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Use this job aid to enter manual vouchers or credit memos into the Accounts Payable system. Vouchers are invoice transactions from vendors. Since several vendors may issue the same voucher number, Agris assigns a voucher number to identify a specific vendor's transaction. Each manual voucher transaction affects the general ledger account assigned to the Accounts Payable transaction.

To enter manual vouchers or credit memos:

  1. From the Toolbar, click Accounts Payable.
  2. From the Accounts Payable menu, select Vouchers/Credit Memos, and then select Voucher Maintenance. 
  3. Select Add a Manual Voucher.  
  4. The Location Code identifies the document location where the voucher is maintained. To enter the transaction into a different location, type in the location code or click Lookup or type * and press Enter to search for the location.
  5. In the Remit To Name Id box, type in the name Id or click Lookup or type * and press Enter to search for the name Id.
  6. In the Ledger Date box, the current processing date displays. You can edit the date.
  7. Click OK.  
  8. The Voucher Number is a document number that identifies a specific voucher record as a unique transaction. The voucher number should not be confused with vendor's invoice number, since several vendors may issue the same invoice number. box, press Delete to use the next control number. 
  9. Click OK.
  10. In the Actual/Estimate, the status should be set to actual if the vendor invoice is in-hand, or to estimate if awaiting the vendor's final invoice. Cash flow may be projected by creating estimated vouchers before a vendor's invoice is received. The status can be changed from E to A in Viewing or Editing Manual Vouchers or Credit Memos. box, type A for actual or E for estimate.
  11. Edit the Voucher Date. 
  12. Name Id Type defaults from the name id setup in Name and Address. This information can be used in range selections on A/P Voucher Reports and in SJI to direct certain transactions to specific general ledger accounts., Voucher Type defaults from the voucher type specified in Accounts Payable Setup Information. The voucher type can be specified as a sort level and/or used in range selections on A/P Disbursement Reports or in SJI to direct certain transactions to specific general ledger accounts., and Voucher Terms is used in calculating the due date and possible discount date and discount amount. The voucher terms default from the voucher terms setup in Name and Address. If voucher terms are not setup in Name and Address the voucher terms will display the default in Accounts Payable Setup Information. if necessary.
  13. In the Due Date defaults the calculated due date, based on the selected voucher terms. The due date is the last date on which payment may be received without incurring late charges; this date is often interpreted as the last date on which payment may be mailed to the vendor without incurring a late charge. The due date can be specified as a sort level and/or a range selection in A/P Voucher Reports. The due date is used to determine cash requirements and to select vouchers for payment. box, verify that the calculated due date is accurate. If it is not accurate, type the correct due date.
  14. In the Voucher Amount box, type the total dollar amount (excluding discounts) of the voucher. If you are entering a credit memo, precede the amount with a minus sign (-) to debit the accounts payable general ledger account.
  15. In the Discount Amt box, type the amount to deduct or in the Or Discount Pct box, type the percentage of the available discount, or in the Or Net Amount box, type the voucher amount minus the available discount.
  16. In the If Paid By box, type the qualifying discount date to qualify for the available discount, the voucher muse be paid on or before the discount date. The available discount is automatically deducted form the total dollar amount. A discount "lost" may be "taken" in Disbursements. The general ledger account assigned to the discount transaction code (DT) in SJI is credited..
  17. In the Their Invoice Number if specified in Setup Information, the value typed in this box must be unique for the name id. If activated, a message is displayed whenever the invoice number typed in this field matches the invoice number on an existing voucher for the selected name id. This feature is intended to prevent creation of duplicate vouchers for the same invoice from the same vendor. box, type the vendor's invoice number.
  18. In the Description can be set to be required or optional in Setup Information. The contents of the Description box will print on the standard A/P check stub if the Vendor Invoice box is blank. The description is available to print on A/P Voucher Reports. box, type a description for the voucher or credit memo.
  19. In the Voucher Remark the voucher remark can print on voucher reports and viewed in the Account Balance Inquiry window. box, type an additional comment for the voucher or credit memo.
  20. Click Next. 
  21. Click OK.
  22. In the boxes: State/County, Salesperson, Zip Code, Frght Mrkt Zone, Origin Location, Delivered (All of these fields are user defined and may be different on your system) - can be set to required or optional, use * to select options.  
  23. In the Ship From Name Id, Shipper Name Id, Agent/Broker Id, type a name id for an individual or company associated to the voucher or click Lookup or type in an * to search for the name id. The name id must exist in Name and Address.
  24. Press Enter. 
  25. In the box for the ledger code use the magnifying glass to search for the GL number or type a number. 
  26. In the Amount box, type the amount that will be distributed to the general ledger account 
  27. Repeat steps 25-26 until the total amount of the invoice is distributed.
  28. Click OK.

Learn more about Vouchers and Credit Memos feature:

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