CINCH Customer Documentation
CINCH R18.57 M1 - What's New
CINCH Software
Version 18.57 M1
CINCH Document Exchange Software
CINCH Savings & Loan
Version 18.57 M1
What’s New
May 2023
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Supported Version
- 3 Dynamics GP
- 4 AgWorks
- 5 Feed Mill Manager
- 6 Chapter 1: CINCH Document Exchange
- 7 Changes to Document Monitoring
- 8 Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import/Export
- 9 Chapter 2: CINCH Grain Miscellaneous
- 10 Changes to Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry Zoom
- 11 Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing
- 12 Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
- 13 Changes to Invoice Grain Charges Entry
- 14 Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
- 15 Changes to Purchase Contract Overrun
- 16 Changes to Purchase Load Entry
- 17 Changes to Purchase Load Generator
- 18 Changes to Purchase Load Inquiry
- 19 Changes to Purchase Load Inquiry Zoom
- 20 Changes to Settlement Inquiry Zoom
- 21 Changes to Spot Contracts
- 22 Changes to Unit Train In Import Addin
- 23 Changes to Vendor Extensions Maintenance
- 24 Chapter 3: CINCH Sales Miscellaneous
- 25 Changes to Customer Extensions Maintenance
- 26 Changes to General Setup
- 27 Changes to Sales Setup
- 28 Chapter 4: CINCH Savings and Loan
- 29 Changes to Accounts List by Vendor Report
- 30 Changes to Savings Statements
- 31 Chapter 5: NEW CSS Contract Number
- 32 Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
- 33 Changes to Purchase Contract Amendment Entry
- 34 Changes to Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom
- 35 Changes to Purchase Contract Version Inquiry
- 36 Chapter 6: NEW Bulk Transfer Void/Reverse
- 37 Changes to Bulk Transfer Entry
- 38 Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
- 39 Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom
- 40 Chapter 7: NEW Document Utility – Reverse Posted Shipment
- 41 Changes to Document Utility
- 42 Changes to Load Shipment Inquiry
- 43 Chapter 8: NEW Document Utility – Void Prepay Cash Receipts
- 44 Changes to Document Utility
- 45 Changes to Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry
- 46 Changes to Prepay History Reports
- 47 Changes to Document Number Inquiry
- 48 Chapter 9: NEW Future Exchange Fee
- 49 Changes to Broker Maintenance
- 50 Changes to Hedge Account Maintenance
- 51 Changes to Trade Entry
- 52 Changes to Trade Maintenance
- 53 Changes to Trade Matching
- 54 Changes to Trade Options Exercise
- 55 Changes to Trade Roll
- 56 Changes to Trade Open Inquiry
- 57 Changes to Hedge Account Statement
- 58 Chapter 10: NEW Install Procedures
- 59 Changes to SQL Maintenance
- 60 Changes to Table Utility
- 61 Changes to SQL Scripts
- 62 Chapter 11: NEW Mass Updates
- 63 Mass Load Order Update
- 64 Mass Shipment Update
- 65 Chapter 12: NEW Purchase Load Orders – Update GP’s On Order Totals
- 66 Changes to General Setup
- 67 Changes to GP Windows
- 68 Chapter 13: NEW Sales Shipment Invoicing SmartList
- 69 Chapter 14: NEW Safe Pay – On/Off Switches
- 70 Changes to General Setup
- 71 NEW Checkbook Extensions Maintenance
- 72 Chapter 15: NEW Split Code Validations
- 73 Changes to Customer/Vendor Maintenance
- 74 Changes to Split Transactions
- 75 Appendix A
- 76 NEW Windows
- 77 NEW Reports
- 78 NEW Tables
- 79 Changes that may affect Reports or Data
What’s New is your guide to enhancements in CINCH Software.
We add enhancements based on feedback we receive from customers, as well as on market research. Your willingness to help us build better products makes this a more complete solution, putting you in a better position to manage your organization successfully. We encourage you to share your thoughts and reactions with us at any time.
Some enhancements described in this documentation are optional. If you currently have a license for one of these modules and have an active enhancement program, you will automatically receive the enhancements contained in that module.
This document describes enhancements that were added to the CINCH Software since General Release 18.56 M2.
Descriptions of the enhancements are divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “CINCH Document exchange” describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCHX.
Chapter 2, “CINCH Grain Miscellaneous” describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Grain.
Chapter 3, “CINCH Sales miscellaneous” describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Sales.
Chapter 4, “NEW Savings and Loan” describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Savings and Loan.
Chapter 5, “NEW CSS Contract Number” describes enhancements made to Credit Sales Separation (CSS).
Chapter 6, “NEW Bulk Transfer Void/Reverse” describes enhancements made to the bulk transfer process.
Chapter 7, “NEW Document Utility – Reverse Posted Shipment” describes enhancements made to Document Utility. Posted sales shipments can now be reversed.
Chapter 8, “NEW Document Utility – Void Prepay Cash Receipts” describes enhancements made to Document Utility. Posted Prepay Cash Receipts can now be voided.
Chapter 9, “NEW Future Exchange Fee” describes enhancements made to trades.
Chapter 10, " NEW Install Procedures” describes enhancements made to the installation process of CINCH.
Chapter 11, “NEW Mass Updates” describes two mass update enhancements made to sales load orders and shipments.
