This page will show you how to setup the Agris Environment for Esign.
Ensure AGRIS license is updated
Navigate to Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance > (Select Dataset) > Extended Options > NAM
eSign requires that the AGRIS license is updated with NAM-11 turned on.
Setup SIG Contact Remark Type in NAM
NAM> Setup Information > Contact/Remark Type
Enter SIG for the Contact/Remark
Enter “eSign Signature Email” for the Description
Contact Category = E
Hierarchy Sequence = 1
Setup an email address for a customer in NAM for testing.
AGRIS Security for users sending out Contracts
Customize > System Security > (Pick User) > #3 Edit Security levels
SYS | Maintenance | Location Maintenance: Must be a 3 for process ability.
GRN | Contract | Contract Maintenance: Must be a 5 or higher for Edit ability
Customize > System Security > (Pick User) > #4 Edit AttachToo Security
GRN | Purchase Contracts and Sales Contracts need to be stet to a 3 or higher for Process.
Grain Contract Form
Grain Contracts MUST be Graphic Forms
Contracts must create a copy in AttachToo before it is picked up in the Actionlist.
GRN > Contract Forms > Select Graphic Form
Output Type 4
At the bottom of the first screen, Put a D in the last box (Create Additional Copy in a Folder? = D
Click Next - Add Y's to the options for Create Additional Copy when Printing to (other options)
Proceed until you can Save/Exit
Default Grain Contract Forms (Optional)
Set default contract form(s) for printing different types of contracts.
All contracts for eSign must save to AttachToo. Repeat steps above for each form that will be used for eSign.
Contract Type Edits
GRN > Setup Information > Contract Types > (Pick a contract type) > #2 Available Fields Purchase or #3 Available Fields Sales
For eSign to work, the Contract Signed status cannot be left blank, AND it cannot be a Y.
Edit each Contract Type (Available Fields for Purchases and Sales) to include the following:
Signed Status (5)