Self Check-In - Ability to Set a Timeout to Return to Start (AGS-17618)


Reduce the effort to handle drivers who exit facility before completing check in process.


The goal of this new feature is to solve issues where drivers were starting their tickets with the previous driver’s information. Whether the first driver forgot to cancel their ticket, or completed their ticket and accidentally started another ticket. This guarantees that if the timeout is hit, a driver cannot start the Self Check-In process midway through the previous driver’s ticket.


The timeout setting is found on the Self Check-In Client settings page. The default for the timeout is 10 minutes. This value can be set from 1 to 99 minutes.

Before Enhancement

After Enhancement

Before Enhancement

After Enhancement

It is important to understand that this setting will bring the driver back to the start on any of the Self Check-In prompts. This includes the Final Confirmation page as well as any Hold Message prompts. Please consider these factors and how they may impact our clients when changing the default setting.