Chapter 12, “NEW Purchase Load Orders – Update GP’s On Order Totals” describes enhancements made to Dynamics GP windows to include Purchase Load Orders within the On Order field totals.
Chapter 13, “NEW Sales Shipment Invoicing SmartList” describes a SmartList which has been built and is available to our customers to use that will show Sales Shipment Invoicing History by Shipment Number.
Chapter 14, “NEW Safe Pay – On/Off Switches” describes enhancements made to Safe Pay.
Chapter 15, “NEW Split Code Validations” describes enhancements made to Split IDs.
Supported Version
The following is a list of the Dynamics GP version we will be supporting for this release.
Dynamics GP
Software Version: 18.5.1635 (2022)
KB4602597 (Jan Hot Fix)
Dex Version: (18.00.0028)
Is currently not supported.
Feed Mill Manager
Is currently not supported.
Chapter 1: CINCH Document Exchange
This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCHX.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Document Monitoring
Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import/Export
Changes to Document Monitoring
The Document Monitoring window has been updated to automatically mark the Services checkbox upon opening the window to display only the services with recent transactions. (CIN-5358)
It has also been updated to automatically delete exception messages/errors attached to the Services node. The errors will be removed based on the History Retention (in days) field set in the CINCHX Global Settings window. The system will automatically review the transactions within the IRDXDocXDocAutidt table. If the transaction’s last modified date is prior to the Current User Date minus the History Retention (in days), the system will delete it. Deletions will happen in batches of 1000 if thousands of records need to be deleted upon the initial installation of this fix. (CIN-6858)
Changes to AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import/Export
Farm and Field information, attached to purchase loads will now export and import with the use of AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export/Import. (CIN-6839)
AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export. Two new fields have been added.
AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import. The import file will validate and fail when invalid Farm and Field information is passed.
Chapter 2: CINCH Grain Miscellaneous
This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Grain.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry Zoom
Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
Changes to Purchase Contract Overrun
Changes to Purchase Load Entry
Changes to Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry Zoom
A new field called Priced Qty has been added to Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry Zoom windows within the Contract Qtys section. (CIN-5784)
Open Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry Zoom
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Assembly Sheets >> Assembly Entry)
(Inquiry >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Assembly Inquiry >> Redisplay >> Select anyone assembly and click on Expansion button)
Priced Qty displays the quantity that has been priced on the assigned contract.
Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Load Number has been added to the Range dropdown in the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window. (CIN-6522)
Open the Bulk Shipment Entry window.
(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)
Load Number allows the user to filter the shipments that will appear in the scrolling window to only posted shipments assigned to load numbers. When selected, the From and To lookups will open the Load Order Open Lookup window. This window displays only posted shipments assigned to load numbers.
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
Bulk Transfer Inquiry’s Excel Export has been updated to include additional columns. (CIN-4503)
Open Bulk Transfer Inquiry
(Inquiry>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Inquiry)
Additional Excel Export columns:
Orig Gross Wt displays the origination gross weight.
Orig Tare Wt displays the origination tare weight.
Dest Gross Wt displays the destination gross weight.
Dest Tare Wt displays the destination tare weight.
Orig Gross Qty displays origination gross quantity.
Orig Adj Qty displays origination adjusted quantity.
Orig Net Qty displays origination net quantity.
Dest Gross Qty displays destination gross quantity.
Dest Adj Qty displays destination adjusted quantity.
Dest Net Qty displays destination net quantity.
Void Reason displays the Reason Code if the transaction has been voided.
Void indicates if the transaction has been voided.
Void User indicates the User ID that voided the transaction.
Void Date indicates the date the transaction was voided.
Void Time indicates the time the transaction was voided.
Reversal Of indicates the Bulk Transfer Number that was reversed.
User Defined Header 1
User Defined Header 2
User Defined Line 1
User Defined Line 2
Use Weights/Grades From indicates where the origination or the destination weights will govern the transfer.
Origination Posted display TRUE if the origination weights and grades have been posted and FALSE if they have not been posted.
Destination Posted display TRUE if the destination weights and grades have been posted and FALSE if they have not been posted.
Changes to Invoice Grain Charges Entry
The Invoice Grain Changes Entry window has been updated with the ability to restrict the assemblies that appear in the scrolling window by disposition type. (CIN-3504)
Open Invoice Grain Charges Entry window.
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Invoice Grain Charges Entry)
Include Disposition Types:
Grain Bank
Scrolling window fields that have been added are:
Disposition Type displays the disposition type for the Disposition ID attached to the assembly.
Disposition ID displays the disposition ID attached to the assembly.
Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
The copy function has been added to the Purchase Contract Entry window. (CIN-6320)
Open the Purchase Contract Entry
Choose Copy to copy data from an existing Purchase Contract to a new Purchase Contract.
The Copy button becomes enabled once the Contract Number has been validated as New and remains active until the contract delivery information is entered.
Selecting the Copy button opens the Contract Lookup window allowing user to select the contract to copy from. Once the copy from Contract has been selected the contract header information will be copied from the selected Purchase Contract and can be edited.
If the General Setup setting Cross Customer Purchase Contract is set to Allow Related, the Related Partners will also be copied.
Note: purchase contract numbers are based on the contract type. If the contract starts out as one type and the selected contract to copy is another type, the system will warn the user that the two types differ. Selecting Continue will change both the contract type and number to reflect the selected contract to copy. Selecting cancel will return the user to the Purchase Contract Entry screen without copying the selected contract.
