH. Purchasing>>Cards>>Vendor Address>>Choose an Address IT>>EFT Bank button. Fill the information that the vendor’s bank has provided. You must select the EFT file format that you have set up.
A. Make sure that the vendor that you will be sending ACH’s has a current email address to receive the remittance document.
B. Clicking on the globe icon will open the internet information wind where you can enter the Remit-To address.
C. Set up the EFT Options by clicking the EFT Bank Button
D. Do the email setup in the Email Setting Menu. Administration>>Company>>Email Settings
5. In the screen shot above, the Vendors were set to receive emails from GP as attachments, and also as an attachment.
6. Set up the Remittance document in the E-mail Message Setup Menu
7. Use the select check process to generate payments for the EFT vedors.
8. You will want to generate an Edit List of the batch to check for any errors. Then you can generate remittances. If you don’t run an Edit List they will be emailed to vendors without being verified that they are correct.
9. Generate the EFT file and then upload it to your bank’s site.
10. You bank will want you to send Prenotes for each vendor to verify the routing and accounts.