Want to see What's New in the Greenstone Audit? Here is the place.
What Else is New in AGRIS 17.4.0
Looking for more info? Details may be found in the AGRIS User Guide under Greenstone Audit.
Greenstone Audit is in a closed pilot. Please contact Mike Terning (mike.terning@culturatech.com) for further information.
Greenstone Audit - What's New in AGRIS 17.3.0
AUD-27: Audit Integrate SQL audit capability into AGRIS NAM, ACP, ACR, GRN Contracts with output
AGRIS 17.3.0 includes the pilot for the MSSQL Audit project. The Audit provides the following benefits to AGRIS users on MSSQL by leveraging the Change Data Capture functionality in Microsoft SQL Server and the Greenstone Quantum platform.
- Improve flexibility to comply with corporate auditing and security policies.
- Provide the ability to perform forensic analysis on who modified certain data and when.
The user may:
1. Configure to enable tracking of any relational table / column for recording changes.
2. Inquire on tracked tables / columns.
3. Export inquiry results to Excel.
Details may be found in the AGRIS User Guide under Greenstone Audit.