Changes to Purchase Contract Overrun
A new sort option has been added to the scrolling window of the Purchase Contract Overrun window. The Beg Del Date (Beginning Delivery Date) field can now be sorted. (CIN-4116)
Changes to Purchase Load Entry
The Purchase Load Entry window has been enhanced with two new features. First, the Contract Number lookup now opens the Contract Lookup window instead of the Purchase Contract Lookup window (CIN-6809). Second, two new fields have been added, farm and field. (CIN-6810)
Open Purchase Load Order Entry
(Transaction>CINCH Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Purchase Load Entry)
Contract Lookup button opens the Contract Lookup window.
Farm, enter or select a farm from which this item originated. Values can default from Load Generator or an assigned contract but can be updated. The information in this field will then default into Inbound Scale Ticket Entry when the load is assigned to a ticket.
Field, enter or select a field that corresponds to the farm in which the item originated. Values can default from Load Generator or an assigned contract but can be updated. The information in this field will then default into Inbound Scale Ticket Entry when the load is assigned to a ticket.
Changes to Purchase Load Generator
The Purchase Load Generator window has been updated with two new fields: farm, and field. (CIN-6810)
Open Purchase Load Generator
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Purchase Load Generator)
Farm, enter or select a farm from which this item originated. The field value may default from the assigned contract, but it can be updated.
Field, enter or select a field that corresponds to the farm in which the item originated. The field value may default from the assigned contract, but it can be updated.
Changes to Purchase Load Inquiry
A new range option called Site and a new Include option called History has been added to the Purchase Load Inquiry window. (CIN-5503)
Open Purchase Load Order Inquiry
(Inquiry >> CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound >> Purchase Load Inquiry)
Range: Site, will restrict the search by Site ID.
Include: History, defaults marked and will display all historical purchase load details based on the given range.
Changes to Purchase Load Inquiry Zoom
The Purchase Load Inquiry Zoom has been updated with two new fields: farm, and field. (CIN-6810)
Open Purchase Load Inquiry Zoom
Farm displays the farm from which this item originated.
Field displays the field that corresponds to the farm in which the item originated.
Changes to Settlement Inquiry Zoom
A new remittance report (IRGNSettlementRemittance) has been added to the Settlement Inquiry Zoom print options to provide additional details for settlements. Also, the settlement sheet history report (IRGNSettlementSheetHist) has been updated to reflect the check and voucher numbers used for split settlement transactions. (CIN-5328)
Remittance Report
Settlement Sheet History Report
The voucher and check number(s) will only display on the settlement sheet history report for split settlements.
Debit/Credit Memos and Returns will not be displayed.
Currently displays up to four vouchers/checks but can support up to twenty. Twenty IRVoucherNumber & IRCheckNumber Array fields have been added to table IRGNSettlementSplitRpt.
Changes to Spot Contracts
Spot Contracts created by an Inbound Scale Ticket overrun will now assign the Ship From Address ID from the Ticket. If the Ship From Address ID is blank on the Ticket, then it will assign it from Vendor Maintenance. The Remit To Address ID will default from Vendor Maintenance.
Spot Contracts created “On the Fly” will assign both the Ship From & Remit To Address IDs from Vendor Maintenance. (CIN-5262)
Changes to Unit Train In Import Addin
The Unit Train In Import uses a Microsoft Excel file and an OLE DB connection to import transactions. In this release, the OLE DB connection has been updated from version 2010 to 2016. (CIN-5410)
Steps to follow if you are using the outdated version:
Uninstall the previous version of Access Database Engine and CINCH/Intellego Unit Train Import.
Install the latest 2016 Access database engine from below location: the latest CINCH/Intellego Unit Train Import.
Login to GP and import the Unit train excel without any errors.
Changes to Vendor Extensions Maintenance
The Vendor Extensions Maintenance window has been updated with a Split field. (CIN-6648)
Open Vendor Extensions Maintenance
(Cards >> Purchasing >> Vendor >> Additional >> Vendor Extensions)
Split, enter or select a Split ID for the vendor.
The Split ID will default to the following windows but can be changed.
Inbound Scale Ticket Entry
Purchase Load Order Entry, the contract number field will be locked when the Split ID is entered/defaulted (existing functionality).
Purchase Load Generator
If a vendor assigned to the Split ID is on hold, a warning will be displayed asking the user if they would like to continue with the ID.
Chapter 3: CINCH Sales Miscellaneous
This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Sales.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Customer Extension Maintenance
Changes to Customer Extensions Maintenance
A new setup option called Print/Email Shipments BOL(s) with Invoice has been added to the Customer Extensions Maintenance window. (CIN-7238)
Open Customer Extensions Maintenance
(Cards >> Sales >> Customer >> Enter Customer >> Additional >> RM Customer Extension)
Print/Email BOL(s) with Invoice checkbox is existing functionality but will work in conjunction with the Print/Email Shipments BOL with Invoice checkbox. Only one checkbox can be checked at any given time. A tool tip has been added to indicate the form that will be printed (IRCSBOLBlankSales).
Print/Email Shipments BOL(s) with Invoice. Checkbox works in conjunction with the Print/Email BOL with Invoice checkbox. Only one checkbox can be checked at any given time.
Unchecked, any time an invoice is printed or emailed only an invoice will be printed/emailed.
