Self Check-In - Ability to Select Origin & Destination Location From Dropdown List (AGS-18394)

Self Check-In - Ability to Select Origin & Destination Location From Dropdown List (AGS-18394)


Reduce the effort to capture Origin/Destination information thru self check in.


The goal of this new feature is to allow the driver to be able to pick from a list the Origin or Destination Location, similarly to how Last Product Hauled functions in Self Check-In.


This list is the same list that is found within Ticket Entry, when the Origin or Destination Location is used as a Ticket Remark Field. Another way to access this list is in Ticket Defaults under the Origin and Destination Location dropdowns.

List in Ticket Entry

List in Ticket Defaults

List in Ticket Entry

List in Ticket Defaults


In order to setup a drop-down selection list in Self Check-In, go to a Self Check-In setup and add or edit a prompt to be either an Origin or Destination Location. One will see that there is a new Field Entry Method called “Drop-Down Selection List.” By choosing this Field Entry Method, the new feature is turned on.

Before Enhancement

After Enhancement

Before Enhancement

After Enhancement

Once the feature is turned on, the screenshots below show the prompt for Origin and Destination Location with the drop-down selection list. Note: the Origin and Destination Location lists are the same are in the screenshots below.

Origin Location

Destination Location

Origin Location

Destination Location


It is important to note that a Self Check-In setup has a MAXIMUM of 500 total list items for both Origin and Destination Location. Meaning that the grand total of these lists must be 500 if you are using both Origin and Destination Location in the Self Check-In setup. If you were just using Origin Location, then 500 Origin Locations would be allowed. This is due to a current socket buffer limitation between the Self Check-In Server and Client.

Also, if there are no Origin or Destination Locations when this feature is in use the Self Check-In Client will display the prompt as shown below.

Not Required Field

Required Field

Not Required Field

Required Field

This is the only time when a required prompt, shown above, will have a “leave blank and skip” as a selection. This was added to prevent a driver or user from getting stuck on a required Origin or Destination Location prompt where the drop-down selection list is used.