Checked, any time an invoice is printed or emailed, the system will print a BOL for each shipment attached to the invoice if the shipped item is an inventoried item. Service items will not print a BOL. A tool tip has been added to indicate the form that will be printed (IRCSBOLBlank).
Changes to General Setup
General Setup’s Sales Contract User Defined window has been updated with sales weights/grades to govern defaults, which will default into Sales Contract Entry. (CIN-6236)
Open General Setup’s User Defined window
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> General Setup >> Additional >> User Defined Prompts)
Sales Wt Default:
Select from the drop-down list one of the manually entered Weights To Govern IDs for Sales. If no Weights to Govern ID’s have been manually setup, Origination and Destination are available for selection.
Drilling into the Sales Wt Default field will open the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window once a selection has been made.
The selected value will default to the Weight field within the Sales Contract Entry window.
Sales Grade Default:
Select from the drop-down list one of the manually entered Grades To Govern IDs for Sales. If no Grades to Govern ID’s have been manually setup, Origination and Destination are available for selection.
Drilling into the Sales Grade Default field will open the Grades to Govern Maintenance – Sales window once a selection has been made.
The selected value will default into the Grades field within the Sales Contract Entry window.
Changes to Sales Setup
The No Edit Print Doc checkbox has now been added to the Order Entry section of the Sales Setup window. (CIN-5831)
Open Sales Setup
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Sales >> Sales Setup)
No Edit Printed Doc (Order Entry Section).
Unchecked – Existing functionality, User can edit a Printed Sales Order.
Checked – Orders will not be editable after printing either the Packing Slip (SOP Blank Packing Slip Form), Picking Ticket (SOP Blank Picking Ticket Form) or Receipt (IRSOPBlankOrderForm).
Chapter 4: CINCH Savings and Loan
This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Savings and Loan.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Accounts List by Vendor Report
Changes to Accounts List by Vendor Report
The Accounts List by Vendor Report has been updated to include totals by Vendor for both the Current Bal and Accrued Interest columns. Plus, a Maturity Date Report Writer function has been created that can be used for savings or loans. (CIN-6554)
Print the Accounts List by Vendor Report
(Reports >> Savings >> Savings Report >> Accounts List by Vendor >> Print)
Added totals by Vendor for both the Current Bal and Accrued Interest columns.
Added a Maturity Date Report Writer Function (rw_AccountMaturityDt). The Maturity Date is the Maturity Date assigned to the account within Savings Account Maintenance or Loan Account Maintenance. The parameters for the function are:
Result Type: Date
Expression Type: Calculated
Functions: Is User-Defined and Function equals rw_AccountMaturityDt.
Fields: Resources equals IRSPAccountsListTEMP and Field equals Account Number.
Constants: Type equals Integer and Constant equals one (1), which is Savings.
Changes to Savings Statements
Add Maturity Date and total to CINCH Savings Statement. (CIN-6554)
Open Savings Statements
(Reports >> Savings >> Savings Statements)
Added Maturity Date to the report. The Maturity Date is the Maturity Date assigned to the account within Savings Account Maintenance.
Chapter 5: NEW CSS Contract Number
This chapter describes enhancements made to Credit Sales Separation (CSS). Users can now assign an additional contract number for Credit Sales Separation (CSS) Contract types (Basis, Priced Later, Minimum Price, and Other). (CIN-7033)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
Changes to Purchase Contract Amendment Entry
Changes to Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom
Changes to Purchase Contract Version Inquiry
Changes to Purchase Contract Entry
The CSS Contract Number field and expansion button has been added to Purchase Contract Entry’s Additional Information window.
Open Purchase Contract Entry
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Purchase Contracts >> Purchase Contract Entry >> Additional Information)
CSS Contract Number
Credit Sales Separation must be turned on to use this field and then only CSS Contract Types (Basis, Priced Later, Minimum Price, and Other) will have access.
Field is disabled by default and displays the number set in the CSS Number Details window.
The expansion button opens the CSS Number Details window allowing the user to set up a CSS Contract Number.
CSS Contract Number Segment will default but may be changed if necessary. This number will increase by one each time the same CSS Contract Prefix is used.
CSS Contract Number is display only and will be the CSS Contract Prefix + the CSS Contract Numeric Segment.
Note: The CSS number is stored in the IRGNCSSCtrKeyMSTR table. The table will only store the numbers which are used. If the user deletes the contract or changes the CSS Contract Number, then the previously used CSS Contract Number will be removed from the table.
Changes to Purchase Contract Amendment Entry
The CSS Contract number can also be entered using Purchase Contract Amendment Entry’s Additional Information window and the change will be tracked.
Changes to Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom
The CSS Contract Number assigned to the CSS Contract Types will be displayed within the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom’s Additional Information window.
Changes to Purchase Contract Version Inquiry
The CSS Contract Number assigned to the CSS Contract Types will be displayed within the Purchase Contract Version Inquiry’s Additional Information window.
Chapter 6: NEW Bulk Transfer Void/Reverse
This chapter describes enhancements made to the bulk transfer process. Users can now void a partially posted or reverse a fully posted bulk transfer. (CIN-2069)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Bulk Transfer Entry
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom
Changes to Bulk Transfer Entry
Bulk Transfer Entry can either void/reverse a partially posted bulk transfer or reverse a fully posted bulk transfer.
Open Bulk Transfer Entry
(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Entry)
Delete/Void button appears depending on the posting status of the transaction.
Reverse Posted Transaction Icon
will open the Bulk Transfer Lookup window with the Display From locked to Posted. Transactions that have been fully posted will be listed and available for selection. Selecting a posted transaction will return the user to the Bulk Transfer Entry window with the transaction reversed and as a new bulk transfer.
Destination Branch/Site will become the Current Branch and Origination Site.
Original Destination weights will become the origination weights.
Original Origination weights will become the destination weights.
Original Transfer Number will be recorded in the Reversal of field.
Reversal of field will display the original bulk transfer number.
Transfer Number visual switch/status string indicates if the transfer is “Unshipped,” “In Transit” or “Shipped” and appears between the Reverse Posted Transaction Icon and the Discounts button when a saved transaction is selected.
Unshipped, saved/unposted transfer.
In Transit, transfer has been moved out of the Origination Site and into the In Transit Site.
Shipped, transfer has been moved out of the In Transit Site and into the Destination Site.
Orig Transfer Out #, indicates GP’s Item Transfer Number. It represents the transfer from the Origination Site to the In Transit Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual transfer.
IT Adj Out #, indicates GP’s Item Adjustment Number. It represents the adjustment out of the In Transit Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual adjustment.
Dest Adj In #, indicates GP’s Item Adjustment Number. It represents the adjustment into the Destination Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual adjustment.
Reversal of, indicates the original Transfer Number that is being reversed.
Clear button clears the window without saving changes.
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry
Bulk Transfer Inquiry has been enhanced to display transfers that are Unshipped, In Transit, Shipped, Voided or All.
Open Bulk Transfer Inquiry
(Inquiry>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Inquiry)
Scrolling window has had the following fields added.
Reversal of, indicates the original Transfer Number if the transfer was reversed.
Orig Gross Qty displays the origination weight’s Gross Quantity.
Orig Adjust Qty displays the origination weight’s Adjusted Quantity.
Orig Net Qty displays the origination weight’s Net Quantity.
Dest Adjust Qty displays the destination weight’s Adjusted Quantity.
Dest Net Qty displays the destination weight’s Net Quantity.
The Export to Excel report has also been updated with the above fields.
Changes to Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom
Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom has been enhanced to reflect the new void/reversal process.
Open Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom
(Inquiry>>CINCH Grain>>Bulk Transfer Inquiry, expansion button next to the number field in the scrolling window)
Reversal of, indicates the original Transfer Number that is being reversed.
Void Reason indicates the reason code for the void.
Void User indicates the username that voided the transfer.
Void Date indicates the date the transfer was voided.
Void Time indicates the time the transfer was voided.
Orig Transfer Out #, indicates GP’s Item Transfer Number. It represents the transfer from the Origination Site to the In Transit Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual transfer.
IT Adj Out #, indicates GP’s Item Adjustment Number. It represents the adjustment out of the In Transit Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual adjustment.
Dest Adj In #, indicates GP’s Item Adjustment Number. It represents the adjustment into the Destination Site. The drill down on the field will open the Inventory Transaction Inquiry window displaying the actual adjustment.
Chapter 7: NEW Document Utility – Reverse Posted Shipment
This chapter describes enhancements made to Document Utility. Posted sales shipments can now be reversed. (CIN-2956)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Load Shipment Inquiry
Changes to Document Utility
The Document Utility window has been enhanced to allow the reversal of a posted shipment.
Open Document Utility window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Document Utility)
Select the Doc Type of Shipment
Select the Action of Reverse
Select a Document Number.
A shipment associated with a contract cannot be reversed or deleted. A message “A Contract has been assigned to this Shipment. It must be removed before this Shipment can be deleted/reversed.” will be displayed.
Enter a Batch ID. The ID is required for reversal, the reversed shipment will be assigned to it.
Changes to Load Shipment Inquiry
The Load Shipment Inquiry window will display the shipment’s status in work rather than in open.
Open Document Utility window (Inquiry >> CINCH Grain >> Sales/Outbound >> Load Shipment Inquiry)
Status will be changed from Open to Work.
Chapter 8: NEW Document Utility – Void Prepay Cash Receipts
This chapter describes enhancements made to Document Utility. Posted Prepay Cash Receipts can now be voided. (CIN-6926)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry
Changes to Prepay History Reports
Changes to Document Number Inquiry
Changes to Document Utility
The Document Utility window has been enhanced to allow posted prepay cash receipts to be voided.
Open Document Utility
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>CINCH Grain>>Document Utility)
Doc Type, Prepay Cash Receipt
Action, Void
Document Number, enter or select the posted prepay cash receipt number.
Document number lookup will open Prepay Posted Receipt lookup window.
If the number is in use by another user or has been applied to a transaction, the number cannot be selected.
Changes to Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry
Voided Prepay Cash Receipt will not be displayed in the Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry window as the Voided record moves to History and the Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry window displays only open transaction.
Changes to Prepay History Reports
Voided Prepay Cash Receipts will be displayed within the Prepay History by Customer Detail and Summary reports.
Changes to Document Number Inquiry
Voided Prepay Cash Receipts will be displayed for prepayments when the Voided checkbox is marked.
Chapter 9: NEW Future Exchange Fee
This chapter describes enhancements made to trades. Users now have the option to set up and calculate exchange fees. (CIN-2029)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Hedge Account Maintenance
Changes to Trade Options Exercise
Changes to Hedge Account Statement
Changes to Broker Maintenance
Open Broker Maintenance
(Cards >> CINCH Grain >> Commodity Trading >> Broker Maintenance)
Exchange Fee
Has been moved from above the Commissions table and is now included within the Commissions table.
Calculation and Charge Method options work in the same way as Commission and Fees.
Changes to Hedge Account Maintenance
Open Hedge Account Maintenance
(Cards >> CINCH Grain >> Commodity Trading >> Hedge Account Maintenance)
Exchange Fees – Account used for Exchange Fees when writing journal entries.
Changes to Trade Entry
Open Trade Entry
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Commodity Trading >> Trade Entry)
Exchange Fees, display only, indicates the exchange fee information setup in Broker Maintenance.
Exchange Fees checkbox
Unmarked – Default setting, Exchange Fees will not be used.
Marked – Exchange Fee will be used instead of Commission and Fees.
Trade Edit List (IRGNTradePositingJournal) has been updated to print the account information for Exchange Fees when a trade includes exchange fees.
Changes to Trade Maintenance
Open Trade Maintenance
(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Commodity Trading >> Trade Maintenance)
Exchange Fees display the value related to the given trade number.
A voided trade with Exchange Fees will create a reversing journal with exchange fees details.
Changes to Trade Matching
Open Trade Matching
(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Entry or Trade Maintenance>>Match Button)
The Exchange Fees distribution details have been added in the Trade Distribution Posting Journal (IRGNTradePSPostingJournal).
Changes to Trade Options Exercise
Open Trade Options Exercise
(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Maintenance>>Exercise button)
An Exchange Fees field has been added to both the header and the footer.
The Trade Posting Journal (IRGNTradePostingJournal) report and GL Journal entry have been updated to include the account information for Exchange Fees when a trade includes exchange fees.
Changes to Trade Roll
Open Trade Roll
(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Commodity Trading>> Trade Roll)
The Exchange Fees distribution details have been added in the Trade Distribution Posting Journal (IRGNTradePSPostingJournal).
Changes to Trade Open Inquiry
Open Trade Open Inquiry
(Inquiry >> CINCH Grain >> Trade Open Inquiry >> Redisplay >> Trade entry/Trade Maintenance)
The Exchange Fees field has been added and will reflect the exchange fee for the trade.
Changes to Hedge Account Statement
Open Hedge Account Statement
(Report >> CINCH Grain >> Trade Report >> Hedge Account Statement)
Displays the Exchange Fees details if used in Trade Entry.
Chapter 10: NEW Install Procedures
This chapter describes enhancements made to the installation process of CINCH. These enhancements have been placed in the Install Guide which now reflects both an Installing CINCH and an Upgrading CINCH section. New installations and upgrades prior to 18.56 will need to follow the Installing CINCH section. (CIN-5336)
This chapter contains the following section:
Changes to SQL Maintenance
Users will no longer be required to run Microsoft Dynamics’ SQL Maintenance when installing or updating CINCH/Intellego. The creation of all CINCH/Intellego tables and auto procedures are taken care of within the Table Utility window.
Changes to Table Utility
This window has been streamlined to aid in speeding up the upgrade process.
Open Table Utility
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Maintenance >> CINCH Maintenance >> Table Utility)
You must be logged in as “sa” or “DYNSA” to open the Table Utility window.
The table update process is a SINGLE USER situation. Do NOT allow one user to update one company while another user attempts to update another company. During the table update process existing data is copied from the company database to a tempdb database. If two users try to update the same tempdb at the same time the update WILL error.
Product has replaced the Product From field and scrolling window and will default with CINCH or CINCH.
Note: The system looks to the Dynamics.set file for which product to display. CinchAg indicates CINCH and IRDCustom indicates CINCH.
File Series functionality has not changed but it has moved and will continue to default to Project.
Upgrade From
Starting with release 18.57, the system will record the installed version within the IRGNMainSETP table in the IRVersion field.
Upon upgrade, the un-chunking process will move the installed version within the IRGNMainSETP table’s IRVersion field to the IRVersionPrev field. It is the IRVersionPrev value that will default into the Upgrade From field.
WARNING – Manually deleting, renaming, or restoring the CINCH/Intellego dictionary will not update the IRGNMainSETP file.
Drop-down will display versions starting with 18.56. The version is based on the initial release of the version which is released each December.
The expansion arrow, when pressed, will select all the tables changed or created between the Update From version and the version being installed. These tables will then be displayed in the Select Tables window.
Note: The tables to be updated are currently hard coded within the software and include both the System and Project File Series tables.
Available Tables defaults all the tables for the Product and File Series selected.
Product CINCH/Intellego and Files Series Project defaults all CINCH/Intellego tables within the Company database.
Product CINCH/Intellego and Files Series System default all CINCH/Intellego tables within the Dynamics database.
Selected Tables displays tables either selected individually and/or selected by the Upgrade From expansion button.
WARNING: The system will not stop or warn a user from adding an additional table or removing a selected upgrade table.
If upgrading only one version, follow the backfill instructions indicated within the installation guide.
If upgrading multiple versions, run the backfill scripts manually for each version.
Optional Buttons:
Note: Indexes are automatically updated upon closing the Table Utility window if the compare button has been clicked before closing the window.
Changes to SQL Scripts
The five SQL company scripts along with the SQL IRGrant script and the SQL command exec IRCSBindDefAll have been combined into one script called SQLCompanyCINCHCINCHR1857.sql.
WARNING: The SQL command “exec IRCSBindDefAll” could take up to 15 minutes to complete and is the same process that runs when using the Bind Defaults window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Maintenance >> CINCH Maintenance >> Bind Defaults.)
Chapter 11: NEW Mass Updates
This chapter describes two mass update enhancements made to sales load orders and shipments. (CIN-5355 & CIN-5982)
This chapter contains the following section:
Mass Load Order Update
The Mass Load Order Update window has been added to allow the ability to mass update sales load orders.
Open Mass Load Order Update
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Mass Load Order Update)
Customer, required, select or lookup a customer. All load orders for the customer will be displayed if no other restrictions are selected.
Item, selecting an item will further restrict the loads for the customer selected.
Contract, selecting a contract will further restrict the loads for the customer selected. If a contract has Multiple Delivery Periods, then a valid delivery period is needed and can be selected from the Sales Contract Details Lookup window that will automatically open.
Unmarked – Display all loads with or without contracts assigned.
Marked – Contract field will be disabled and cleared, and the display will refresh with only the loads without contracts assigned.
Update indicates the information that can be updated on a load.
Customer PO #
Vehicle ID
Bill To
Locked by default and editable when a contract is selected, or the Loads with No Contract checkbox is marked.
If a contract is selected, the system will validate the entered Ship To Address ID with the contract’s sub-item Ship To Address IDs and warn/stop the user if the selected Ship To Address ID does not exist on the contract.
Ship Company
Scrolling window includes:
Load Number: User can sort the loads and view the loads details using the expansion button.
Sch Date (Schedule Date): User can sort the loads based on Date.
Customer: User can view the customer details using the expansion button.
Ship To: User can view the address details using the expansion button.
Item: User can sort the loads based on Item and view the Item details using the expansion button.
Contract: User can sort the loads based on contract and view the contract details for the selected loads using the expansion button.
Select All checkbox allows the user to select all the loads displayed.
Number of Tickets displays the total number of loads displayed for the given restrictions.
Process updates the selected loads with the information entered.
Note: If a freight total, on the load(s), exists and is greater than zero, freight will not be updated/recalculated. If freight total, on the load(s), exist but equals zero, freight will be updated/calculated.
The system will provide a message indicating that the process was completed successfully.
Redisplay, when selected will update the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
Clear, will clear the window.
OK, closes the window without saving any changes.
Mass Shipment Update
Mass Shipment Update window has been added to assign multiple shipments to a single contract with or without overwriting freight. The same process of updating a shipment’s contract in Bulk Shipment Invoicing and Grain Shipment Invoicing is used.
Open Mass Shipment Update
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain >> Mass Shipment Update)
Action, defaults to Apply Contract.
Customer, required, enter or lookup a customer.
Item, required, select or lookup an item.
Range allows the user to filter the shipments in the scrolling window by Shipment, Ship Date, Ticket Load Number, Unit Train Number, Unit Car Number, PO Number and Contract.
Include Shipments with Contracts checkbox.
Unmarked, default, the scrolling window will only display shipments without a contract.
Marked, the scrolling window will display shipments with and without contracts.
Apply To:
Contract Number, required to process the update, enter or lookup a contract. Based on the Customer and Item entered, related contract number details will be displayed in Sales Contract Delivery Lookup.
Shipments will be applied to the Sales Contract based on the contract item’s UOM. If the selected sub item has a different weight UOM than the Sales Contract item, the Shipment Qty will be converted to the Sales Contract item’s UOM prior to applying it to the contract.
If the Shipment Item is a Sales Contract Sub Item the U of M, Price U of M, Gross Price and Ship To will be based on the selected sub item.
If the Sales Contract Sub Item has a different Price U of M, Markdown, Commission Total, and Freight Total. Then the Invoice Freight will be calculated based on the Sub Item Price U of M.
When a Contract is assigned, the system will validate the Customer Number on the Shipment is a Partner on the Contract when the contract is assigned. If Customer is a Related Partner, the Bill To and Ship To address codes will not be updated from the Sales Contract.
Delivery Period is based on the selected contract number delivery period but can be changed.
Unmarked, default, selected shipments will not be assigned to a spot contract.
Marked, disables the Contract Number field and selected shipments will be assigned to a spot contract. The Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window will open once the Process button is selected allowing the user to enter spot information.
Overwrite Freight
Unmarked, default, shipment freight details will be retained.
Marked, shipment freight details will be re-written using the assigned contract’s ship company.
Scrolling Window includes:
Select All checkbox allows the user to select all the shipments displayed or shipments can be selected individually.
Status displays only open shipment record will be displayed.
Shipment displays the available shipment numbers. Use the expansion button to view shipment details for a selected shipment.
Load displays the load number assigned to the shipment. Use the expansion button to view the load details for a selected shipment.
Customer displays the customer ID attached to the shipment.
Item displays the item ID attached to the shipment.
Contract displays the contract number attached to the shipment.
Ticket Number displays the shipment’s ticket number.
Ship Qty displays the gross quantity shipped.
Number of records displays the number of records displayed, not selected, in the scrolling window.
Process updates the selected shipment(s) with the Apply To information or it creates and attaches a spot contract if the Spot checkbox is selected.
Once complete the system will provide a message indicating that the process was completed successfully.
Contracts will automatically overrun when the total ship quantity is more than the remaining quantity on the contract.
A shipment’s discount schedules will not be automatically updated to the assigned contract’s discount schedule. A warning will display indicating that the user must manually update the shipment(s).
Clear will clear the window without processing selected shipments.
Redisplay will update the scrolling window with shipments based on the selected restrictions.
Chapter 12: NEW Purchase Load Orders – Update GP’s On Order Totals
This chapter describes enhancements made to Dynamics GP windows to include Purchase Load Orders within the On Order field totals. (CIN-5503)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to General Setup
The General Setup window has been enhanced to allow purchase loads orders to be added/subtracted to/from GP’s On Order field totals.
General Setup
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> General Setup)
Add Open Purchase Loads to On Order Qty
Note: The combination of CINCH’s and GP’s On Order total will not be saved in a table. It is a visual calculation done only within the windows listed above.
Changes to GP Windows
The On Order field totals within the Item Inquiry, Item Quantities Maintenance, Item Stock Inquiry, and Item Vendors Maintenance windows will include CINCH Purchase Load Order information if the Add Purchase Load to On Order Qty checkbox is checked in General Setup.
Purchase Load Orders will be added or subtracted to the On Order field based on the following:
On Order will be increased when a Purchase Load Order is saved.
On Order will be decreased when a Purchase Load Order is deleted/voided.
On Order will be decreased when an Inbound Scale Ticket is assigned to a Purchase Load Order and the ticket is posted.
Drilling down on the On Order field within the Item Inquiry or Item Quantities Maintenance windows will open two inquiry windows.
Chapter 13: NEW Sales Shipment Invoicing SmartList
This chapter describes a SmartList which has been built and is available to our customers to use that will show Sales Shipment Invoicing History by Shipment Number. (CIN-6811)
Users will import one of the above files within SmartList based on the SmartList install (B = Builder and D = Designer). Please contact support to obtain a copy of this SmartList.
Note: This file has been setup for CINCH, if CINCH users would like to use this file, open the file in Note Pad and replace “4087” with “3369”.CH
Chapter 14: NEW Safe Pay – On/Off Switches
This chapter describes enhancements made to Safe Pay. An on/off switches has been added to control lienholder information from being sent within Safe Pay files. (CIN-7059)
This chapter contains the following sections:
NEW Checkbook Extensions Maintenance
Changes to General Setup
A master on/off switch has been added to General Setup.
Open General Setup
(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> General Setup)
Defaults Section
Enable Safe Pay Integration
Marked – Allows checkbooks to incorporate lienholder information. This is a master switch. Checkbooks, via Checkbook Extensions Maintenance, will need Enable Safe Pay Integration turned on to indicate whether the lienholders details will be added.
Unmarked – Lienholder details will not be displayed in Safe Pay files even if checkbooks have Enable Safe Pay Integration turned on.
NEW Checkbook Extensions Maintenance
A new window was created to activate lienholder integration with Safe Pay per checkbook.
Open Checkbook Extensions Maintenance
Checkbook ID displays the Checkbook ID selected in the Checkbook Maintenance window. The field is disabled, and lookup will open the existing Checkbooks window allow users to select another Checkbook ID.
Description displays the description assigned to the Checkbook ID.
Warning: Safe Pay Integration on General Setup is not enabled.
Chapter 15: NEW Split Code Validations
This chapter describes enhancements made to Split IDs. Validations for deleting, holding, and inactivating have been put in place within the Customer/Vendor Maintenance and split transaction windows to alert users that the Customer/Vendor is a part of a Split ID. (CIN-7113)
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Customer/Vendor Maintenance
The Customer/Vendor Maintenance windows have been updated to validate if Split IDs exist when attempting to perform the following functions:
Place a customer/vendor on hold. User is warned that the customer/vendor is part of a Split ID(s) that can still be used to split transactions.
Inactivate a customer/vendor. User is stopped from inactivating the customer/vendor until the customer/vendor is removed from the Split ID.
Delete a customer/vendor. User is stopped from deleting the customer/vendor until the customer/vendor is removed from the Split ID.
Changes to Split Transactions
Selecting a valid Split ID within a transaction window will warn the user that Customer/Vendor ID(s), attached to this Split ID are on hold. The user will have the following options:
Yes, allow the transaction to use the Split ID.
No, returns the user to the Split ID field and if the ID is not removed, the validation will be done again.
Transactions windows that have been impacted by this change:
Inbound Scale Ticket Entry
Settlement Entry
Purchase Load Entry
Purchase Load Generator
Booking Entry
Counter Sales Entry
Sales Order Entry
Sales Return Entry
Tank Maintenance
Appendix A
This section lists the new windows, reports and tables added to this release. Based on the Microsoft Dynamics GP security model, access will need to be determined per security task.
NEW Windows
Form Name |
IRGNLoadMassUpdate |
IRCSCheckCOMPMaintenance |
IRCSCheckCOMPObject |
IRCSCheckCOMPObject |
NEW Reports
Report Name |
IRGNSettlementRemittance |
NEW Tables
Table Name |
IRGNLoadShipmentTEMP |
IRGNSettlementRemitV |
Changes that may affect Reports or Data
Reports |
NA |
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